The Death Knell

Chapter 4000 The King of Pants Removal

Taking Greer's dead head, Diana closed her eyes with her hands. She originally planned to put it into the space bag given to her by Deathstroke, but suddenly remembered something and asked again:

"Don't you need to strangle to read her memory? Anyway, the deal is done, you can take it, I don't mind anymore."

Sisters who have betrayed everyone, then this is the enemy's head. It is better to let the symbiote eat it to obtain information, which will be more beneficial to their friends.

"No need, Greer is just a warm-up exercise given to us by Uncle Da." Su Ming knew it without thinking. He waved his hand casually, indicating that the dead man's head was given to Xiao Dai: "You also said, the prophecy Greer is the one who killed Darkseid. With such a relationship, how could Uncle Da tell her the deep secret?"

Although you don't have to believe in prophecies, anyone would be worried after hearing it.

Uncle Da made an appointment with Yuga Khan. He sent all his other men to lead the army, leaving only his daughter by his side. It was hard to say whether he had any intention of monitoring her personally.

"Is that so? Okay then." Diana put the head into her pocket, feeling that her boyfriend's words made sense: "So where is Darkseid now?"

"It's already here, above our heads." Su Ming raised his finger and pointed above his head.

As soon as he finished speaking, the pipes where everyone was living began to flow like a liquid, as if they were going to be drowned. This should be because Uncle Da had modified the properties of the metal in the environment, turning the earth made of pipes into a quagmire.


But just as the change began, the cat held by Deathstroke made a sound again.

In an instant, the changes in the environment stopped and even returned to its original state. The big cat with squinting eyes still had a smile on its face and its whiskers were raised.


Darkseid's voice came from somewhere, and he seemed to feel something unexpected.

This once again proves Deathstroke's suspicion that this guy really doesn't know A Thousand Cats' Dream, and may even not know the existence of external forces at all.

"Come, brother?"

Su Ming, who was smiling, waved his sword, and the huge sword light blew away the layers of pipes above everyone's heads in the blink of an eye, directly exposing the dark clouds in the sky, and also letting everyone see the man standing in the air with his hands behind his back. The gray-white figure continued:

"Your opponent is me, Uxas. You don't think that the concept attack used against Batman can be used against me, do you?"

Seeing the death knell, the corners of the dark tyrant's eyes twitched slightly, but it was only a subtle expression for a moment. The next second he laughed:

"Hahahaha, Deathstroke, you ridiculous mortal, it was you who took away control of Omega Earth, right?"

"It's not me, it's it." He raised the big cat with both hands and showed it to Darkseid. The death knell soared into the sky and reached the same height as Darkseid: "I don't know you The so-called truth is so true, but obviously, you are not even as good as a cat."

Seeing the real enemy appear, everyone also showed their magical powers and arrived on the surface one after another from the deep underground cavity.

As I said before, at this point in time, the earth is like a big ball made of countless twisted pipes. It has a rusty metal surface. Every time you breathe, you can smell the smell of rust.

These pipes are not made of steel. Naturally, what everyone smells is not the smell of rust. The dark stains on the surface are actually the residue of dried blood.

"Hmph! You have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. You haven't changed at all." Darkseid raised his chin and took out his hands from behind: "I should have killed you a long time ago, but I didn't expect that it was you again and again. Ruined my plans."

As if recalling the happy time he and Deathstroke played mahjong in Sepurk half a year ago, the Omega Tyrant felt a little emotional. Of course, it was not that he missed any non-existent feelings, but that he missed the opportunity.

Obviously not long ago, Deathstroke was not as powerful as he was later, especially now that he could not take advantage of the opportunity to chat to modify his existence and origin...

"Ha, kill me? What are you going to kill with, your mouth and tongue?" Su Ming shook his head with a smile. He put the big cat on his shoulder, and the lightsaber in his hand began to deform: "If I were you, I would first look at myself. Where are your pants?"


Looking down, Darkseid realized that his pants were gone. The knee-length promethium metal boots were still on his feet, but the tights he usually wore were gone, and he didn't feel anything yet!

When he raised his head a little further, he saw a strange man wearing a red and black tights on the ground, holding up his pants and laughing and showing off to the orangutans around him.

"Alas, this Darkseid is far less smart than Thanos. He has completely fallen into his cousin's plan. I'm not bragging to you. I'm the best at taking off other people's pants. I can pull off other people's pants at his level. Steak ten pieces in one breath!"

The bitch said this to Bobo with a very fierce tone, but he was pretending, because even through the mask, you could feel the vileness of his wink.

A '√'-like smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, showing off the trophy in his hand. As for why it went so smoothly, there was nothing but familiarity!

The orangutan's specialty is flattery. He can't help in the battle, but he felt that Darkseid was watching here, so he took a sip from his pipe and cheered on the spot:

"Oh? How come you were already plotted by Deathstroke?"

"My cousin expected that once we met, the enemy would use rules and concepts to deal with us, so he introduced the big cat as a shield and let Darkseid compete with the cat on a level that we can't see. Then Slade I distracted this guy's attention through words, which created opportunities for me to take action. Often people can do two things at once, but it's a bit difficult to do three things at once. But I can, secretly tell you, I can play while shitting. You’re still singing on your phone, can’t you? Hehe!”

After explaining the confrontation between his cousin and the enemy, Deadpool shook his non-existent eyebrows and showed off his "special power" to Bobo very coquettishly. The trousers he stole by cutting the trouser legs with scissors were in his hands. It dances like an electric fan in my hand.

If you ask Darkseid in the sky, how did he steal the opponent's pants? It's because he has a teleportation belt. This is a piece of technological equipment that can be used in all worlds.


Bobo really wanted to say that he could do this kind of multitasking, but he felt that if he talked about it with Deadpool, he would lose something important.

So he stopped answering because he knew Deathstroke had the advantage, which many people didn't notice.

To put it simply, the focus of the battle between the two sides has changed. It has become very abrupt, yet very reasonable, and full of dark calculations. These pants are the key.

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