The Death Knell

Chapter 3929 Flight on Land

Looking down, you can see a large number of footprints, which shows that the New Gods are still ahead of everyone. This series of footprints spreads into the distance, and they seem to be heading into the depths of the knife-edge mountains.


Luther asked with his eyes if he wanted to follow these footprints.

"No, the direction they chose at the beginning was wrong. Let's go in the opposite direction." After Deathstroke said it, he motioned to Ciri to lead the way, because at this time the sword of power had already glowed, pointing out the direction everyone should go: "Because of this The dimension is a sphere, and if they go that way, they will eventually reach their destination, but they will take a long detour."

The bald man still lacks some information and probably doesn't have the concept of 'world protagonist' in his mind, so he doesn't understand what Ciri can do.

Holding the Sword of Power and successfully summoning the power of Huike, she is the person chosen by Zora, and she is covered by the will of the world, which is a humanoid plug-in, a master key, and a compass.

Su Ming made a special trip to Isiliya to bring her out and help her with family affairs. This was not to do good deeds or to get close to her childhood idol, but to use her in the future.

She is a road-crazy and a bit naive, but that doesn't matter. She has the power of Hui Ke.

"It seems to be guiding me there." Ciri closed her eyes and felt the telepathy coming from the sword for a while, then pointed in the direction: "It is indeed the opposite direction to the intruder's movement."

"Let's go, no need to say more, Huike's power won't trick you." Deathstroke said simply, hugging Damian and boarding the steel-framed speedster that had just completed its transformation, and also greeted everyone to come up. There was no need to rely on legs to circle the dimension.

The people of the Legion of Destruction didn't have any objections. After all, they didn't know the road in the first place. Everyone walked the way Deathstroke said.

So, a group of people started their second luxury car trip in this gray wasteland.

However, this trip was not so peaceful. Not far after flying, an alarm suddenly sounded in the car, followed by a sudden shaking.

"what happens?"

Su Ming didn't spill the drink in his hand, but he still asked Cyborg angrily.

"There was a monster attack, and they blocked the sky." A shirtless image of Steel appeared on the in-car TV, reporting the reason to everyone in the car, and began to play the scene captured by the 360-degree in-vehicle probe.

It turned out that many elemental creatures that looked like gargoyles appeared on the route that everyone was on. They were very large in number and very fast. They came overwhelmingly, as if dark clouds suddenly enveloped everyone.

They will fall to the ground and grab the boulder, then rise into the air again, spin their bodies and throw the boulder out to attack the speeding car.

Some monsters did not throw stones, but flew towards them with giant stalagmites in their claws, seemingly intending to pry open the tin cans to see if there was anything to eat inside.

Faced with the stones thrown by tens of thousands of monsters at the same time, Cyborg tried his best to dodge, but on the first day of his life as a speedster, he was not very skilled in controlling it, so he still got hit.

The car is very sturdy and well designed, but it will inevitably shake when hit by a boulder of more than ten tons at supersonic speed.

"I'll deal with them."

Sinestro stood up, opened the door of the carriage directly in the air, and the yellow light ring suddenly lit up.

As the fear spread, his mouth also became unusually wide and wide, with the corners of his mouth grinning to the base of his ears, and when he opened his mouth, his mouth was full of fangs.

His pupils turned into yellow vertical pupils, and he jumped out of the car door, flying with an ear-piercing scream that made people's hair stand on end.

A strange creature made of yellow light appeared behind him, a huge multi-segmented insect-like shape. It was the Parallax Monster, the embodiment of DC's fear emotion.

After the Lantern War that year, after the Yellow Lantern furnace in Corvad exploded, the Parallax monster has been inhabiting Sinestro's body, providing him with a steady stream of fear and nearly unlimited energy.

Parallax Hal is very strong. Su Ming knows that the "Zero Hour" event almost destroyed the multiverse.

But Parallax Sinestro is not bad either, more than enough to deal with tens of thousands of elemental monsters.

Although there is a suspicion of "Kobe and I scored 80 points together", who is calling the Parallax monster to recognize Uncle Seth now? He can be possessed by this ghost thing for a long time without going crazy, and he can control the Parallax monster. ability.

"Okay, I believe in Uncle Sai's ability. Just keep going according to the path pointed by Princess Shirley, and just fly slowly." Deathstroke took another sip of wine, prepared to continue the previous chat, and told Cyborg: " There is no need to watch the battle process, it is nothing more than the process of 'mining' the yellow light ring."

Elemental monsters that look like stone statues, I don’t know how they can still fly when they are so heavy, but that doesn’t matter.

When Su Ming saw the parallax monster that looked like a deformed golden shrimp through the car window and smashed hundreds of monsters on the route with one claw, Su Ming knew that there was no need to look at the details of the battle.

These elemental creatures are the natives here, living in dead concepts that are too outdated.

For those who use cold weapons, the stone monster is quite hard, but in front of an advanced energy user, it is no more than a little snow on the beach.

The vehicle started up again and slowly followed the Parallax monster. However, when Cyborg saw the Parallax monster, he always felt the fear in his heart rising uncontrollably, so the car's flight was a bit shaky, not that smooth.

But the result was good, as Deathstroke said, these monsters blocking the road were no match for the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps. After being crushed by almost half, the remaining monsters fled away wailing.

They screamed strangely, as if they wished their parents would give them an extra pair of wings, and disappeared into the darkness in the distance at a very high speed.

Oh, they are elemental creatures, technically they don’t have parents, so that’s okay.

The yellow lantern demon returned to the carriage with a murderous aura, and the red-faced man returned to his original elegant and arrogant appearance, as if the Parallax Monster had never appeared before.

"Come on, come on, Old Sai, let's toast you." Deathstroke used the Force to control the wine glass to fly towards the lantern demon. He smiled and asked everyone to take credit from Uncle Sai: "Well done, for your aerial combat skills and your ability to deal with yellow lights. Use it, it’s enough to be Hal’s instructor forever.”

"Hahahaha, well said, Slade, you are really discerning, I admire you, come on, I respect you."

After listening to Deathstroke's praise, Sinestro raised his glass with a hearty laugh and responded politely until the glass was dry.

He usually doesn't like to laugh and often presents a serious image, but in fact, as long as he is praised as being better than Hal, he will always be very happy.

The wine bottle was once again lifted up by the force, and another glass was poured for the hero. While Deathstroke and Lao Sai were exchanging commercial blows, he did not forget to urge the expressionless Cyborg:

"Victor, what are you doing standing there, can't you understand the atmosphere? Quickly search the music library of the car computer and play "Good Days" for us to make everyone happy."

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