The Death Knell

Chapter 3999 Don’t talk about martial ethics

You don’t need to think about it to know that red light is omega rays.

It seems that if anyone among the new gods of Apokolips doesn't know how to use this, they will be left behind.

Yes, this thing is easy to use, the energy level is very high, and it can also track turns. Its power is a fatal threat to carbon-based organisms.

But it also depends on who it’s used on. No matter how powerful the attack is, what’s the use if it can’t hit the target?

The moment the red light appeared, Deathstroke drew out his lightsaber. The golden weapon stretched into the wind and came to Xiao Dai in an instant, flicking the two red lights in the direction they came from.

A violent explosion occurred, and the violent air flow caused people's faces to wrinkle, but Su Ming did not hesitate and just shouted:

"She actually made a sneak attack. She doesn't respect martial ethics. There's nothing more to say. Let's all join in!"


Diana also wanted to reach out to stop it, because Greer was also a half-blood Amazon, and she wanted to resolve this issue between herself and her sisters.

This can be regarded as a family matter. Just follow the rules of Paradise Island and decide the outcome in a duel.

But no one listened to her. The moment Deathstroke gave the order, more than half of the team members took action. The fastest among them was Jesse Quick. She was behind the enemy almost before she finished speaking.

Along the way, she followed Batman's team and suffered a lot.

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After hanging out with Deathstroke before, joining Batman's team again makes people want to commit suicide.

There was no drink or food on the way, and the various plans that were not explained in advance were also frightening. They infiltrated wherever it was dark, and were chased by Darkseid, hiding everywhere like a ground rat.

How is it possible to change the time everyone is at each time? It was all thanks to Dr. Swann and his own chance to escape, and now he was very hungry.

Maybe this can really make people grow up quickly. Jesse himself can feel that in just a few hours of fighting, he has seen a lot of the world and gained a lot of experience.

But the most terrible thing is that the atmosphere of the team is so bad.

Batman doesn't speak, Superman speaks so nicely that it sounds like lying or flattery, the Outlaws are a small circle, and only Dr. Swann can still talk to her.

But how dare Jesse talk to Swann? Although she knew they were not the same person, she and her friends had been tortured by the reverse lightning of the CW universe in the past, and the yellow uniform had become a shadow in their hearts!

Now that Deathstroke has returned, Jesse seems to have been reborn, and he carries out his orders without hesitation.

The outlaw team also took action under the leadership of Er Tong. Jason's emotions were very complicated now, and he was holding back a lot of anger.

Batman blocked the gun for him and suffered heavy injuries. For a moment, he felt that maybe his adoptive father still cared about him, so he immediately wanted to talk to Batman afterwards to ease the relationship between the two parties.

However, the result was exactly the opposite. He leaned forward coquettishly and hesitated for a long time to say a greeting, but Batman just glanced at him and showed no intention of paying attention to him.

This feeling is a bit like someone saving his own figurine doll. Naturally, he never expects to receive a thank you from the toy, which is natural.

This attitude made Jason furious, but Batman was hurt because of him. It was hard to say anything, so he could only endure it.

Now that the enemy Greer has appeared, and Deathstroke has ordered everyone to take action, what else is there to say? When he copies the Blade of the Great Caste, he charges!

As soon as he moved, Bizarro and Artemis, who were good teammates, naturally followed suit. The latter even took the time to give Princess Diana an apologetic look. Although she wanted to give the sisters a fair chance to compete, she herself The man Jason has taken action. In today's society, sisterhood still has to be ranked second to love.

At the same time, the people brought by Deathstroke also launched attacks at the same time, including Bobo who also spat in the distance to dampen the enemy's emotions.

What surprised everyone was Cyborg's performance, because after Deathstroke gave the order, he also started a transformation attack, turning into a large laser flashlight and shining it into Greer's eyes in the smoke.

Greer's body is filled with the blood of Amazons and New Gods, so he dares to come to the door first, so naturally he has something to rely on.

Although it was a little surprising that the omega rays bounced back, she saw more people rushing towards her in the dust. They were overjoyed and were planning to kill them.

But at this moment, she seemed to hear a cat meowing in her mind.

The cry was still a bit lazy, as if she had just woken up, but the next second, she felt that her whole body was weak, and even the Amazon armor on her body could no longer bear the burden.

Then she was pushed from behind. She fell to her knees before she could react, and then a lot of various attacks fell on her.

There was a crackling sound, and she died without even saying a word.

"It seems that she has not become the 'real' Greer." Su Ming picked up Bobo who was hiding behind his calf, and waved his hand to signal Deadpool to put away the heavy machine gun: "Darkseid has mastered so many I don’t even think about giving some to my daughter, alas.”

Greer is indeed very strong, and she has mastered the Anti-Life Equation for a while. If we really want to fight one on one, it won't be a problem for her to be evenly matched with Xiao Dai in the sealed state.

But the current situation is that we are waiting to deal with Darkseid. Everyone is in a hurry, why bother to fight alone?

Besides, without grasping certain concepts of the origin of the world, who gave her the courage to hang out in front of the Thousand Cats Dream? The cat could turn her into a mouse and play with it with just a thought. Now, letting her keep her human form was already a great honor to Diana.

"Well, the ability of this big cat is similar to that of my infinity stone." Deadpool put the heavy machine gun back into his trouser pocket and held his chin in a thinking position: "I always feel that it can kill that poor beautiful enemy. Turning into rickets should be about modifying reality, well, it's a pity, if she turns into an inflatable or something like that, I can consider collecting it."

Wade was talking about his gem of plot continuity, and just pretend that you can't hear the dirty talk that follows.

"Actually, if you were in the Marvel Universe, your combat effectiveness with gems would be better than that of cats, because the ability to modify reality all depends on your imagination, and you have no bottom line than cats." Su Ming shook his head and caught the two The heads thrown by the bucket, after all, Jason is also a mercenary, killing people to get some evidence is considered an occupational disease.

Deathstroke himself felt that it was actually more convenient to take pictures of the corpse, but the traditional head certificate would also work, so he poked Diana with his elbow in a daze holding a sword and shield, and asked her with his eyes if she wanted his sister's head.

"You... alas!"

Diana gritted her teeth, but in the end she couldn't say anything and could only sigh.

Originally, she had hoped that she could persuade her sisters to change their minds, or else they would engage in a duel of honor, but who told Greer to sneak attack with omega rays first?

I have long known that Deathstroke usually likes to talk about the glory of warriors, but if someone fails to talk about martial ethics, he will immediately use darker means to fight back...


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