The Death Knell

Chapter 4020 Fair Trade

The supermarket was pitch dark, which was unusual for a place that was supposed to be open 24 hours a day. The excessive silence was even more eerie.

As ordinary humans, we rely heavily on vision. When our vision is obscured by darkness, the fear of the unknown also follows.

The Adjutant's global artificial rainfall was also done very well. After all, this trip was mainly about playing monster battles, and secondly about playing natural disasters to reshuffle social classes and prepare for the future development of mankind on this earth.

Zombies and so on are just to satisfy Harley's entertainment requirements of fighting zombies.

It's not that she doesn't have enough imagination and only knows how to play the old-fashioned biochemical apocalypse. The main reason is that she has fought zombies before on Earth 0 and thinks it's fun to use a trebuchet to launch cat poop garbage bags on the rooftop of a small building to fight zombies.

Since then, she has had a ‘Zombie Fighting Day’, and whenever she wants to have a holiday, she wants to relive zombie fighting.

This logic is just like other people's family eating turkey every Thanksgiving, except that this Zombie Day is her own unique holiday.

She has many similar festivals, such as 'SPA Festival with Xiaohong', 'Gotham Fashion (Masked) Paris Catwalk Festival', 'African Hyena Feeding Festival' and so on.

These holidays don't have a fixed date, such as going to the spa and facials with Poison Ivy, which is basically once a week.

But the unpopular festivals happened at least once a year. She kept a small notebook and remembered which festivals she had not celebrated this year.

It can be said that she is celebrating the festival every day, or preparing to celebrate the festival, that's why she is so happy.

But this time, it’s Zombie Day’s turn.

Anyway, it didn't take much trouble, Su Ming arranged it for her.

The 70 million zombies used to assemble the monsters were all transformed by Americans and Canadians. Elsewhere, the adjutant did not release the virus matrix, and even controlled the matrix to prevent the zombies from crossing the border.

If the White House and the Pentagon were still there, and various communication and intelligence channels were not filtered by the adjutant, they should be able to find that only the United States and Canada seem to be causing zombies, and even the Mexican brothers next door are usually looked down upon. We are all fine at the moment.

Unfortunately there is no if.

All in all, more than half of the 70 million zombies were transported underground by the lieutenant to Washington DC, where they were fused.

This fusion monster will then look for other local monsters to fight, and as an executor, help the lieutenant complete the set tasks.

The remaining half, about 30 million, are scattered and wandering in cities and small towns across the United States, scaring people and cleaning up some nuisances.

In fact, calculated this way, the density of zombie distribution is not high.

The arrangement that Su Ming paid more attention to was related to natural disasters.


Because this is a monster earth, besides this method, is there any easier way to force out the monsters underground and under the sea, while also ensuring that the earth is intact and suitable for human habitation?

If you want to collect useful monsters, and if you want to allow humans in this world to continue to exist in the future, you naturally have to clean up the place so that not a single monster can be left behind.

A large number of Americans in this world have been turned into zombies, just to play with Harley, which means that humans have paid the price. They have made sacrifices for the earth and civilization, so the death knell will naturally reciprocate and let the world human civilization continues.

This is ‘Open the door! Free trade’, this is ‘fairness’.

The purpose has been made clear, which is to bring monsters sleeping everywhere to the surface, and then capture them one by one for study. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably arrange the combination and sequence of disasters.

Directly inject energy into the earth's core and create a 'cataclysm'-style global earthquake?

People are not ready yet, neither mentally nor physically have entered the state of 'survival'. If a monster mobilization is launched from the beginning, the human casualties will be difficult to control, and it will easily lead to too many monsters waking up at the same time, triggering their inner feelings. roll.

It would be a waste if they started killing each other.

Therefore, in the first round of natural disasters, the great flood was chosen first.

First, the global heavy rains in the last month, and then a little melting of the ice and snow in the Arctic and Antarctic, people will naturally enter a state of survival in the apocalypse.

It seemed that Old Mike really wanted to find survivors, but well, this place was too close to his bar, and then think about where the zombies that Harley had fought before came from.

They must have been infected nearby. The adjutant did screen out a lot of good people and interesting bad people, and specially protected them with vaccines, but there were none nearby. The survivors closest to the trio were all one kilometer away. In the public restroom.

Therefore, the three of them walked through the dark supermarket, which was full of atmosphere. However, when walking among the shelves, they only encountered a few zombies with missing arms and legs, allowing Old Mike to practice his skills.

Apart from that, all that is left is to search for some daily necessities, such as cigarettes, batteries, ropes and other gadgets.

When he arrived at the entrance of the supermarket, through the light of lightning outside, the old man saw clearly the trailing blood stains on the ground, clinging to the ground like dark shadows. He sighed deeply.

But when others die, he still lives. This is the key.

Following Thomas to the door, the two of them hid behind the publicity board beside the door and looked towards the parking lot outside the door. He asked the soldier:

"Which one is your car?"

"The biggest one, here, over there." The man held a dagger in his hand and waited patiently. There were also zombies wandering in the parking lot, but they looked like they were patrolling, and each one was fixed. The route was lurching.

This is because the game planner is being lazy, not arranging more complex behavioral logic for these monsters, and just setting a patrol route and forgetting about it.

It's not necessarily the adjutant's fault, because she can't directly control the zombies, but controls the zombies' mother body and then uses the characteristics of the latter's bacterial colony mother body to control the zombie swarm.

"The quantity is a bit large, do you have any plans?" The old man wiped the water from his face, his shirt stuck tightly to his neck, and he shook his head in discomfort: "But then again, I I really didn’t expect your car to be so big.”

It was really big. It was a giant RV converted from a container truck. It seemed to have armor plates installed and was painted in urban camouflage.

"It's just normal, just for fun." Thomas waved his hand modestly, picked up a sugar bowl from the shelf nearby, poured out the sugar, and put a children's walkie-talkie toy in it: "I put it in Throw this can into a corner of the parking lot, use it to lure away the zombies, and then we take the opportunity to get in the car directly." (To be continued.)

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