The Death Knell

Chapter 4070 Hail comes to the world

In the days that followed, Su Ming took his adjutant around and visited all the seven wonders of the world. They ate and drank everywhere they went, and it could be said that he was in a happy mood.

During this period, if the Kaiju beast appears and is killed, they will go back to Xiangjiang to trade with the black general. After the transaction is completed, the two of them will leave again and go to the next tourist destination.

There are more and more mechas in Shattered Dome, and they are increasingly relying on the supply of Wilson Enterprises. After some communication, the two parties launched further cooperation, that is, a large number of department stores entered Hong Kong, and used high-tech content and high cost-effectiveness. , occupying a large market share almost within a few days.

There is no need to worry about which earth will not be profitable after being captured. Even if you enclose a piece of land to build a plantation and throw some black people in to grow cotton, this earth will be profitable.

What's more, the Pioneer seems to be driven crazy now, sending out Kaiju Beast again and again, and each time it is stronger than the last.

Level five kaiju beasts have begun to appear, and there are many models that Su Ming has never seen in comics. It seems that the pressure brought by humans has made the pioneers' biological technology advance by leaps and bounds.

It's a perfect cycle.

They developed new Kaiju beasts, and were killed when they came over. The black generals handed them over to businessmen, and Su Ming paid the mecha in exchange for the Kaiju beast's body and took it home to his adjutant to reverse engineer biotechnology.

It's still a bit dangerous to play biology on earth. Even Su Ming's own laboratory that studies zombie engineering would be safe if it was placed in a barbaric continent.

Now there is a group of alien bugs who work for free and conduct research on alien planets day and night. In the end, the research results are still in Su Ming's hands, as if they were bought directly from them with money, which is a good deal.

Moreover, the adjutant also had a lot of fun during this period. She felt that she had learned a lot, such as some metaphysical statements that she had difficulty understanding before.

The police chief took her to the gym to play, and she got a big fortune when asking for lottery tickets. She knew that this illogical conclusion was not realistic at all, but she still felt inexplicable happiness.

This is probably how humans feel, right?

The world in the Pacific Rim has stabilized, and with the support of sufficient weapons and technology, it is only a matter of time before humans push back against the pioneers.

The adjutant was generally very serious. After playing for a while and learning what play meant, she was eager to learn how to work with Sepulke.

After all, the purpose of her birth was to help the Sheriff deal with things. Even if she becomes a human now, she still does not forget her original intention.

Therefore, Su Ming wandered back to the Monster Universe alone to see how Harley was doing.

Because the time flow rate has been adjusted again, even though he played there for three months, only half a month passed here with Harry. During this time, the little madman was very high-spirited and built a greenhouse. , and also planted watermelons.

"Why watermelon?"

Seeing the hail falling continuously outside the car window, hitting the thick steel plate on the top of the greenhouse, Su Ming, who was lying on the sofa of the RV, asked the little lunatic in his arms.

"Hehe, because people want to eat it." Harley was very direct. She had to get what she wanted: "I have always wanted to eat watermelon in hail weather. It is rare that I have the opportunity this time. After a few days, The moon melon is now ripe, let’s make smoothies and eat it.”

After saying that, she still rubbed her face on the man's chest, her makeup stained the small area white, and asked again:

"By the way, what about the twin universes you mentioned earlier? Is it fun for you to go to the other earth?"

"It's just an ordinary world. I didn't change its story too much, so it's naturally not as fun as here." Su Ming's eyes moved away from the greenhouse and towards the survivors who were busy working in the hail. .

They will hold the steel plate across the open area outside the observatory, come to the entrance of the greenhouse, and then put down the steel plate to go in. It can be said that it is very safe.

Hailstones the size of pigeon eggs continue to fall, which is certainly a threat to humans, but it is not an insurmountable problem.

Human beings have brains. Facing difficulties, overcoming them, and challenging nature are the most common choices humans make in order to survive.

Wild animals may have a hard time under hail, but humans only need to find a steel plate that is strong enough to solve the problem.

"Hehe, of course you will be lonely without me by your side." Harley, who looked like a rebellious school girl, jumped off the sofa, smiled evilly and twitched her eyebrows, and then dragged the man to the bedroom on the second floor of the RV: " But it doesn’t matter, we will make up for the missing game process in the past half month. Did Xiaohong tell you that I am actually good at playing with ice with my tongue? Hahahahaha!”

"Oh? Then I'd like to see it."

She was dragging her too slowly, so Su Ming picked her up and disappeared on the stairs leading to the second floor, leaving only a string of laughter.


A few hours later, late at night.

The two of them were leaning on the bed, smoking and drinking, enjoying the aftertaste of the excitement while watching the program on Channel 52. Today it was Ambush Bug and Calendar Man on duty again, and they were as energetic as ever.

"It seems that the Pioneers have focused their attack on the Pacific Rim." He blew out a puff of smoke and flicked the ash into the ashtray held by Harley. Su Ming looked at the image on the screen: "Skull Island is too quiet. , there is no movement at all from the Overlord organization.”

"Hehe." Harley was also smoking. She scratched her scalp with colored nails: "First it rained heavily, and these days it's hail. They wanted to do something, but the reality made them squat in the base, like in winter. Like a field mouse."

Today is another difficult day for the investigation team on the island.

Not to mention that there was no progress in the investigation work, after knowing that their every move was mysteriously broadcast live, they became even more restrained, and many anti-humanity plans were no longer needed.

Coupled with the interruption of contact with the mainland United States, the first batch of supplies brought to the island are almost exhausted. Now when the soldiers are playing cards, even cigarettes and alcohol have become hard currency. It feels like Same as in prison.

That's right, being trapped in the Green Hell, except that there are no iron bars, their situation is similar to that of prison.

They have begun the process of surviving on the spot, that is, driving armored vehicles and carrying shields to go fishing on the beach to maintain their food supply.

The animals and plants inside Skull Island can kill people. Only the fish in the sea are still normal size.

Therefore, the person currently connected to channel 52 is a fishing expert. The ambush bug asked the other party very seriously, is the probability of catching fish in hail weather high?

Experts are not ordinary people. The old man smiled crookedly and said that it would be faster to trawl the net directly with a boat. Fishing in the sea during hail weather? The dogs don't even play.

In the lower left corner of the big screen, in the small screen, Hallie's hands are still as flexible as the little girl she used to be. The movements of her mute hands are intense, and she also adds body movements.

When expressing the words "dogs don't play", she stuck out her tongue to imitate a puppy, and then shook her head quickly, which can be said to be very vivid.

"Speaking of which, those cats you have don't want to eat the delivery guys anymore. They want something with the authentic taste of old Gotham."

When Su Ming mentioned mice, he thought of cats. Naturally, he thought of the commission from A Thousand Cats' Dream, which he had to tell Harley about.

"You can contact Xiaohong directly. She is responsible for feeding the cat when I am not at home." The sweaty little lunatic blew out another smoke ring. She replied with a smile: "The old Gotham flavor is actually soaked in the sewer. The dead bodies appear to have more meat due to the giant phenomenon, and there are also leaked chemicals used as seasonings, which all wild cats love to eat."


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