The Death Knell

Chapter 4011 San Diego

The streets in the evening are wet, and the light shed by the street lamps is not much more than the oil and water in a beggar's bowl. However, there are always some people who go out at night. Maybe it is because of their hard work during the day that they only have time to have a drink at this time. Relieving fatigue may be simpler, that is, the old alcoholic just woke up from his dream again.

But there was no business in the bar today. Only the owner and bartender was leaning against the bar, looking up at the hanging TV and absently wiping the glass in his hand. Call.

Normally, this time should be the peak passenger flow, but it is different now.

Two years have passed, and the official has once again restarted the investigation of Skull Island. It is still the damn "Overlord" organization and the shit-eating politicians in Washington.

At a press conference a few days ago, when the black doctor dressed like a painter said that there might be a door to a parallel world underground on Skull Island, people went crazy almost instantly, and then all kinds of things happened. Rumors and conjectures spread uncontrollably.

People didn't know much in the past, except that there were monsters on the island, including gorillas that were taller than the mountains, and giant lizards that were much larger than any dinosaurs.

The last time the government's investigation work failed, people were not confident at all in this larger-scale operation.

Is that kind of monster really something humans can fight against?

There are far more monsters on the earth than just that one orangutan. Maybe at this moment, some ancient creature is sleeping under everyone's feet, and in the next second, all the people in the city will die.

Just like what happened at the Guam Naval Base seven years ago, a resurrected monster rose from the ground, destroyed the fleet and headquarters in a few seconds, and then disappeared into the vast sea.

Most people now believe that what is underground on Skull Island is not a good thing, at least not something that humans should touch. That is Pandora's Box.

Skull Island is still too close to the west coast of the United States. Once human behavior attracts other monsters to gather on the island, the sea distance of several hundred kilometers is even as long as a swimming pool for those behemoths. They are likely to come and destroy the United States. of.

Unfortunately, U.S. policy is not decided by the bastards, so now people can only watch helplessly on TV. Members of the so-called "Overlord" organization are carrying various high-tech equipment on the improved Osprey transport aircraft at the San Diego base. .

The location host was very beautiful, and she was still smiling as she introduced the 'international' significance of the Overlord Organization. This is a special force jointly held by the United States and its allies, a defense contracting enterprise that integrates scientific research, investigation, combat, and production. business enterprise.

Although the main personnel of the combat force are basically "retired" personnel from the US military, there are also blacks from France, mixed-race Americans from Japan, Canadians who came to work in the United States, etc. Everyone can be considered a good player, at least in the corresponding field. He is somewhat famous in his small circle.

As the host introduced, the camera flashed across the faces of those people, and the Japanese among them bowed politely to the camera, which elicited countless laughter and curses in front of the screen.

In the eyes of Americans, today, when Japan has been invaded by monsters for many years, it is only right to cling to our thighs like a slave. What a cunning dwarf.

The helicopter took off, and the camera quickly switched to the outpost on Skull Island. This is the remains of the outpost left two years ago. The early engineering troops are currently repairing it to complete the landing site for the arrival of subsequent troops.

Not far from the base are lush rainforests and mountains. Everything on this island seems to be larger, including plants, animals, and even insects. People feel like they have entered the country of giants, and this mysterious country is also It is shrouded in thick fog all year round.

As if knowing that the audience wanted to enjoy the scenery here, the outpost launched a reconnaissance drone to take the people behind the camera to see the peaks and mountains behind the thick fog, as if this could prove the politicians' decision is correct - there are great benefits to taking Skull Island.

At the same time, perhaps because the flight was too monotonous, the director also played this year's 2019 hit song "Old Town Road". For a moment, it felt like we were back in the era of the Western Wilderness, with fearless and dashing men. We will use swords, guns and fire to carve out the future.

The bar owner was not interested in this. He just sighed while listening to the song. He felt a little helpless that his bar existed in San Diego, the American city closest to Skull Island in a straight line.

But at this moment, there was a sound of pushing and pulling at the store door. The boss threw the cup wipe over his shoulder and turned around, throwing out the greeting lukewarmly:

"Welcome to the closest city to hell."

The first person to walk in was a sturdy white man who looked to be in his thirties or forties. His long black hair was messy on his shoulders. He was wearing jeans, high boots, and a black shirt on his upper body. The outline of his muscles was clearly visible.

This man is dusty and has just stopped after driving for an unknown amount of time. His face has a vicissitude that makes him look even more aged. The rolled up cuffs reveal the front half of his forearm. He has an anchor tattoo. He may be a sailor.

Behind the man, there is a little girl who is only about thirteen or fourteen years old. Unfortunately, she is not a good girl at first glance. The powder on her face makes her look as white as a ghost. The thick colored eye shadow and exaggerated lip gloss prove that. She seemed to be mentally unstable.

Dressed in a black sailor uniform like a hot girl on campus, she hugged the man's arm blatantly, smiled, chewed gum and sat down at the bar. Her little hands with messy nail polish took out a few wads of dollars and patted them. before:

"Bring us some local wine, this is California, and a plate of enchiladas for dinner."

"I can't sell you drinks, girl, you're not of legal drinking age." The bar owner just poured a glass of wine for the man who looked untouchable, and then turned around to stir on the big plate of fried delicacies: "Even I should have asked you to leave my store, but today... I will make an exception and let you drink a glass of milk in the store."

The girl didn't have any wine to drink, but she was even happier. She jumped off the bar stool with squinting eyes, pulled the corner of her miniskirt with her hands and turned it in a circle, and then used her waist to push against the man who was silently tasting the wine:

"Did you hear that? Honey, he said I'm not old enough, I'm so young, hahahahaha!"

The man just smiled and picked her up, put her on a chair nearby, and smoothed her hair with his fingers: "If you call me honey again, the boss should call the police. You don't want your father to go there during the short vacation." Going to jail?"

"Hehe..." The girl bit her lower lip and raised her eyebrows. She liked the father-daughter play, it was exciting.


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