The Death Knell

Chapter 4069 The game continues

The Hand of Nothingness was temporarily driven away, or in other words, in his plan, he needed to seem to be driven away.

But it didn't matter. If he wanted to give Su Ming a good life, he had to wait for the next opportunity. He didn't have anything else, but he had plenty of patience.

Su Ming is not in a hurry, because the technology that can deal with the Hand of Nothingness will most likely be in the hands of the Constructors or the Transcendent Gods, and he has to get it first.

Conventional means cannot kill the Hand of Nothingness, or even prevent him from escaping. This feeling is a bit like confronting people on a post forum in a previous life, scolding them to death, only to have them cancel their accounts and change their names, and you can't find them. Someone has arrived.

So the tool needed is a way to hit people through the "network cable".

"Jingle Bell......"

The extension phone not far from the swimming pool rang, and Strangler stretched out his long tentacles to pick it up. As expected, it was a call from the black general.

He said that he had killed three monsters today, and the bodies would be dragged back soon, and he was going to replace them with a few new ones. However, one of the monsters suddenly mutated before it died today. He hoped that this did not damage the value of the transaction.

Su Ming said very generously that he would not, because letting carbon-based mushrooms grow on silicon-based creatures would be more valuable for research, so he was also willing to replace the general with some mechas that were more convenient to use.

The body of the leatherback turtle was exchanged for a hundred iron balls.

A real man would not dare to shoot an iron ball. It just looks like a round ball with two mechanical arms and a cannon fixed on its head.

It is extremely small in size, with only one cockpit connected to the propeller behind it, and it has no armor protection. If it is hit by a monster, the driver will definitely die.

But its advantage lies in its sufficient quantity. This kind of thing only needs to be equipped with a good cannon. It can hurt monsters and train more drivers. Isn't it flattering?

The use of elite bodies is, on the one hand, to increase the upper limit of human beings' ability to face accidents, while the use of iron balls, which can be popularized on a large scale, is to increase the lower limit of human resistance. No matter how rubbish it is, it can still be used in the universe. Flying aircraft are better than tanks and fighter jets, right?

The black general was also a sensible person. He agreed to this exchange immediately and was overjoyed. Although he had never seen the so-called iron ball in the sales catalog, one monster corpse was exchanged for a hundred mechas. You would be a fool not to change it. Just having this quantity is enough. Even if you change a hundred training cabins, you will make nothing.

After hanging up the phone, the two parties agreed to meet at the Kowloon warehouse, hand over the body with one hand, and deliver the goods with the other.

"Let's go. It will take him another hour to get to the warehouse by car. I'll take you to eat barbecued pork noodles and peeing beef balls." Su Ming jumped out of the swimming pool and reached out to pull the adjutant ashore: "After today's transaction, arrange something for the general. The vending machine is ready, we don’t need to keep an eye on it here every day.”

Do you want to make it a gashapon machine? Throw the body of the Kaiju beast into the coin slot, and then the huge machine will spit out a gashapon. Which mecha can be produced depends on luck?

This feels a bit like some of the Internet I saw in my previous life, the merchant selling cans or something...

"Can I travel again?" The girl was very happy. She likes traveling and interacting with strangers, which allows her to learn a lot.

In the past, when I was in Sepulk, I could see through spy satellites and the Internet, but the human society I saw was 'flat'.

Now that I have entered society and looked at things from the perspective of a bystander from the first perspective, I always have a different experience.

"Well, I'll put some medicine in the tea later and knock the general down. Then I'll ask Zhuo Zhu to perform a quantum-level brain surgery on him to cure the brain cancer. Then we can set off. I'll take you to see Seeing the great rivers and mountains in China, do you want to climb the Great Wall?"

Deathstroke made a plan, simply put, he was going to save the black general.

After all, he is a regular customer and a nice person. The earth still needs him to continue to shine.

Su Ming himself is not a hero, but he has no bad feelings towards heroes. On the contrary, he prefers to see noble people do things he doesn't want to do. Of course, as long as these heroes sometimes come up with stupid plans that don't involve them. Just be on your own.


She answered happily, and the adjutant ran towards the villa. She wanted to change into beautiful clothes, although she didn't quite understand the specific meaning of human beauty.

The ancient Greeks thought sheets were pretty, the Japanese thought crotch cloth was manly, and Sheriff Wilson Enterprises was clearly leading the trend in stockings and fancy underwear.

People are different and have different aesthetics, which is a bit complicated, but the adjutant feels that there is nothing wrong with dressing according to the fashion data found on the 40k network.

"Then it's settled, let's go change clothes." Su Ming didn't need to change his clothes. Strangler instantly transformed him into a casual suit: "With the hand of nothingness dismissed, we can have some fun and continue with the pioneers. game."


The plan went smoothly. After the operation, the black general didn't even remember anything. He only thought that he was distracted while drinking tea, and was soon woken up by Brother Jesus who was holding a tea cup with a curious look on his face.

After being polite and agreeing to come back next time, he happily left with the many mechas he had delivered.

Today he changed to a Tiger, a Dean, and the hundred Iron Balls.

Maybe he had the fun of snowballing in his mind?


Strangler said it didn't. When it was cleaning the general's brain, it took a look at the active neural areas. What the general saw in his dream was his wife and daughter who were killed by the monster landing when he was young.

"Tsk, don't show me such tragic memories in the future."

The speechless Su Ming smacked his lips. Although he couldn't talk about empathy, he had seen too much darkness. Don't make any sad stories during the vacation. It would affect his mood. He is also a human being:

"Forget it, considering how pitiful he is, if I trade him a few more times, find an excuse to give him a Nightingale as a store celebration, and then lead him to discover that his brain cancer was a 'misdiagnosis' by the previous doctor, he should be able to do the same. Do you want to go to the battlefield as soon as possible and kill the chrysanthemum beasts with your own hands?"

Indulging in sad memories means nothing. Only by truly gaining power can you change the future. Revenge yourself first, and then take revenge on the humans of this world.


Strangulation means that the host on vacation is really kind. Sure enough, the arms business can save people.

"Adjutant, lock the door, let's go climb the Great Wall, and then I will take you to eat roast duck." Su Ming smiled and turned off the light, touched the head of the strangled little bean sprout, and said to it: "I will never forget you, the adjutant and I will If you eat ten, I’ll give you both the duck head and the duck rack.”

"Yum!" Zhuo Sha also wanted to eat meat, and he also wanted to make burritos with shredded green onions and cucumber strips.

"Okay, okay, adjutant, I'll spread some big cakes in Sepulke and send them over. Get some pasta sauce, shredded green onions and cucumbers, and let me chop off the heads of these three chrysanthemum beasts and roll them up to eat."

There's really nothing you can do about it.


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