The Death Knell

Chapter 403 Searching

"You can try to escape and give me some fun. I'll let you fly for a minute."

Su Ming picked up the weapon. This huge rifle was a little inconvenient to carry. Next time, he should ask Atom or Pym from Marvel to see if he could shrink and enlarge these weapons so that he could carry more equipment.

The effect of the white dwarf device is similar to that of Pym particles, and of course the side effects are also very similar. In addition, he can still move freely with two swords and a gun, so the priority of this matter is not very high.

But as time goes by, he will only get more and more things. When the time comes, he can't go to the battlefield with a handcart, right?

He pointed his gun at the flying angel. If possible, he didn't want to kill too many birdmen.

After all, he could tell at a glance that there was no good going on. All they had on them was a flaming sword and a white sheet, and he didn't want any of that.

Moreover, if you kill too many angels, you may make the City of Silver hate you afterwards.

Angels flocked to him, their actions taking the place of answers.

Looking at their glowing red eyes, I knew it was impossible for them to retreat.

He opened fire immediately, and the bullet accelerated by Vulcan power and high technology accurately hit the target.

The angel was charging at the front with his sword, but the projectile with electric light went directly into his eye socket, blasting a big hole.

The angel fell to the ground, and the gunshot seemed to have just echoed in the throne room. It was too fast. This is the biggest advantage of this weapon.

"Well, it seems that this gun can't cause much damage to gods, but it is very effective against low-level angels with such power levels."

Vulcan didn't know what he was thinking. His Gauss rifle was the same as the World War II firearms. It needed to be loaded with a large bolt.

Fortunately, the user is a warrior like Deathstroke. While calculating the trajectory and arranging the target appropriately, he can also complain about his kung fu.

Su Ming pulled down the bolt and loaded the bullet. While avoiding the opponent's attack, he used his gun fighting skills to name these guys one by one.

Of course, unlike being hit by Alberta's magic, the angel who was shot in the head was already dead at that time due to the effect of the divine gold bullet.

At present, it seems that the magic and divine spells attached to the dead objects are still functioning normally, and Hecate seems to have forgotten this matter.

"Exquisite martial arts, magical weapons, if my hands weren't nailed, I might have applauded."

As if watching a performance, Mackenzie saw the yellow and black armor moving back and forth in the room several times. After a gunshot, all the enemies were dead.

However, she felt a little regretful, because using a gun would make the enemy die too quickly, without process or pain.

No pleasure.

"Queen of Hell, I'm sorry we damaged your palace." Su Ming checked the corpses of the angels to make sure they were completely dead, then put away the gun and spoke to McGeeken.

"It's Lucifer's palace. I'm just taking care of it. But in its current condition, it can't be said to be damaged."

Mackenzie pointed at the door and corridor. There were traces of blood and flesh everywhere, and the walls were riddled with holes, like a honeycomb.

"Let's save the small talk, I need to know where Diana is."

"She? She entered the Spiked Gate and must have returned to the main world through a dream. You just missed her." McGeeken didn't hesitate and directly told him the answer he wanted.

"Hiss...this woman." Su Ming felt a toothache. Why did you say you were running around? Hecate is looking for you all over the world.

"Heaven has declared war on us, and Hell has no way to entertain guests at this time. If the answer satisfies you, can you do me a favor?"

Maggie Ken looked at the female mage, and after receiving the "It's all Deathstroke's decision" look from the other party, she focused her eyes on the black and yellow figure again.

"If you ask me to help you deal with the City of Silver, I'm afraid I won't have time." Su Ming had no intention of getting involved in the mythical war between heaven and hell. You must know that the battle of original sin occurs once a thousand years and is endless.

"No, I feel that the state of these angels is not right, so I am afraid that our enemy is not God. I have no clue at the moment, so I need to gather all the lords of hell to discuss. But first, when facing other kings, I have to get rid of my own Restraint, so that they don’t have any ideas about me.”

Su Ming thought for a while, and it was just a piece of cake for him.

"Okay, I want to chop off your hands, right?"

"Yes, originally only the sword of Seraph could separate me from the oath of hell, but I saw x metal in you. As the origin of the world, it can also do the same."

Maggie nodded slightly and motioned for Su Ming to climb up the imperial steps and take action. Her time was also very tight.

Without many words or any hesitation, the cloak flew up with Su Ming, and the big sword was unsheathed. After a slight strike, he landed lightly, and the big sword returned to the sheath with a 'click' sound.

All that was seen was that McGeeken's hands were broken at the wrists, but the throne under the wrists was not damaged at all.

Deathstroke's grasp of power and technique is exquisite.


The Queen of Hell screamed, but the expression on her face was a little strange.

Call it pain, but it seems to be more pleasure. She seems to enjoy this situation extremely.

Su Ming seemed to smell something strange that was different from blood, and the helmet eyepiece quickly gave the analysis results, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Farewell, please look after the purple woman on the ground for us."

He took Alberta and returned to the hole where he came from. The demons in hell are not normal now, and it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Maggie Ken panted for a while, and the hands that were nailed to the throne turned into pus and black smoke, and were reattached to her wrists.

Only two huge iron nails remained on the handrail.

She stood up and stretched her hands so she could pick up a weapon. Hellfire engulfed her from beneath her feet and she put on her battle armor.

It was a piece of equipment that seemed to be made of living muscles and blood clots. Just seeing it would make people feel disgusted from the bottom of their hearts.

The power Lucifer left her surged through her body, and she couldn't wait to make the angels scream.

She jumped up and rushed out of the castle along the corridor, leaving only some unknown water stains on the throne...


Su Ming and the others reunited with Donna and the others, and they fought their way back to the main street of hell.

Of course, Su Ming is the main one doing the killing, and the other people are responsible for defending and complaining. The orangutan is very sharp-tongued and has strong insight, and can always find flaws.

From here, they returned to the Forgotten Bar again, planning to transfer from here.

But after arriving, Su Ming saw Chang Wei calling Fu...

No, they found Tracy and the others beating a woman and swearing non-stop.

"Tracy! Do you know what you're talking about?!"

Bobo jumped on the bar and stopped the girls from fighting. None of them were able to cast spells now, and a group of witches were pulling their hair and scratching their faces like shrews.

"If your father heard how many curse words you just said, he would personally tie you to a cross and burn you to death."

"Uh, boss."

Tracy seemed to have regained some sense. She took a few steps back and leaned against the bar to catch her breath.

Bobo also knew the person who was besieged by several little girls. It was the witch fire that lost control before and burned many customers of the bar to death with flames and killed 90% of Tracy's friends.

The orangutan drew the night blade. Although he couldn't use weapons, with this legendary sword in his hand, it was like an old friend standing beside him.

He moved closer to Witchfire, examining her condition carefully.

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