The Death Knell

Chapter 4037 Elf Breeder

In fact, there is nothing particularly exciting about catching a monster. This ancient creature is as powerful as a natural disaster for ordinary people, but compared with the technology and mysterious methods Su Ming has mastered, it is actually larger in size. ancient animals.

But life always needs a sense of ritual. After catching some Pokemon, it would be too boring if we didn’t make fun jokes like this.

The monsters in Monster Earth have some research value, such as biological reactors, the characteristics of ultra-long dormancy, the mysterious giant gene, etc.

However, these are just some minor experiments. The spider monster is currently stored in Sepurk, under the care of the Sky Council and the Weaver Master. After the adjutant returns from upgrading, a suitable new planet will be arranged for the spider monster to be placed on it. Life.

It does not necessarily need to be a living planet. Some planets with radiation cannot be inhabited by humans and most aliens, but monsters can. They will even grow better and live happier in radiation. You can decide based on the specific situation. .

So strictly speaking, it was actually for their own good that Deathstroke helped them move. However, he couldn't communicate verbally with the monsters, so he had to use force.

The planets in the ghost universe are all inhabited by living creatures and are not suitable for raising monsters, so we should still arrange to go to the 40K universe and find some uninhabited planets in the star area where Contrasia is located. How will spider monsters be treated in the future? Just follow the standards of alien employees of Wilson Enterprises.

Food and housing are taken care of, free medical insurance, on-the-job training, and some income can be used to buy the things you want.

The treatment is obviously not as good as that of human employees because Su Ming is a human supremacist, but compared to many alien capitalists in the universe, these conditions are already very good.

It doesn't need to do anything, just live a good life. In the future, it will develop the Contrasia sector into a wildlife sanctuary and sell tickets to visitors. Its job is to be watched secretly.

"Above Heaven"

Some people may say this is animal cruelty, but letting them live happily is not better than sleeping underground in the monster earth all the time, and waking up to compete with humans for living space?

You can live in a house as big as a planet, and when you sleep and open your eyes, you will be provided with delicious food and drinks. If you were to raise a cat, the cat would go crazy with joy.

The two hosts of Channel 52 are still explaining the battle replay. The Ambush Bug and Calendar Man who were on the night shift last night have gone to rest. Now sitting in the studio are Bethany and Watox.

It's just that he was clearly explaining a monster battle, but for some reason Vatox was still holding a football and applying olive oil to his bare arms while explaining.

"What a wonderful battle, unexpected tactics, Vatox, as the person in charge of the sports section, what do you think?"

Although she said it was exciting, Bethany didn't seem to want the battle to attract the audience's attention. She kept posing in front of the camera, showing off her charming demeanor, and her golden hair was tossed back and forth several times. I'm back.

"Stunning the opponent and then taking advantage of the enemy's inability to fly, the zombie giant's tactical choice is very reasonable."

The strong man took over the topic, grabbed the red vest on one side and put it on, raised his hand to rub his big back, and said with a smile:

"To be honest, after the Lightning Cup was canceled due to an accident, I thought there wouldn't be any highly entertaining sports events in the near future, but today's Monster Fighting still made my eyes shine. Here again, I would like to thank Wilson Group for its sponsorship, Wilson, Our food and clothing parents.”

Vatox is a very senior man, with good combat prowess and vision. You must know that he was originally the Silver Superman's friend and foe. He was an alien strongman who could still be at ease even after killing Louise once.

If he hadn't been hit by a series of events such as the evil twins, the criminal ex-girlfriend, the psychotic ex-girlfriend, and the alien ex-girlfriend, he wouldn't have retired.

So Su Ming was very happy to hear his thank you speech on the show, even though it was probably just a polite word.

"So, if you were asked to deal with the spider monster, what kind of tactics would you choose?" The female host changed her position with the back of her hands on her face again, and winked at the camera when asking questions.

After thinking for a while, the strong man put the football on the table in front of him, rolled it, and said:

"I might use the 'pregnancy ray' to defeat the weakest spider monster while it is giving birth. After all, we are different in size. Reasonable use of tactics is necessary to reduce accidents."

He said the most unserious words in the most serious tone, but this was not a joke.

As a Straw Hat, Vatox's abilities are not as high as Superman's, but they are almost as extensive as Superman's, including firing heat vision from his eyes.

But after he went crazy, this ability became a pregnancy ray, which can make the creature hit pregnant and give birth quickly.

No one knows what he thinks and how he develops this ability, but as a superpower, he can do it.

"No matter how many times I hear it, your ability always makes me sick, and you put too much oil on it, right?" Bethany started to complain. This is the design of the program. She seemed to be unable to breathe due to nausea when she spoke. Angry, he unbuttoned several shirt buttons on his chest.

The TV camera understood it very well and immediately took a close-up of her chest, but then turned to Vatokos's chest, taking a long shot of the black chest hair that was soaked in palm oil and tangled together, and did not leave for a long time.

The previous host duo was a chatty ambush bug and a cold-faced comedian who focused on basic professional skills and intelligence analysis. Then their class is a combination of beauty and beast, and they play the game of selling meat and stir up controversy.

Is Vatox disgusting? In fact, not at all. He is as strong and fit as Superman, and his face is extremely handsome. He is also very sincere in his dealings with others.

After all, he was a well-known superhero in the Straw Hat Galaxy, well, a superhero from an alien perspective.

That's why the blonde woman said this deliberately in front of the camera, causing controversy among the audience. Didn't this show become popular?

"Haha, you don't like greasy food, but there are always some people in the audience who do." The strong man began to pretend to be stupid, and he also raised his eyebrows at the camera, ending the previous topic appropriately: "Next, we can pay attention to the zombies The giant beast has already started to move, and it continues to go north. Is it going to the Great Lakes area?"

"Well, according to our reliable insider information, the zombie giants will go there to find more opponents, and the following battles will continue to happen. Please lock our channel, close the doors and windows, and continue to enjoy. Next, we will Special guests outside the venue talked about a new topic - whether zombies can be used to generate electricity."

The female host flipped her hair again, smiled charmingly, and then cut to the commercial without warning.

"Reliable inside information..." Su Ming was a little speechless. He sat down on the sofa and took out a canned pineapple to eat: "Harry shouldn't have told these things. The route has been exposed. What's going on?" The Overlord organization may use nuclear bombs to test my Greymon."

He said that, but he had no intention of letting the monster change its course. Wasn't it just a nuclear bomb?

Let alone the suture monster virus, as we all know, nuclear weapons cannot even defeat the original T-virus in Raccoon City. The thing that zombies are least afraid of is radiation.

The monsters here can absorb radiation to strengthen themselves. Why don't viruses use radiation to mutate? The reason why zombies are put here as toys is naturally because they have considered the issue of nuclear weapons.


Strangler said it didn't matter. Anyway, Zombie Greymon was on his way during the search. He didn't know how long it would take to find the next monster, so he might as well pay attention to the progress of the Overlord on Skull Island.

Godzilla hasn't seen a shadow yet, and I don't know where he is sleeping, but King Kong, the gorilla, can't be that hard to find, right?

It's an orangutan, and it's so big. Skull Island is just a little bigger than Hawaii Island, so it's not a good place to hide and seek.

"Chimpanzees are cuter. I really have no love for gorillas." Deathstroke waved his hand and ordered the adjutant's split program to switch the camera to see how the robots responsible for monitoring Skull Island are doing now: "But King Kong is also a tragedy. It’s a character, so I’ll take it away and build a monkey mountain for it on a planet.”


Strangler laughed. It had already thought that if Bobo were here, that guy would definitely emphasize the topic of 'it's an orangutan, not a monkey'. (To be continued)

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