The Death Knell

Chapter 402 Chaos boils

"Why are you taking off your belt?"

Su Ming noticed that the female mage was slowly taking off her clothes in his arms, and she seemed to be licking the corners of her mouth impatiently.

The reason why he let the mage hold him was because he had to control the weapon with one hand and carry the unconscious Black Orchid in the other hand.

"Huh? Can it be inserted through pants? Sorry, I don't know much about super warriors like you."

Alberta nodded, she seemed to understand.

Su Ming patted her on the head and sighed: "What are you thinking about? Control your desires and don't be affected!"

The mage was stunned for a moment. After she was beaten, she noticed something was wrong.

I would never be like this in the past, but at this moment, the original desire in my heart is boiling like a boiling pot.

Angels are controlled by unknowable forces, and Hell is also affected.

Angels seek order, so they obey unconditionally. And what hell pursues is chaos, so desires are doubly amplified.

She figured it out.

"Okay, I'm fine." She took out the drink and poured it on her face, then wiped it hard with the sleeve of her windbreaker. I used the power of hell as a spiritual defense before, but I didn't expect that I would be affected by chaos.

"Seeing you like this, I'm worried about what Mackenzie will be like."

Su Ming almost immediately deduced why the female mage was like this. If all the demons in hell were affected by primitive desires, then things would probably be a mess again.

Warlike demons will fight constantly, greedy demons will plunder everything, and demons are almost all manifestations of one of the seven deadly sins.

Why is it seven again?

Su Ming began to hate this number now.

God allowed Lucifer to fall to heaven in order to bring the last trace of order to hell so that the demons could be ruled by the devil.

This was his original plan, but it seems that now someone doesn't intend to play God's way.

The inner chaos of the demons is completely aroused, and the angels feel more like they are controlled by the order itself. Heaven and hell conflict, and the result will inevitably be the destruction of both parties.

"McKenzie is the Queen of Pain. She likes pain. Inflicting or receiving pain will give her pleasure." Alberta answered his question seriously. After calming down, she arranged her clothes, feeling a little embarrassed: "But I have to be careful when using magic now, in this case, it is easy to be affected by the power of hell."

"Your condition is not serious. I have seen sequelae of spell casting that are hundreds of times more serious than this." Su Ming continued the excavation work at hand. The mage returned to normal and could continue to fight: "By the way, you look like you are in heat. It’s quite interesting.”

".......Shut up."

interesting? What is this word?

The female mage's face was dark. She, a beautiful woman, couldn't control herself just now. She wanted to invite Deathstroke to enjoy herself in the tunnel.

As a result, Deathstroke was so calm that he not only refused the invitation, but also woke her up and concluded that it was interesting.

Although Alberta hates the term Miss Colorado, she is very confident in her appearance. It is a peerless appearance that Lucifer praised, better than most angels.

If beauty is one of the original sins, then she is destined to go to hell and become the devil.

Just wait, after the employment is over and she gets the money, she will cast a powerful spell on Deathstroke to make him fall in love with her.

Then tease him for a while, then reject him ruthlessly, telling him that he is very interesting...


As expected, Mackenzie's current situation is not good.

Only the leader of the big demon was left in her bodyguard, who was still in the state of a berserker who didn't recognize his relatives, and several angels wearing bedsheets were slowly flying in from outside the throne room.

"I want you to obey."

Although Maggie Ken was addicted to the wails when both the enemy and ourselves died, she still woke up instantly when she saw the angel.

She straightened up on the throne and looked coldly into those red eyes.

"Don't even think about it."

“Disobedience leads to destruction.”

The angels obviously have no persuasion procedures and no waiting steps.

They immediately launched an attack on Mackenzie, coming from all directions, flapping their wings, holding high the sword of heaven, and the sound of the air being beaten echoed in the throne room.

However, what greeted them was the spell being recited quickly and the billowing flames.

Su Ming carried the female mage and broke through the roof, just in time to catch up.

The feathered wings of the angels turned into torches almost instantly when faced with the flames of hell. Only a few of them reacted quickly and successfully avoided the attack of fire-breathing magic.

They shook off the sparks stuck to their bodies and backed away some distance.

But more often than not, their wings were burned into charred dead branches, and they fell to the ground.

They rolled over and tried their best to touch their backs with their hands, but they could not touch the white wings that were originally on their shoulder blades.

They made piercing screams, like the screams of poultry being slaughtered, and the power of hell was rapidly changing them, and it wouldn't be long before they would become new fallen angels.

Of course, the angels who were still flying would not give them such a chance. When humans and demons merged, they destroyed their former companions.

"Maizi, are you okay?" Alberta approached the throne and looked up and down at the woman's face, as if to check for any signs of injury.

However, except for the constant spurting of blood from his hands, Maggie Ken had no other wounds.

"I'm the Queen of Hell, what can happen? These low-level angels don't even care about me."

Mackenzie's tone was calm and her expression was calm, and she looked very aloof, as if what she said was true.

In fact, she was nailed to the throne. At this time, she was a mascot and a totem of hell. In terms of combat effectiveness, she had almost no power.

While the mage was communicating with the queen, Su Ming threw the black orchid directly at the foot of the throne, and then he looked at the birdmen flying in the sky.

It's not that he has any objections to heaven. The point is that it's a little weird for people to carry large chicken wings on their backs.

With God's ability, when he created angels, he could have allowed them to fly without wings. But he refused and insisted on adding a pair of wings. Isn't this a burden and weakness?

Is God a close friend of Colonel Sanders? Love crispy grilled wings?

Su Ming remembered reading a joint issue between KFC and DC. In it, Colonel Sanders, the grandpa of KFC, was too strong. He saved the universe and defeated the Orange Lantern Corps just by sucking his fingers on original chicken and chicken drumsticks. leader.

You must know that Sanders's trump card is KFC's family bucket. He obviously did not give his full strength.

Incidentally, he's also Barry's idol, as The Flash is a loyal consumer of fast food.

These dispensable information swirled around in Deathstroke's mind, but the movements of his hands were not affected at all. He quickly took off the god Jingos from behind.

This is a great opportunity to go turkey hunting. If you miss this time, you will have to wait hundreds of years!

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