The Death Knell

Chapter 4071 Space Zoo

"Come on, let's watch something that the TV station is not allowed to broadcast."

While hugging the little madman next to him, Su Ming informed the adjutant to use a projection to see something that others could not see.

"Hehe, is it what I thought?" Harley immediately showed a sideways smile, and her little hands began to feel restless again: "Actually, you don't need to look at other people's for fun. Why don't I go change to an Amazon suit? Like? Xiao Dai and I have learned how to play with the rope, hee hee hee hee."

"Don't make trouble, you know that's not what I'm talking about." He stamped on her forehead and touched the girl's messy hair: "I'm talking about the underground surveillance on Skull Island."

The adjutant released the surveillance projection to show the two of them the current situation of the ZombieGreymon, and also reminded the Sheriff aloud:

"Mothra has recovered after ingesting nuclear waste. Do you want to meet her?"

In the picture, the giant beast composed of many zombies is still wrestling with Kaijumon. First, it roars with tens of thousands of zombie mouths to tell the opponent to stand still, and then it pounces on it and slaps it, which gives people a weird feeling.

However, the Kaijumon it faces now is being downgraded. There were three-level Kaijumons before, but now they are back to the second level. It seems that the Pioneers are throwing all their high-end goods to the Pacific Rim World. Maybe I want to slow down the invasion here.

"I don't know Monster Language, just communicate with it. I remember that there are many radiant planets in the star sector where Contracia is located. Pick a beautiful one for it, and it will look good in the future."

There are many radiating planets, but they are often electromagnetic radiation type planets. Even planets destroyed by nuclear war will turn into harmless wasteland planets after thousands of years of population extinction due to the half-life of radioactive materials.

Thousands of years are nothing more than the blink of an eye to the universe itself.

But there are always exceptions to everything, especially in the vast and vast universe. Some planets are inherently radioactive for various reasons, or they continuously absorb radiation from the outside world. Such planets are more suitable for monsters to live in.

Su Ming's idea is to move the monsters to this type of planet so that they can have a better living environment. At that time, tourists will only need to take a spaceship to watch, which is the same operating model as a wildlife park.

Making money and playing with Gin are secondary. The main thing is that Su Ming is preparing to promote the process of human interstellarization. There is a monster park here, which can be used as an education base for interstellar pioneeringism.

Traxia is not far from the earth, only 800 light-years away, and is still within the scope of the Milky Way. The star district it is located in is called Elidra, which is the third most densely populated star district in the Milky Way. , there are many aliens living in it.

At that time, the star in the planetary system where Contracia was located was about to burn out. In addition, the planet had been over-exploited, resulting in a lack of resources. The local residents had either died or fled, and outsiders did not look down on that place.

That is to say, Su Ming took over the planet that was about to be destroyed. The management over the years has made it famous. In the past, the three empires called it **Lidra m15+5127512731+x1955kx, which is an ordinary planet in the universe. It's just a waste planet.

"The transmission has been completed. Mothra and her egg pile were placed on the planet Kepler-21. It is a planet with a golden desert. There is no sign of intelligent life. The temperature is suitable all year round, but the wind and sand are large, bringing Golden sandstorms with strong radiation often sweep across the entire planet, which is a wonderful sight. The neighboring Kepler-22b is a planet suitable for human habitation. Do we want to start a colonization agreement?"

The adjutant introduced the planet he had chosen according to the Sheriff's request, and Mothra moved instantly to a vast world 600 light-years away, where there was a lot of potential.

The adjutant, who learned how to do business during this period, is planning to build a park visitor center or something on the next planet.

In the future, tourists will take a spaceship from Earth to 22b for consumption, then transfer to a luxury spaceship for sightseeing. They will enjoy the arranged travel route while consuming. The first stop will be to see 21’s Mothra. After all, it is the most beautiful monster among monsters. The gentlest, more suitable for novices to broaden their horizons.

"If I remember correctly the Kepler Nebula in the Eridela star field, the planet Klyntar is also there?" Su Ming touched his chin, thinking about a question: "It seems that there is a potential problem It has to be solved this time.”


Before the adjutant could answer, Strangler spoke first. It felt that the host was right and it should have been solved long ago.

The name Klinta may sound a bit unfamiliar, but if you put it another way, it will be more familiar. It is also called the symbiote planet. It is the throne world where the symbiote god Gnar is sealed, and it is also the home of Strangler.

There is such a mine in the park area that I have designated. I was too lazy to take care of it before and almost forgot about it. Let's sort it out this time.

"Let's open the branch mine. Send some alien employees from Contrasia to work there. At least until the house is built, we human employees can go there." Su Ming looked at the green planet projected by the adjutant. Kepler The ecological conditions of 22b are very good. It is a green planet. Even the gravity and air conditions are almost the same as those of the Earth.

Among the habitable planets known to mankind, it and Alpha Centauri are the most famous.

If it weren't for the existence of a symbiont planet in the Kepler Nebula, perhaps this good place would have been occupied by aliens.

The adjutant received the order and went to work, so he left a bunch of projection screens for Deathstroke to watch. Seeing the beautiful planets in the universe slowly rotating, filling the dark RV bedroom with gorgeous light and shadow, it was indeed a blessing. It's a beautiful view.

"An alien planet? Hehe, I want to go there too." Harley basically didn't understand the conversation between Deathstroke and the lieutenant, but just knowing that there was an alien amusement park was enough, even though the monster had seen it , but she hasn’t seen much of the alien scenery.

Different planets have different ecological environments and all kinds of strange natural phenomena. She feels that a psychiatrist who doesn't like to travel will not be a good chef.

"Next time, when the zoo is built, let Gin take you to play. Aren't you still doing social experiments here?"

Su Ming pulled the curtains in the bedroom and looked outside through the small porthole.

Under the dark night, the hail continued, and the black people that Harley had rescued before were still busy holding steel plates and working hard on her watermelon field.

"That's right. The Jinbao Camp should now be the largest survivor settlement nearby. After the experiment is over, I plan to let old Mike be the president of the new United States. What do you think?" Harley smiled and leaned over. He slept on Deathstroke and pressed his nose with his fingers, making a "beep" sound from his mouth.

Deathstroke grabbed her hand, put it on her chest, patted it, and replied generously:

"This is your game, you can play it however you want. The president of the United States is just a decoration anyway. When the time comes, we will still have to follow the Earth Federation route. As long as old Mike doesn't always run away after he becomes president."

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