The Death Knell

Chapter 3930 The old broken ship

The elemental monsters in this dimension have intelligence, which is good news. At least they are smart enough to feel fear and flee from the yellow light.

This saves a lot of trouble. After all, although it is easy to fight miscellaneous soldiers, it will be tiring if you fight too many.

Especially monsters like stone men, which have almost no valuable parts, and fighting them is a pure loss-making business.

As the song "Good Days" played, everyone was very excited. Although only a few people can understand the Chinese lyrics, cheerful and festive tunes are common to human beings. Being able to feel emotions through music is also one of the common characteristics of human beings. one.

After a few rounds of pushing cups and changing cups, when Leopard Girl grabbed her tail and started to dance, Ciri said that everyone had arrived at their destination.

There are no monsters blocking the way, so the speed car is quite useful.

The Granny Yang-shaped vehicle landed slowly, and the vector nozzle under the chassis raised a ring of dust, like a burst of gray mist.

Everyone got out of the car and looked at what Deathstroke was looking for in front of them. At this time, the faint light emerging from the sword of power pointed at them like an arrow, and gave a flashing reminder.

However, people who don’t know the truth have different expressions.

"What kind of junk is this?" Luther, as a scientist, was the first to speak. He shook his head disdainfully: "A cemetery where abandoned airships are abandoned? It's worthless."

Just as he said, the place where Huike's power led everyone to was a small valley. There were many shipwrecks here, but if you look carefully, you will find that these broken ships are still tied with steel cables, connected to the On their respective shriveled giant air bags.

"This is a veritable 'ship'. The principle is to tie the ship under a balloon. It is simple but practical." Su Ming glanced at the wreckage, selected a relatively complete one, and walked away: "Until today , Etania and Ethilia still have this kind of airship operating, except that the speed is slightly slower and the anti-strike ability is almost zero, there is no big problem."

"Well, our rebel army also has an airship like this." Ciri nodded. She also took a fancy to the ship Deathstroke chose and followed him forward: "It's just much newer than this one and very reliable. "

Deathstroke, who was walking at the front, curled his lips and did not expose her.

If the spaceships here have been abandoned for about a thousand years, then Ciri's rebel spaceship has been abandoned for almost nine hundred years, far from being 'much newer'.

However, Hordak has been controlled, and the war in Isilia has ended. If the rebel army's only 'flagship' travels on tourist routes in the future, it should be able to be used for a few days to exert its residual heat.

"Are we going to leave the 'Earth' dimension in this kind of spaceship?" Orm held his harpoon, squatting on the gray ground aside and scratching his head: "Then why not take a steel-framed speed car?"

In his opinion, if you want to fly, you should naturally choose a vehicle with entertainment facilities.

This broken boat looked bare at first glance, with nothing inside. It looked like a toy in a human park.

As an Atlantean, Orm knows boats very well, and he has a say whether it is a vehicle on or off the water.

"Pay attention to the question, my friend." Deathstroke stepped onto the broken ship, patted the side of the ship to make sure it would not break into pieces after taking off, and then asked Strangler to inflate the air bag that collapsed on the ship: "This dimension is called' Earth', this actually explains the answer, your common sense of 'flying away' will not work, you must rely on these things."

The strangulating tentacles flowed to the air bag, and it began to blow air into it, quickly repairing the air leakage, until the balloon quickly grew in size and the ship began to rock gently.

There is already an open space in this ship cemetery, and there are many footprints there, indicating that the New Gods have taken away many flying ships.

It's a bit strange. Logically speaking, the new gods of the DC Universe should not know this much about this place. It seems that they have also found a party to lead the way.

"Those gargoyles we encountered before, they did not raise their altitude during the battle." Sinestro leaned on the side of the ship, slowly wiping his light ring and playing: "They are only two hundred meters above the ground at most, just like Something limited them, so I didn't choose to go beyond that."

Lao Sai has experienced countless battles in the past. His combat intuition is very strong, and his brain is quick enough.

When he discovered that all the gargoyles were flying below an altitude of 200 meters, even if the space was packed, not even one of them could fly higher...

He did not choose to be smart and improve himself to occupy the high point. Instead, he chose to fight the opponent on the same level and follow the unknown rules of the game.

Indeed, he didn't know what would happen if he climbed more than 200 meters, but there must be a reason why the local indigenous people didn't do that.

"Actually, it's not as serious as you think. For example, if you exceed that height, you will die suddenly. It's just because the concept of this dimension is 'earth', so the sky at a higher place is just a 'background map'." Looking at the strangulation in While they were busy there, Su Ming himself chatted with Uncle Sai about the rules here.

He took out an egg from his pocket, weighed it in his hand, showed it to everyone, and then threw it high into the sky.

The egg flew quickly until it reached its ceiling, as if it hit a wall of air, and then cracked open.

People with super vision can see that the sticky egg liquid is still stuck to it, dripping down bit by bit.

"I see, so if I had chosen to go up before, I would have bumped my head at most." Sinestro's red face showed a somewhat speechless look, and he sighed. At the same time, he felt that Zora, who organized all this, seemed not serious.

"So, I have said it a long time ago, if you want to pass through the six paths of reincarnation, you must rely not on force, but on your mind."

Only then did Deathstroke directly answer the Sea Lord's question. He patted the dust on his hands:

"The next reincarnation is 'sky', but that is another dimension. If you just think about going to the sky in the earth dimension and fly directly upward, you will undoubtedly fall into the language trap. This is not how the puzzle can be solved."

"I see." The sea master also got on the boat, looking around and touching his five-dented sword: "Then what should we do?"

"Actually, the answer lies in the riddle. This is the earth dimension. If we want to leave here, we have to pass through the earth." Su Ming waved for everyone to board the ship. Although these airships are all broken, among the rules of this dimension, there are actually only They are the recognized means of transportation.

Cyborg's speeding car was just a loophole, and because Ciri was in the car, the consciousness of the universe gave it some special care.

If you really follow the standard trial process, you will have to walk half a dimension and go through many difficulties and dangers to get here. That is the standard fantasy hero story template.

It's the kind of story where a person takes the best sword in the village and embarks on an unknown adventure alone, encountering various encounters on the way.

However, now there is a group of bad guys who want to attack the Star Seed, and the consciousness of the universe wants Ciri to hurry up and save the situation, so he turns a blind eye and allows everyone to take a shortcut in a speeding car.

But this also comes at a price. The large group of gargoyles is the price of using a vehicle. Because you cannot avoid encountering monsters on the adventure, so the world consciousness probably gives everyone all the monsters that should be encountered along the way... ....

If you often run in groups, you will find that it is a bit like DM giving PCs too many benefits and then looking for compensation in other aspects.


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