The Death Knell

Chapter 4009 Neglected

About two hours later, the simple celebration ended, and the Hall of Justice fell into the silence of the night again.

This white building uses Andromeda's special stone, which allows it to emit bright white light at night, so you never have to worry about anyone getting lost.

Sandman and Big Cat did not attend the human gathering because they were carrying something like the "Book of Destiny". When they returned to Earth 0 from Cat Earth, they went directly back to the Land of Dreams, probably because the Endless Family was going to have a meeting.

The Legion of Destruction will soon get what Deathstroke promised them, but fighting side by side for a short period of time will definitely not reach the level of visiting the Hall of Justice, so once they return, they will basically go back to their respective homes.

Brainiac and Superboy-Prime who stay in the Omega Universe will deal with the remaining Apokolips soldiers, and there will be no need for the Legion of Destruction on a large-scale battlefield.

Diana returned to Paradise Island with Greer's head, and it seemed that she would not be able to accompany Su Ming tonight; Bobo complained of back pain and went back to his bar to rest, while Albert went to Lucifer's nightclub to drink. .

Jesse Quick, whose eyes were opened, also returned to her own world after the party. Today's experience taught her a lot.

One is that the Incarnation of Justice is of no use at all, and the other is that Death Knell is indeed the best for people.

The mission is over, the Justice League should be on duty, and those who should go home go home, and everything has returned to its normal state.


When Deathstroke walked out of the front door of the Hall of Justice, he only felt that he was being stared at by resentful eyes. The source of this kind of gaze was Xiao Flash. After the incident was over, the adjutant of course got him back from Deadpool's wedding banquet.

When Deathstroke looked at him, he complained with an expression like a dead fish: "Why did you bring the future Reverse Flash here? I'm already busy enough."

"Even if I don't do this, he will come back by himself. The prison there can't hold him." Su Ming hooked Barry's neck and walked down the white stone steps in front of the door in the bright moonlight: "You can't get rid of him, but I think Dr. Swan still likes you."

Little Flash sighed, knowing that what Deathstroke said was the truth, and Batman followed quietly and said nothing, obviously supporting this statement.

"It's's just, oh, he is definitely the craziest bastard you have ever seen. It's really terrible. No, I can't sleep tonight at all when I think that Reverse Flash might be wandering around Midtown. I'm going to Go get him. But thank you, Slade, for saving our world once again."

"Haha, you're welcome. I'm not helping for free, but everyone gets what they need." Su Ming patted Barry's butt and motioned for him to play by himself: "Then go ahead and play with Reverse Flash, and be happy. .”

The Flash showed an awkward yet polite smile and disappeared in a flash of golden lightning.

As soon as he left, Batman came closer, huddled under the black cloak, and when he spoke, it was like a throat cancer patient with old phlegm stuck in his throat:

"Come to the Batcave with me, we need to talk."

"What's there to talk about with me? Look, Ron has gone to comfort Green Lantern John, who had no presence at all in the whole battle. Don't you need to care about the mental health of the members of the Justice League? Don't forget, That one is black."

As he spoke, Deathstroke blinked, showing an expression of understanding.

John, the Green Lantern who replaces Banhal, has been following the first team, but he has been basically just soy sauce along the way. Especially after Uncle Seth was also transferred to the first team, he seemed to have fallen into the trouble and trouble caused by invisible light. In regret.

"No, you know what I want to talk to you about." Batman just stood there, motionless.

The only official member he recognized was Hal, and other Green Lanterns were substitutes? That was when both Superman and Diana agreed, so he made some compromises. Otherwise, those people wouldn't even be able to get through the door of the conference room, let alone have a seat at the round table.

It's useless for Deathstroke to make cold jokes about racial issues, because in the eyes of the bat, there is no difference between white people and black people, only madmen and potential madmen.

"As expected of Batman, haha." Su Ming smiled, took a cigarette and lit it, and touched the small bean sprouts on his shoulders to help light the fire: "After defeating Darkseid, I specially brought people with me I visited various places, chatted and ate, and even Luther was fooled by me, but I still couldn't hide it from you."

"..." Batman didn't speak, not even an expression.

Seeing this, Su Ming didn't beat around the bush, he nodded:

"Yes, just like I guessed, the Anti-Life Equation is already in my hands, but I won't use it to control humans, don't worry."

Deathstroke said this, others might be relieved, but Batman would not. He was approaching like a black cloud, their breastplates were pressed together, and a hoarse voice sounded:

"You can't guarantee it."

"Believe it or not, the reason why I gave the guarantee is not you, but Harley. She likes to see people showing various mental illnesses and revealing interesting personalities. However, people controlled by the Anti-Life Equation have lost their self-will. That wouldn’t be fun, and to make her happy, I wouldn’t use the Anti-Life Equation.”

Su Ming patted the bat's chest easily, and dipped some of his saliva into it to wipe the bat logo on him.

But at this moment, a rocket trailing white smoke flew over. If you focused your attention, you could see a big red smiley face painted on the flying warhead.

The dark-minded Bat simply hid behind Deathstroke and used him as a cover, no matter how awkward the showdown just now was.

Soon enough, the ground under the steps where the rocket hit exploded into a large area of ​​various colored ribbons, as if giving a gift to someone returning in triumph.

In the distance in the darkness, laughter of "Oh ha ha ha" came from the distance, and a pale purple figure quickly flashed into an alley opposite the square.

Batman took a deep look at Deathstroke, then lifted up his arm armor to reveal a control panel. He pressed a button on it, and a Batplane fell from the sky in the darkness.

He shot out the hook and entered through the hatch at the bottom of the aircraft. The next second the thing flew away with blue tail flames.

"It seems that the bat may have believed it for the time being, or he may be in a hurry to play." Su Ming patted off the colorful ribbons on his body, and calmly talked to Strangler: "Fortunately, I had expected that he would see through me. It was a cover-up plan, so before returning to Earth 0, I asked the adjutant to notify and teleport the Joker to Washington DC..."


The symbiote was laughing. He was Batman after all. How could talking to Deathstroke be as important as playing games with the Joker?

But the bat may also realize that the clown was brought by the host.

"It's okay to realize it. Anyway, it's impossible for him to see the figure running out of the cabinet and not pick it up. Batman's mental symptoms are also manifested in obsessive-compulsive disorder. When he sees the clown, he is like a drug addict seeing drugs." Su Ming said it doesn't matter, that's the plan, as long as the result is good.


"Well, I said it was for Harley, but he wouldn't believe it. Instead, he would think that I made the promise for Diana, so I decided to observe again. He only believed in his own judgment. In fact, it doesn't matter what I say, with Bat When dealing with a hero, you need to show something you want him to see, something he can believe."

The host shook his head with a smile and watched the aircraft disappear into the night. He raised his hand and tapped his temple:

"Adjutant, send me to New York to find Harley. By the way, I will compare and study the Anti-Life Equation with the Celestial Combination Formula I obtained before. If necessary, you can call Doom. I will take a few days off here."

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