The Death Knell

Chapter 4019 Official start of performance

Although it was the girl who opened the door, Thomas was the one who led the attack. He also had a small pistol for self-defense, but he didn't even turn on the safety. He just moved forward holding a long dagger.

Old Mike walked in the second position, and the girl was responsible for the rear. He originally didn't want a little girl to protect him behind him, but Martha was a little crazy, and she hit him with a gun several times during the argument.

In order to avoid unnecessary injuries caused by a fire, he still compromised and was protected by this strange pair of 'father and daughter', heading towards the supermarket.

I wonder if God is also crying for this world. Just a few steps after everyone left the shop, heavy rain started pouring down with thunder. In an instant, a biting chill swept through every corner of his heart. The old man felt stiff all over. .

To be honest, as a former racing driver, he felt that he was bold enough.

But compared to these two, they are nothing to mention.

Thomas is still normal. Mike can see the complex emotional levels in him. He is also afraid, but he overcomes it with willpower. In order to protect the girl, he decides to fight.

But Masha was another story. She was still blowing bubble gum in the heavy rain when there were zombies coming from behind.

"Thunderstorm, good news and bad news." Thomas, who was leading the way, whispered as he moved forward: "The bad news is that the line of sight is too affected; the good news is that the sound of thunder and rain will cover up our footsteps and smell."

"Oh, young man, what you said made me wonder for a little while whether we were lucky or unlucky." Old Mike held the gun and responded to the death knell with a joke.

He wants to show his courage and show that he doesn't need too much distraction.

But this courage came and went quickly. When lightning illuminated the trash can in the distance, all three of them saw the owner of a pair of feet lying on his back behind the big iron box, while another figure kept shaking. Lie on top of him.

Even in ordinary times, there would be no same-sex couples playing games next to the trash cans in the back alleys. Today, you don’t have to think about it to know what that is.

Thomas, who was leading the way, turned his face slightly, and the rain made his long black hair stick to his face. As he spoke, tiny water droplets splashed from the corners of his mouth, but after the light of lightning disappeared, the crystal of the rain could no longer be seen:

"Don't waste bullets by shooting, I'll take care of this."

The upper bodies of the zombies and the victim were covered by the trash can. The angle the three of them were at made it impossible to target the monsters' weak points. Therefore, Thomas showed the dagger in his hand and expressed that he wanted to try close combat.

The bar owner was still hesitant. After all, it was too dangerous to fight infectious zombies at close range. He knew who was the main combatant in the three-person team just by looking at their age. He quite liked this retired soldier and didn't want him to take too many risks. .

But before he could express his opinion, a girl's quiet but excited urging came from behind: "Okay, go! It turns out that using cold weapons is more manly. I love you so much!"

This left Old Mike speechless, and then he sighed.

He understood, really understood, that if he were fifty years younger and had such a beautiful girl beside him who would support his decision no matter what the situation, dancing and cheering him up, let alone fighting zombies with a dagger, he would just let himself Jump into the lion cage in the zoo and fight with the lions with your bare hands. You can do it yourself.

It's great to be young...

Maybe it was just like Thomas said, in the heavy rain, the zombies lying there didn't even notice that someone was sneaking up behind them, and they just kept eating.

When the man raised the dagger, it felt something. It turned around blankly with a piece of flesh and blood in its mouth, but the next second the sharp blade was poured into the top of its head.

With a movement of his wrist, the dagger rotated half a circle. With the sound of Kaka's bones cracking, the zombie lay down and did not move.

The man who was eaten also woke up at this time. Although he was almost eaten clean from the waist and abdomen, he was still struggling to sit up, making a hehe sound from his mouth.

Thomas raised his foot and stepped hard, the zombie's head exploded, and everything returned to calm.

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, the road ahead was once again submerged in darkness. The rain quickly washed away the blood on the dagger, like a thin red line winding in the water.

The retired soldier gasped, nodded to the old man and the girl, motioning for them to follow, but said words of concern:

"Don't use the trick of stepping on the head. Without professional training, it's easy to twist your feet."

"I understand this, but Thomas, you were not an ordinary Marine before, right?" The old man followed him and continued to move forward. While alerting the surroundings, he lowered his voice and spoke: "I see that your movements are better than those of the spies in spy movies. And be professional.”

"Ahem, I will tell you when the United States is completely subjugated and no longer needs to comply with confidentiality regulations." The middle-aged man coughed, as if the little amount of exercise just now made him relapse.

Got it, the old man instantly completed another piece of brainstorming. This time it was not a road movie, but a movie from the "Suicide Squad" series.

'Thomas may have turned out to be a member of the military's secret force, specializing in shady black operations and subverting the power of small countries. Then there may be a very dark and cruel story behind his retirement...'

Old Mike thought so and decided not to ask. It would not be good to know too much.

In this way, the three of them reached the end of the alley smoothly. Along the way, the soldiers were acting, the old man was guessing, and the girl was observing, so it was considered a tacit understanding.

But beyond the alley, there is the street. You can see vague things moving everywhere in the darkness. Obviously, it is impossible to go around the main road into the parking lot.

Thomas in the corner shrank back, leaning against the wall. The wet red bricks looked like the color of blood.

"The road is not good. We have to enter through the back door of the supermarket, pass through the entire supermarket, and then enter the parking lot from the front door." He drew a simple small diagram on the wall with a dagger, and then marked the arrow and destination: "The only one The problem is, we don’t know how many zombies there are in the supermarket and whether there will be survivors...Old Mike, if we encounter survivors, should we save them?”

"Of course I have to save it. If you can shop here, you should be my neighbor."

The old man didn't hesitate at all. He answered seriously and touched the rain on his head:

"I understand what you mean, Thomas. Our supplies and weapons may not be enough. Saving people means greater risks and uncertainty in the future, and may even threaten our lives. But if we see similar suffering and remain indifferent, Then our humanity will die and we will become zombies in the true sense.”

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. If there are survivors, we will try to save them." Thomas looked at him deeply, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then turned back for a short distance, leaned on the back door of the supermarket and started to pry. Lock.

As for Martha, her eyes lit up after listening to the old man's words. She took out a small notebook in the heavy rain and recorded certain things in it with ghost-like shorthand symbols.

The journey of observing doomsday psychology has begun.

The main force this time is the zombie fusion behemoth, and the scattered little zombies are actually just the atmosphere group and the balloon duck, but the natives don't know, so their reactions should be quite real... (Unfinished) to be continued)

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