The Death Knell

Chapter 4012 Natural and man-made disasters

The bar owner was very honest and gave a lot of tortillas and hot sauce. He also poured a large glass of hot orange juice for the girl to drink. Maybe he felt that drinking milk might be ambiguous.

Although I doubt the origin of this pair of guests, the key to the bar business is not to meddle in other people's business.

If the girl showed any signs of being coerced, he would probably call the police immediately, but now it seems that the girl is very precocious and she is pestering the man who is old enough to be her father.

As for whether these two people are real father and daughter?

Impossible. The boss has been running a bar for more than 30 years, so he still has some discernment. The two of them don't seem to be the same kind of people.

The girl's eyes were very excited, as if she was on drugs. It could be seen that she didn't care about anything. Her mind might be filled with thoughts of carnival and enjoyment, and she didn't even care about her own life or death.

The man is very scary. He seems to have experienced something very dark and bad. His aura alone can make people feel suffocated.

Not to mention that this man seemed to be mentally unstable. There was humanity and gentleness in his left eye, but his right eye was cold. When he looked at him, he looked like a predator sizing up some food.

Looking at the way the two get along, the boss has already imagined a road movie.

In order to escape from her cold family and her mother who was a prostitute, a naughty and depraved female middle school student stopped a man's car on the interstate highway and wanted to take a quick trip.

The man, on the other hand, retired from the Navy, maybe he suffered from some mental illness during the battle, and was in a self-destructive and confused stage. When he saw a girl hitching a ride, he simply took her with him to find some spiritual sustenance.

The two fell in love for a long time along the way. He wanted to feel the physical vitality of youth, and she wanted to use her uncle's dollars. So the two relied on each other, driving towards the distant sunset in the yellow sand of the road.

This kind of thing is not new at all, because San Diego has several great beaches, and there is even a carousel on the beach in Mission Bay, which is as attractive as a dream kingdom for young girls. If you can They eat, drink and have fun there for free, and they are happy to pay anything.

At dusk, sit on a carousel or a small train and watch the sea. When the sea breeze blows, your skirt and long hair fly, your smile is as bright as a flower, and you add a pink filter. Videos like this have become popular on the Internet.

The man put down his glass, signaled to refill it, and said in a calm voice: "Boss, your wine is good. My name is Thomas, her name is Martha..."

"Pfft!" The girl suddenly laughed for no reason, and orange juice flowed out of the corner of her mouth.

The man who called himself Thomas glared at her, raised his hand to wipe her, and in the bar owner's tolerant and understanding eyes, he continued: "Ahem! The wine is good, but why doesn't there seem to be anyone in the bar today? Let's go in When I entered the city, I found many people leaving the city."

"People call me Old Mike. Young man, you've been driving on the road a long time, right?"

The boss with a tired tone wiped his hands with a towel and looked at the street outside the window:

"I don't know when you last watched the news, but the biggest news in the United States these days is that the Overlord organization is restarting the Skull Island exploration plan. Here, you watch TV."

As he spoke, the boss pointed to the TV hanging on the wine rack, but it seemed like MTV was playing at this time.

Seeing this, Old Mike shrugged and could only explain again.

"There is a bullshit scientist who said there is a door to a parallel universe under the island..."

When he said this, he raised his hand and circled it by his temples, indicating that he thought the scientist was mentally ill, and then continued:

"I don't understand more. In short, now they have to risk angering the monsters on the island to activate the door, and Skull Island is more than 500 kilometers due west of San Diego. If the monsters are angered, We are the first batch of unlucky, damn bullshit presidents and damn defense contractors."

"Oh? The monster is on the island, so it can't affect the city, right?" Thomas turned the wine glass, as if he couldn't understand.

"Hey, sailor, you may have been a soldier, but your social experience is still not as good as an old man like me. Let me tell you what will happen."

Seeing that there were no more customers outside the store, Old Mike sighed and put the whiskey bottle on the bar:

"Human beings cannot be the opponent of monsters. Those poor soldiers will be beaten to death and injured by monsters on the island, and then there will be fat-minded generals or nerdy scientists evacuating by plane, because the line segment between two points is the shortest. , so they will withdraw to the headquarters of the Third Fleet, which is only three kilometers away from us in San Diego Bay, and bring the monsters chasing them with them."

"Is that so? In that case, everyone in the city must have fled. Why don't you leave?" The girl asked with her eyes blinking. She was still very relaxed after hearing that the city might be facing a disaster. Still smiling.

This also verified Old Mike's view that this girl didn't care about life or death at all, she just wanted to party.

"My father left me this bar. I grew up on the second floor here. I originally planned to pass it on, but more than ten years ago, my wife and children left because they were involved in a street shootout between gangs. died."

Resting his elbows on the bar, the old man rubbed his red nose. His cloudy eyes looked at the wine bottle, and he simply poured himself a glass and poured it down his throat:

"I only have this bar now. If the monster really comes, just take the bar and the old man away with me. It's no big deal."

"No wonder, we didn't see a few open shops on the road, but the cars leaving the city were almost blocking the road."

The girl named Martha twisted her hair around her fingers, and her original blond hair was dyed red and blue:

"However, don't despair even if your wife and child are dead. Let me give you an idea. Hehe, you have such a shop on the street not far from the beach. You should have some money, right? You only look like six Ten years old? Not that old. You spend a small amount of money to choose a Ukrainian mail-in bride online. Wouldn’t it be over if you have another child? Although I don’t know what the prices are like here, I’m sure you can pick one for around fifty thousand dollars.”

After saying that, she winked and swayed, as if she thought she had a good idea.

Old Mike's face turned red. He didn't know whether he was angry or suffering from high blood pressure. He stared at the little bastard-like girl for a long time before he managed to say:

"Little girl, you don't understand. Not everything in this world can be measured by money. There are always some precious things that you can never get back if you lose them."

"Oh, you're too serious, old man, you're too serious." The girl rolled her eyes and waved her little hands feebly: "You can use my tricks as you like. Anyway, for a 'young man' like me , making yourself happy is the most important thing, hee hee!”


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