The Death Knell

Chapter 4068 Summary after the war

In the world of the Pioneers, everything was normal. These cockroach-like creatures that walked upright were busy cultivating new Kaiju beasts, and they didn't even know that Deathstroke had gotten in.

This is a world full of poison, even the sky is green, and there is no oxygen. It is simply not a place where humans can survive.

It seems that releasing kaiju beasts to the earth is itself an environmental transformation process. Only when the earth becomes full of poison can it meet the life requirements of these insects.

The Hand of Nothingness did not intervene in this world, so the previously mutated leatherback turtle should have been secretly tampered with during the teleportation process.

Su Ming remained invisible by himself and wandered around the world. He didn't find where the highest node of the insect nest was. Maybe it was hidden in some corner.

However, the technology of these bugs is a bit interesting. There are not many bugs that take the technological route. The biological evolution technology of the pioneers is good, but the best thing is their computer chips.

That's right, as silicon-based organisms, their silicon chips can be regarded as a kind of biological brain. A supercomputing-level computer can be used to perform all calculations transmitted across the world, and it is still very small.

I took a sample and took it back for 40k, then copied it and sold it.

Wandering around in an enemy base that looked like the belly of a living creature, and the smell was really like a place where rotten eggs were piled up, Su Ming did not stay long. After making sure that there were no traces of the Hand of Nothingness here, he went back home and continued to soak. swimming pool.

The adjutant was prepared this time. She looked up information on the Internet, such as how a novice should learn to swim.

So now she was wearing a black swimsuit with "Shikushui", and the word "Adjutant" was written on the white cloth sewn on the chest of the suit, and she was swimming back and forth in the pool using the backstroke posture.

"Well, next time I encounter the Hand of Nothingness, I'm afraid it won't be as smooth as today."

Deathstroke stood by the pool washing himself. After contacting Deadpool, he went to the Rotten Egg Planet, and now he felt like he smelled like stinky tofu.

After walking around in other universes to make sure that he should get rid of prying eyes, he relaxed.

"I have a doubt, Sheriff, why does the Hand of Nothingness ask you for 'end'? He already has the ability to destroy the universe." The adjutant paddled quickly, and a huge wave was set off behind her. She was swimming at a speed of 200 meters per second, just like a fish swimming in circles.

"We use strangulation to communicate and don't talk... In fact, the thing is very simple. He lied to me. What he wanted was not an 'end' at all, but another kind of authority."

Using black thread to connect the two, Su Ming smiled. The adjutant could see that there was something wrong with the words of the Hand of Nothingness, which meant that she was becoming more and more human-like, and continued to communicate silently:

"We live in a dark universe, facing the darkest enemy. Don't believe a word that comes out of the other person's mouth. You have done a great job."

The adjutant stopped and exposed her head like a seal at the foot of the death knell. She wiped the water from her face:

"So Sheriff, what's the basis for your judgment?"

"It's very simple. The end is Omega. This concept has been with Darkseid for I don't know how many years." Su Ming squatted down, and Strangler changed from armor form to sharkskin swimming trunks. He touched the adjutant. An electric signal was generated silently in his head: "Has the Hand of Nothingness ever hunted down Darkseid before? No, please recall, when did he start hunting Uncle Da?"

A string of data flashed in the adjutant's eyes, and she gave the answer:

"Since Darkseid became the 'real Darkseid'... So, what the Hand of Nothingness wants is really not Omega..."

"Haha, of course not. He wanted to mislead me, but I always knew it. In fact, during today's meeting, he just showed me the side I expected to see. The whole thing was... It’s a trap to pave the way for the future.”

As he spoke, Deathstroke sighed again. He also jumped into the swimming pool, floating next to the adjutant. He turned around, looked at the white clouds floating in the blue sky, and stretched out his hands to block the dazzling light.

It is true that the Hand of Nothingness is a collection of external evil thoughts, but it is also a collection of the wisdom of many black fans...

Just the move of throwing faceless men into the Kingdom of Dreams is enough to show that he has another plan.

"What do you mean?"

The adjutant's fingertips stretched out a thin mechanical arm, and the mercury-like deformable metal grabbed the plate of pineapple slices on the side of the lounge chair and brought it back to the two of them.

"He knew what I thought of he deliberately acted like he was a lunatic. Think about it, who would want to negotiate to die with others? He didn't even want to talk about it today. It’s acting.”

The Hand of Nothingness is playing Su Ming, and Su Ming is also playing the other person. Everything they say on the stage is false, which is a bit nihilistic.

What role does Darkseid play in this three-way competition? Will he still have a way to resurrect himself?

"What's his purpose?" The adjutant ate the pineapple and felt the tingling sensation on his tongue.

"Once my impression of him is solidified, and I think he is really a madman, and I use this concept to formulate future plans, then he will have the opportunity to give me a hard life next time we meet."

Su Ming dived underwater and strangled to adjust the density of his body, allowing him to float under the water like a mine, but communication continued through the symbiote:

"He is not stupid. He can corrupt the existence of a multiverse. How can he be stupid? He wants to mislead my judgment by pretending to be mentally ill. Even that hand was specially prepared to be chopped off by me...probably The only thing he probably didn't expect was that Deadpool farted in his face."

At this point, Su Ming couldn't help but laugh. Wade was good at surprising people and especially restrained all kinds of plans.

No matter how good your plan is, it will be disrupted by various accidents when facing Deadpool, so this is the aspect where he can best restrain the hand of nothingness.

But it also proves one thing, that is, Void Hand's adaptability is average, and when faced with unexpected situations, his mind will probably be very confused.

This is normal. Maybe the moment someone farts on your face, there might be countless black fans screaming.

"So, our biggest gain today is actually getting information from him and improving the profile?" The adjutant nodded and ate another piece of pineapple. He seemed to be a little addicted to pain. After all, the pain module was the first one she owned. Sensory Parts: "Could his claws... have traps?"

"There is no trap, otherwise it would have been triggered when I was playing with it. I have a lot of available mages at my disposal. The reason why I handed it over to the retired Master Gu Yi is to give her some fun. No matter which arm it is from If you find any weaknesses, remember, that’s what the Hand of Nothingness wants me to see.”

"I understand, Sheriff, human beings are indeed very complex, and I still have a lot to learn. So, he was trying to lie to you, and you also lied to him." The deputy touched his hair, the long silver Her hair floated on the water like a piece of silk.

"That's right, and the Hand of Nothingness doesn't know that I'm already on the fifth level. This is today's gain, the tactical advantage in the next battle."

"Can we communicate like this without being seen?"

"Strangler is Marvel's symbiote, and your heels are farther away, so it won't happen.; In addition, if he really knows, it will prove another of my conjectures, and it will be easier to deal with him then. ......."

Deathstroke emerged from the water and calmly disconnected.


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