The Death Knell

Chapter 4013 Let’s have dinner together

Just as the old man and the young man stared at each other, the picture on the TV changed, switching to the perspective of the Marines.

It can be seen that Bawang Company was very confident this time and even conducted a first-person live broadcast. At this time, the scrolling subtitles below explained that this was the first batch of investigation advance teams.

They will first enter the edge of the rain forest to investigate whether there are any traces of giant beasts moving near the base, and provide reference for subsequent troops when formulating plans.

There are eight people in this team, and they all look pretty capable, but the woodland camouflage painted on their faces makes them laugh a bit.

After all, the imaginary enemy is a giant monster, so it's useless even if you put on Peking Opera facial makeup.

These people may not have realized this problem yet. They covered each other and marched in Yulin. Their boots were wet with moisture, and every time they took a step, there was a popping sound, as if they were walking in mud.

The wearer of the camera should be the captain. You can see him making a series of tactical gestures in front of the camera, which is very professional.

"What a bullshit arrangement, these people are going to be in trouble."

Before the team members on the screen could react, Thomas, who was leaning against the bar and playing with a wine glass, spoke, shaking his head as if he couldn't stand it.

"Why do you say that?" Old Mike asked the guest. He looked at the TV carefully and found no danger.

"Hehe, old man, you have to believe my father. No one is better at fighting in this dark rain forest than him." The girl blew bubbles in the orange juice with a straw, and she hugged the man's arm and rubbed it. He rubbed his head: "He said if these people were to be unlucky, they wouldn't survive for five minutes."

"Oh? I don't believe it. Although I think these guys and girls are no match for the monsters, it's not like they were lost in the rainforest without even seeing the shadow of the imaginary enemy, right?"

The boss brought out another plate of tacos and placed it on the table:

"If they get really unlucky soon, this dish will be given to you."

"Haha, OK." Thomas took out a piece of money from his lower back and slapped a hundred dollars on the table. He looked up at the watch again and said, "In three minutes, none of these people will be left, otherwise the money will be yours." , Old Mike.”

"You are quite confident, haha, let's bet." Old Mike brought out another bottle of wine and put it on the table, so that both sides' bets would be equal: "But young man, what did you do before? Listen to you Is there a story behind this tone?"

"He's just a big shot, but at least he's better than these scumbags on TV." Thomas took a sip of wine, picked up a corn tortilla, scraped some chili sauce and stuffed it into his mouth: "They used dispersed search in the dark rainforest environment. There is nothing to say about the formation, everyone has their own approach. But the commander did not arrange for manpower to pay attention to the sky, that is the way to death, he believed too much in the ceiling made of lush leaves. "

Hearing what the veteran said, Old Mike was a little unsure. He looked at his watch again and saw that the bet time had just passed ten seconds.

At this moment, a scream suddenly appeared on the TV, and the camera shook for a while. It was probably the holder making tactical moves, but when it stabilized, it was discovered that there were two less team members who were around just now. .

Just like a circus creature that transformed into a living person, it disappeared directly.

"Hee hee, I knew it would be like this." The girl Martha was in high spirits. She looked at Thomas with admiring eyes, and then looked at the bar owner with a praising look: "I have already seen where the murderous animals are, have you discovered it? ?”

Old Mike rubbed his eyes vigorously, squinted and moved closer to the TV. After a few seconds, he tentatively answered:

"In the tree?"

"Oh, did you really guess it?" The girl smiled and nodded quickly. She rubbed her little nose: "It is indeed in the tree. These idiot soldiers didn't notice it, but they have already walked into a group of super-large chameleons. Oh."

In fact, she didn't see the chameleon at first, but she saw the thought bubbles. The attackers' thought bubbles were full of chicken leg-shaped patterns, which probably meant food.

Thomas also nodded, and said in a calm voice: "Actually, they should have discovered long ago that the sound of footsteps hitting the ground was wrong. Even though there is a thick layer of humus in the rainforest, it doesn't sound like mud when you step on it. Obviously , there are other things in the area they passed by, these people are walking in a monster's cesspit and don't know it."

Whether it is a chameleon or not is not yet certain, but everything on Skull Island is one size larger. There should be some kind of carnivorous animal lurking next to the excrement of the larger monster, waiting to prey on small animals such as flies and mosquitoes.

"Do you people who want to be soldiers know so many things?" Old Mike looked at the guests in surprise. He wiped the sweat from his head: "You can tell what you stepped on just by listening to the sound. Your age doesn't seem to matter. Was in the Vietnam War, young man."

"In the rainforest, you walk on rotten matter, and in the sewers, you walk on rotten matter. No one understands rotten things better than me."

It was okay not to ask, but once asked, Thomas put down his glass and started playing the accordion, showing his strong professional confidence.

"Hehe! I love you! You're so good!" The girl pulled out two cheerleading flowers like magic and started doing aerobics on the spot, smiling happily.

Just as a few people were talking, the broadcast video signal was cut off. As of now, the first batch of expedition teams has been reduced by half, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out.

The more they move around, the easier it is for the invisible monster in the tree to lock onto their movement trajectory, and use its long transparent tongue to instantly pull each living person into the canopy and eat them like fishing.

Of course, these details can only be seen with the naked eye by the man in front of the bar. The tongues of these attackers are as fast as lightning. For ordinary people, they cannot be observed without scientific equipment.

The camera switched back to the studio. At this time, the host was very embarrassed and could only change the topic and began to discuss the weather on Skull Island with the specially invited call beasts.

For example, why is there always thick fog on an island? Why is there a windless zone around the island? Why didn't people discover Skull Island two years ago?

And those guests were pretty good at talking about everything from the earth's magnetic field to ocean currents and sunshine, and then they brought up the alien hypothesis and the Egyptian pyramids, but none of them hit the mark.

Maybe they were too outrageous and some people couldn't stand it any longer. A group of people in rags rushed into the studio. With ear-piercing screams, they threw themselves down and started biting.

The camera fell to the ground, and a dead-eyed staff member fell right in front of the camera, with the shambling weirdo lying on top of him and feasting.

Along with the scene of blood spurting out, the weirdo appeared in the camera at close range. As if it realized that the audience was watching, it slowly turned its head and looked back with a bloody smile.

Old Mike covered his mouth. As a well-informed bar owner, he had watched countless movies at his age.

He recognized this monster the first time he saw it.

Isn't this a zombie? !


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