The Death Knell

Chapter 4072 Road to Survival

Su Ming's remaining targets now are Godzilla, Ghidorah and King Kong.

After taking the three of them away, the remaining monsters were left to ZombieGreymon to take care of slowly.

It's just that now the zombie beast of his own needs to guard the wormhole from which the Kaiju beast emerges, and is temporarily unable to find the objects on the list.

After hearing what the man said about his plan, Harley scrolled a few times:

"This is easy to handle. You have so many friends. Isn't it easy to just ask one of them to come over and guard the wormhole for a while?"

"Good advice, but my friends are often unreliable when not being watched, and those who are reliable are basically decent people. Seeing us playing like this here may hurt their feelings."

Seeing what Halli wanted to say, Su Ming pressed her mouth and signaled her not to interrupt:

"But I have other people to use. I still have students. Although many of them have graduated from school, it would be a good thing to organize a class reunion for them to come and fight monsters in the cave here, right?"

"Well, if my college reunion activity was to fight monsters instead of asking my family to go out for a picnic, I would definitely go there every year." The little lunatic's mouth twisted. She was obviously a little dissatisfied with Gotham University. : "I hate it when others show off their earthly happiness like me. I'm afraid that I can't help but kill them."

Actually, few of Harley's college classmates are dead. Besides, she majored in psychology. Those of her classmates are either working in Arkham or hanging out at Blackgate Prison.

Some are responsible for studying patients, and some are used as patients to be studied by others.

Overall, those people are quite interesting, all of them are a little mentally unstable and very happy.

But happiness is really out of the question. How can there be any happy people in a place like Gotham where the darkness of the entire D universe converges?

But Harley still doesn't like them very much, probably because her classmates like to analyze her as a typical case.

"Yes, don't go if you don't want to go to the Alumni Association. They are not of the same class as you." Su Ming touched her smooth back and kissed her again: "You are thriving in Gotham. At that time, they were just workers receiving wages from Wayne Enterprises, not to mention that now, you are an independent woman of the new era, and you have your own earth."

"Hee hee, huh!" Harley was happy and hugged her boyfriend tightly, as if she wanted to rub herself into his body: "Oh, honey, you always speak very sweetly, and you will always be so. Stand on my side, I love you so much. Just lie down and don’t move. I’m going to change into some exciting clothes and have fun, haha! Don’t move, wait for me to come back! Hahahahahahaha”

She laughed so hard that she got up from the bed with some difficulty and went to take a shower, but at the same time she was humming a song and seemed to be in a very happy mood.

At noon the next day, the sky was still gloomy, and the survivors were still busy watering the watermelon greenhouse. Su Ming hugged Harry and walked out of the second-floor bedroom of the RV and entered the observatory to eat the big pot meal at noon.

Today we have hot pot. Since we found the warehouse arranged by the adjutant, we have received tens of thousands of boxes of instant hot pot, and we eat hot pot almost every meal.

So when Deathstroke saw Old Mike again, the corners of his mouth were blistered, probably because he was angry.

"Mike, I'm back."

"Oh Thomas, my wonderful boy!"

The old man who was distributing bread to the survivors turned around, hugged the soldier who had suddenly returned affectionately, and looked him up and down:

"I'm very worried during your absence, because even Martha doesn't know where you have been."

"I went to find generators and water purification equipment for the camp, and of course, fuel." Deathstroke smiled and made up a lie. At the same time, he silently asked the adjutant to prepare the mentioned items and teleport them to the basement of the observatory: "Power outages are inevitable sooner or later, and water sources must also be considered. There is a saying in the East that people who do not worry about the future will have immediate worries."

"You're right, young man, this is the same as fighting a war. Modern warfare requires ensuring that there is electricity, food, and enough water." Old Mike nodded and glanced at the girl holding the man's arm: "I've been worried too lately. In this case, the hail is getting bigger and bigger, and we don’t know when the power supply will be interrupted.”


Just as he was talking, the power went out. The top floor was originally a huge observation room, but now it has been divided into areas of different sizes. The children who were watching cartoons in the rest area screamed.

I just saw Tom grabbing Jerry, why is there nothing underneath? Some children cried loudly, thinking that the brown mouse had died.

A large part of the rescued survivors were white women and children, and there were also many elderly people. This made Old Mike wonder for a while, did zombies also like to pick on strong black men to eat? Could these zombies be sent by the god of racism?

Of course, this idea didn't last long, because Martha rescued a group of young black men the next day. They used to be a small gang, but they were subdued by her with force. After they came back, they worked honestly, maybe after their enlightenment. It’s time to give back to society.

In the days when Thomas was away, everyone had a new understanding of Martha, a little girl. Not only was she very logical in doing things, she was also strong and decisive in making correct judgments, and she was also eloquent.

And the force was not bad at all. Some survivors who tried to take advantage of her were killed by her without mercy, so much so that there was now a commissioner in the camp who was responsible for digging holes and burying corpses.

But there are also doubts about her mental state because she is always laughing when she kills people.

"Valentina, go see the children!" Old Mike raised his head and shouted. He was indeed prepared. He grabbed the emergency light at hand and lit it, shining it on the kindergarten-like area: "Power outage. Don’t let them run around. Mothers of children should take care of their children.”

Because there are more women rescued, Russian aunts are now busier than Old Mike. Although the heavy physical work is assigned to men, women have to cook, make clothes, and clean. These things are just as busy. .

Hearing the old man's call, a flashlight also lit up in the darkness in the distance. The old lady who was teaching the women needlework stood up. Her figure looked thick and tall in the darkness.

"Here we come! Everyone, don't move around. We don't have any extra medicine to treat contusions or fractures. The men will check the generator! Stop screaming! Shut up! Aren't you afraid of attracting zombies?!"

Teaching people a lesson while walking, she is like the mother of all survivors, she is so reliable.

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