The Death Knell

Chapter 4018 Still want to live

Yes, this kind of despair is what is right.

Ordinary people should worry about their lives when they see zombies. It's strange to be afraid of monsters but not zombies.

"Shh, listen, Old Mike, there seem to be more zombies on the street."

Thomas cautiously grabbed the remote control, turned down the volume on the TV, and pretended to be listening.

As he said, even through the rolling shutter door and thick wood, the old man could hear the dense footsteps on the street, as well as the unconscious moans and roars from the heart that are unique to the living dead.

"The bar is no longer safe. We should find a way to find a better place to hold on." The old man clenched the shotgun in his hand, and the fingers holding the barrel turned white from lack of blood.

He originally wanted to live and die with the bar. Anyway, his wife and children were dead, and he was left with this bar. If it was gone, his life would be meaningless.

But having said that, the zombies were blocking the front door now. When he scratched the wall with his nails, the rustling sound like rain still destroyed his faith and inspired the survival instinct of human beings.

He wants to live. Even though he is older, he still wants to live.

"You finally figured it out, old man." Thomas patted his back and nodded vigorously: "That's right. The scattered zombies are different from the monster. They will not destroy the building, but just I want to eat the people in the building. We can evacuate first, and when the incident is over, you can come back, won’t the bar still be here waiting for you?”

If the old man still had the last bit of hesitation, then the soldier's words completely convinced him.

Yes, the zombies are not a demolition team. Even if they rush in, they are not here to eat the furniture and brick walls. The bar will still stand, which is completely different from the situation when it is trampled by monsters.

As long as he lives, he will come back one day.

"You're right, Thomas, how's your car?" The old man put the shotgun on his back, pulled off a tablecloth and started to pack things, mainly food and drinks.

The soldier in question smiled slightly, and a key appeared in his hand: "It's in the parking lot in front of the corner supermarket. I just filled up the gas before I came to drink at night, and it was a military-grade vehicle. Very solid.”

"That's good. My car is a Toyota from 20 years ago. I'm really worried that it will break down on the road." The old man made a decision and no longer hesitated. He went around behind the bar and took out the first aid kit and medicines. Stuffing the tablecloth into the bag: "I will provide food, drink and medicine, you will provide cars and weapons, and we will go together."

"That's what I meant." Thomas also pulled a tablecloth while holding a cigarette and started to pack things, but he said: "However, I see that your bar is full of racing trophies and photos. You were a racing driver when you were young. A Dakar Rally driver who ends up driving a Toyota thing?”

"If we didn't have money, who would drive a car made in Japan?" The old man sighed, with memories flashing in his eyes: "My wife and child were seriously injured and hospitalized at the time. I sold the house to save them, but... ....Oh, let’s not mention those things. Take a look at what else you need to bring. Once everything is packed, call the little girl and let’s leave through the back door.”

After saying that, he took one last look at his bar, turned over the "Closed" sign with his own hands, and placed it on the bar.

"Take the TV with you. I'll get an antenna later. Maybe I can check the news on the way out."

With that said, Thomas jumped on the counter and began to disassemble the TV. At the last moment before it was turned off, the screen jumped, seemingly to the scene on Skull Island, which also meant that the Overlord organization began to dominate everything.


Hearing the call, Martha came down from upstairs with a heartless smile on her face. The two boxes of subsonic bullets given to her by her sugar daddy had not been finished yet, but she had always been obedient and contented.

Ballooning is fun. The zombies dance, stand on their heads, and run around in the street. It's more difficult to fight than carnival games.

Moreover, the positive feedback given by the game is better. In balloon shooting and wild duck hunting, if you score a certain score, you can get a stuffed toy or something. But this one, just the visual effect of the headshot is enough to make people excited.

"Are we leaving? Take the back door of the bar. Old Mike is also with us." Seeing that the old man and the man were both carrying a tablecloth bag, she got one for herself with a hint, and put the tortillas and some good Jiuhua pulled him in and stuck to Thomas' side obediently.

"Haha, I thought about it, but I'm still afraid of death. Don't laugh at me, old man." The old man held the keys in one hand and the shotgun in the other, and walked towards the back door as lightly as possible.

The girl shook her head wildly. There was no mockery on her little face, but her eyes became more serious:

"How could it be? Everyone wants to live. I will not laugh at anyone's efforts to survive, no matter what they have paid for it. Besides, this is the right thing for you. Just follow us and let you be a leader in the future. It’s not difficult for the President of the United States, but let my dad buy you one from Ukraine..."

"Stop! Stop talking, kid." Old Mike quickly interrupted the little lunatic and shook his head with a wry smile: "When these words about human trafficking come out of your mouth, I feel like I am committing a crime just by hearing them. Your age should be the time to go to school well, but you...what have you experienced in the past?"

As he spoke, he began to sympathize with the girl again, because he couldn't imagine what kind of family could raise such a girl who seemed to have gone crazy.

"You think it's a crime just to talk about mail-in brides, so don't talk about my experience, hehe, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Martha, who was holding a gun, reached for the key. She was going to be the first to open the door:

"Besides, now that the world has become like this, how can there be any laws? Oh, I understand, you don't like Ukrainians, are you afraid of the language barrier? Okay, we will get you a beautiful aunt born and raised in the United States later. Come on, tell me how old you want to be."

The old man had never heard such crazy words from a madman. He didn't know how to answer for a moment. When he was a little dazed, the key was ripped away from his hand.

Then Thomas hit Martha on the head and taught her a lesson:

"You know what you are asking. At this age, he has long passed the stage of judging age. He must want someone with a hot body, a curvy front and back, blond hair and long legs. Are you right? Mike?"

The bar owner then came back to his senses, looked at Thomas, then at the girl, smiled and shook his head:

"Thank you for telling jokes to the old man to ease the atmosphere. I'm not nervous at all now. Open the door. The gas station and supermarket on the corner are only 200 meters away from here. If we go through the back alley, we shouldn't disturb too many zombies."

The soldier and the girl looked at each other for a moment, then smiled knowingly. As their white hands with colorful nail polish turned the key and removed the padlock, the back door of the bar opened.

The sky covered with dark clouds came into view, and in the dark alley, a rotten smell came to my face. (To be continued)

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