The Death Knell

Chapter 4038 Eating melon for leisure

Yes, King Kong itself is not difficult to find. Even though the island has high mountains and dense forests, there are not many places where it can be hidden.

The nanorobots have not found the so-called space-time passage under Skull Island yet, but they have found it under a cliff. At this time, the giant ape was playing with stones.

When I looked at it from another angle, I realized that it seemed to be painting.

The huge palm grasped a sharp stone that was more than two people tall. It left white scratches on the mountain wall, but with this level of painting, it could only be seen that it seemed to be painting a sun, or a pie?

First draw a not-so-round circle, and then fill it with messy lines. It is drawn very carefully, and the light of wisdom seems to be flashing from the dark eyes.

The rain is still pouring down, but for the strong it, nothing seems to be a problem. The black fur can fully keep it warm and help it withstand the extreme weather on the island.

The situation on Skull Island is really strange. Su Ming arranged for global rainfall, but when it arrived on the island, it turned into heavy rain mixed with snowflakes, which seemed to become a little worse.

"This section has not been broadcast and will not be seen by the Overlord organization. Don't worry." Deathstroke said to Strangler, and he took out his bag and took a bite of the noodles: "King Kong likes humans, and I have great goodwill toward him. of."

Liking this thing is a kind of yearning in itself. Whether King Kong likes the appearance of humans or the smell of humans, it helped the human investigation team escape from the pursuit of the skeleton lizard two years ago. This cannot be ignored. fact.

According to the timeline, in the future it will break into the United States for a human woman, climb onto the Empire State Building to masturbate, and finally die tragically under the fire of high-tech weapons.

Poor orangutan, although it is very big, it obviously does not have the level of resistance to strikes like Godzilla. It has an advantage in intelligence when fighting monsters, but when fighting humans, this advantage is gone.

"Huh." The head of the strangled bean sprout popped out from its shoulders, turned around, and then looked at the door of the RV connected to the observatory.

The aunt and the female doctor were sweeping the floor on the top floor at this time, and they could hear the sound of tools rubbing against the ground.

At the same time, it is also a little curious. Logically speaking, Bobo has a higher IQ. Not only can he speak English and break the law, he can even speak several alien languages, and he also has a super understanding of people's hearts.

But he doesn't seem to be interested in human women and won't have those feelings. Why is King Kong different?

"I don't know. Although I know a lot of things, I am not omniscient and omnipotent. We all need to keep learning."

Su Ming didn't have an answer to this question either. Maybe love has nothing to do with IQ:

"Okay, it's enough to see that King Kong is okay for the time being. Let's see how the Overlord organization's investigation progresses. The affairs of these people can be broadcast by Channel 52."

After saying that, he communicated with the adjutant's separate program through his mind, and detached the micro-robot that discovered King Kong, letting it secretly take pictures of the Overlord investigation team on the island.

To be honest, every time the Overlord organization is mentioned, Su Ming will subconsciously think of shampoo, and an old uncle with a big nose will appear in his mind and say "duang!" Duang! ’ sound, and then the hair seemed to become very dark and bright, as if special effects were added.

The heavy rain mixed with the blizzard, which has no effect on the orangutans, is a bit too dangerous for the humans who have just landed on the island. The group of soldiers who set off from Santiago yesterday have arrived, but they can do nothing now and can only stay in a temporary container. There was nothing to do in the half-open room.

Smoking, drinking Coke, reading magazines, and playing poker, everything seems to be back to the Pacific battlefield during World War II, when American soldiers spent their days on desert islands like this.

But it makes sense to think about it. Their communication has been interfered by the adjutant since yesterday. Later, the zombie tyrannosaurus destroyed the White House and the Pentagon. Now the troops on these islands are alone and cannot contact their superiors, so for investigation activities The officer leading the team and the scientist in charge were arguing over whether to continue awakening.

"The Great Luo of All Worlds"

Scientists are of course impatient. The mysterious unknown world is right in front of us. Does a mere storm and snow want to hinder human progress?

The bald scientist knew that the depths of the island were dangerous, and when he left the camp in such weather, he put his head in his belt to work. He did not want to risk the lives of the soldiers... but he planned to act together. Let’s go on an adventure together!

There is an old saying in the East that if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. The scientist wants to find the door that should exist in the calculation as soon as possible. Even if he just takes a look, he is willing to die.

As for the leader of the combat department, the red-necked former US military officer, naturally disagreed with this nonsense and said that he would not listen to the nonsense of a bald man without orders from his superiors.

After all, the two of them are not in the same department, and the salary is not paid by scientists.

However, in the pre-arranged action plan, the scientist is the full-time manager of the investigation outpost, and the military officer is only responsible for protection and execution of the investigation.

But now we can't contact the higher-ups and the country, which proves that there have been unplanned changes. So, who has the gun in the moment of crisis has the final say.

Especially since an advance team was lost before. Those people were all lost in the rain forest before they even left the camp for a mile. You must know that they were elite soldiers that the company spent a lot of money to hire.

The two heads of the scientific research and security departments were quarreling in the heavy rain. The team members not far away were all absent-minded. They were playing cards and even glanced in the direction of the two of them, eavesdropping with their ears raised.

When we arrived on Skull Island, nothing was done. The transport plane broke down and needed to be repaired. The weather also prevented further operations. This feeling of a bad start made people demoralized.

"Don't these people watch TV..." The quarrel was broadcast to the United States. Su Ming, who was lying on the sofa, turned over and chewed crispy noodles and shook his head: "The adjutant did cut off the They have access to their communications, but they can understand the current situation in the United States through the TV programs they are allowed to watch. There are hundreds of people in a base, and no one thinks of this?"

The soldiers are so idle that they want to play cards and read magazines. How about watching TV?

"Uh-huh." Strangler said, this should be a blind spot in thinking. When people can't light a fire with a lighter, few people would think of drilling wood to make fire. After all, the authorities are obsessed with it, and when more technological means don't work, Not everyone will try stupid things.

"I just want to see their desperate expressions after they find out that all these bad things about themselves have been broadcast, haha." Su Ming waved his hands and continued to watch others quarreling with interest, with a look of disgrace on his face: "Yes. Okay, split program, pick up Shiri for me, there’s something she needs to do.” (To be continued)

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