The Death Knell

Chapter 4039 Want to open a zoo

The communication was quickly connected, but Ciri was fighting. You could see from the projection that not far behind her was Geralt. At this time, the white wolf was holding a spear with exaggerated light and shadow effects, jumping several times. Ten meters high, it stabbed a small bipedal mecha to its core.

White Wolf seems to be particularly interested in jumping. He used to play with insect sticks, but later switched to dragon guns. He seems to be uncomfortable without jumping.

"What's going on? Slade, I'm fighting against the Imperial Army here. There's a pervert named Zenos who's been staring at me for a long time. He's always sending troops to harass me. It's more annoying than the Wild Hunt!"

Ciri, whose hair was a little messy, had a power sword in one hand and a plasma pistol in the other, and was still taking action while talking.

Compared to Geralt's transformation into a 'Dragon School' fighting technique, Ciri's current fighting style seems to have changed little, except for new weapons.

"Have you returned to Eorzea from the first world? Just in time, help me go to a few worlds to catch some monsters? Get one of each of the big monsters in Monster Hunter World, and then you go to Ultraman's world. Get some more specialties over there, and I’ll draw the image of Ultraman for you so you can teleport it easily.”

When it comes to monsters, in addition to the Four Hundred Aunts, demon hunters are also considered professional counterparts, especially since they have also gone to the world of monster hunters to learn.

"Okay, we are planning to go to Yanhuo Village to investigate soon, but what is the reward?" Xili did not refuse. She used a flash to avoid the sword slash of a giant god soldier, and came behind the opponent to charge her plasma pistol. Li: "Geralt and I are demon hunters, so we can't work for nothing."

Demon hunters, to put it bluntly, are mercenaries who deal with monsters, and it is customary to ask for compensation.

"How about weapon enchanting? Neither you nor Geralt have enchanted equipment, but I can give you two scrolls of mongoose enchantment. After using it, your weapons will flash with green lightning, speed up the attack, and look good at the same time. .”

Nodding, Su Ming poured the remaining crispy noodles into his mouth, turned over on the sofa again, and strangled him with a bottle of soda to feed him. He thought the enchanting scroll was good.

"Add something else. We have to go to two worlds and capture a lot of monsters alive. Let's add something more."

With a flick of her white hair, Ciri also performed the standard behavior of a witcher and asked for more money beforehand. She opened fire and hit the mecha, which staggered and fell. She then showed off her comrades:

"As you can see, the Dawn Blood Alliance has entrusted us with other tasks. Our time is very valuable now."

"Yennefer and Triss, each will receive a full set of all Wilson's high-end styles of underwear since its establishment, two pieces each, plus two luxury gift packages of cosmetics newly released this year, and a Contracia family happy tour package pass for four people, including Room and board.”

Deathstroke raised the price again while flashing a winning smile.

The white-haired girl seemed confused. She showed an expression like a black question mark: "I mean to give us more pay. Why are you mentioning them?"

"Took it." At this time, Geralt joined the communication. He fell from the sky like a ghost and landed behind the girl. He made a serious decision: "Slade of New York, we accept your commission. As soon as we finish dealing with things here, we will leave immediately.”

After saying that, he turned around and left, not even looking at Xili's crooked and angry expression.

For this 'father and daughter' duo, White Wolf is the one who keeps his word.

"Hmph! Geralt, this is why you are so poor! You don't know how to bargain at all. How much money can you make by playing cards and killing monsters?!" Ciri rolled her eyes, but she didn't mean to change her mind. Like a little girl, she started to complain to Deathstroke: "He has become obsessed with Jiugong cards recently. When he has nothing to do, he goes to the Golden Saucer amusement park. Alas."

"It is indeed his style. When the badge moves, he can feel the presence of a card master nearby. To be honest, even if it were me, my chest is always trembling, even if I want to quit playing cards, it would be difficult."

Su Ming here sat up with a smile, watched the program on TV, and communicated with the girl at the same time:

"Anyway, that's it, hurry up and collect all the monsters for me. I'm going to take out some planets to build a zoo in the star area where Contracia is located. Gin can't run around with me for various reasons, so I I just plan to bring things from the outside world to her and show her."

"Eh, it's too disgusting, I can't stand it." Xili grinned and touched her arm, preparing to hang up the communication: "The demon hunters don't ask why they work, and you don't need to take the initiative to explain. That's it, busy. It's here, put down."

The girl hung up the communication as if running for her life, and she could be seen shivering.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Su Ming wordlessly took out a pen and paper from his pocket, preparing to draw the father of Ultra so that Ciri could jump directly to the Kingdom of Light: "I just want to draw a Jurassic A park-like space amusement park, and a place where Gin can relax and have fun with her sisters. Why does this little girl dislike it so much?"


Strangulation means that the host is indeed not suitable for a loving persona. Ciri must have thought that you had some deeper dark plan, so it was not that she disliked you, but that she didn't want to be deceived at all.

"Well, these days, sometimes no one believes you when you tell the truth. It's so dark."

Speaking in a nonchalant way, he started writing quickly, and the pencil marks quickly came to life on the white paper.

What is slow life? In fact, it does not mean to do nothing, but to slow down and do what you want to do at the most relaxed pace.

After finishing the drawing and sending it through Spider Totem Express, Su Ming took a hammer and used the garbage he could find to reinforce the wire fence outside the observatory. He nailed some wooden boards here and patched up iron sheets there. Although it was of no use as a defense, it was just important. Living this matter itself can make the mind feel like still water, which is very satisfying.

I am not the kind of person who particularly relies on superpowers. I rely on my brain to get around, but sometimes it is really a kind of rest to completely let go of my superpowers and do simple physical work with the simplest tasks.

The observatory was very large, and he was not very quick in tinkering like this. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was difficult to tell the time.

So when Harley and Old Mike returned with a carload of survivors more than ten hours later, he had only repaired about ten meters of guardrails and the gate opposite the parking lot, and completed them with all kinds of garbage. , forming a wasteland-style artwork.

Although usually these tasks only require a thought and the strangulation can be completed in an instant, but taking it slowly made him feel happy, as if the side effects of Omega had dissipated a lot.

Martha, who was wearing a pink leather jacket, jumped out of the car outside the gate, patted the car door like a Gotham boss, wiped the hair that was stained by the rain on her face, waved her gun and shouted:

"Everyone get off the car, get off the car, we're at the place!"

She asked everyone to get out of the car. Today they drove out in a four-seater Ford pickup truck and pulled back nearly ten people. They were the poor people who were forced to sit in the truck on the way back. All of them were blue in the face. Shivering.

But so what? At least they survived. They only got wet in the rain for a few hours and escaped from the hell on earth that San Diego is now. It was so worth it.

So after hearing the words of the female boss, everyone got out of the car obediently and looked at the white dome that represented hope with joy.

Sometimes happiness is so simple. (To be continued.)

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