The Death Knell

Chapter 4080 On the way

"It doesn't seem to have any training effect. Hermione started too quickly."

Deathstroke, who was sitting on the tail of the monster, had a strange expression. He was pleased and helpless and said to the adjutant:

"Inform her and ask her to leave some training opportunities for others. Don't force him to death if he comes out with a chrysanthemum beast. Then what are the students doing?"

"Okay, Sheriff."

The adjutant snickered and passed the message. Hermione was not the strongest among the students, because in terms of strength, Mysterio was the strongest; in terms of potential, it was Strange; but she was the smartest and the hardest working, and excelled in almost every aspect. In Imitation Sheriff, the way of thinking about problems is cultivated to be very similar.

Ghidorah had just flown over the new city and was about to breathe thunder and lightning. As a result, just when the golden lightning covered its six eyes, the city collapsed and was destroyed in a burst of green smoke.

It was so angry that it fell to the ground and fluttered, stamping its feet and flapping its wings. It was obviously venting its anger on the ruins.

Thanks to it being a space monster, it can survive in space without breathing. The gold component in its scales is also very corrosion-resistant. Otherwise, it would probably be dead by now just because it was so close to the poisonous gas.

But it was precisely because of knowing these characteristics that Su Ming let Strangler choose this method.

"Have the first batch of souls reincarnated across the universe been settled?" Deathstroke mentioned the victims in Sydney. According to the efficiency of the Liches, they should be finished by now.

"The delivery has been completed, and they will be reincarnated in worlds such as "The Return of the Clown" and "The Mist" to become the Americans they long for."

The white-haired girl showed a projection, which was the reflection of the dark tower. Some translucent white souls were queuing up in the darkness to go to a portal:

"Actually, this is not the most profitable option, Sheriff. If you give these souls to Mysterio and turn them into tentacle monsters, it will increase Liana's strategic advantage."

"The bloody battle in Hell will not be short of those millions of soldiers. Don't look at the Hell lords, all of them are like beggars, but any of them can easily bring out hundreds of millions of demon soldiers, such as alien demons, electronic demons, and elemental demons. , you can get it if you want, the number of miscellaneous soldiers is the smallest influencing parameter in the bloody battle."

Su Ming shook his head and answered the adjutant with a smile:

"Besides, I'm not a devil. These people will die sooner or later when Ghidorah targets them. It's a good thing to let them live another life in other worlds. But taking their souls and twisting them into indescribable weapons , trapped in the limbo of hell forever, the treatment is worse than that of zombies, it is a bit too inhumane."

The zombies Su Ming used were considered soulless tools.

When they were transformed and died during their lifetime, their souls had long since separated from their bodies and gone to reincarnation. The essence of the zombies was just a flesh and blood doll controlled by the virus.

"That's it." The adjutant nodded, and she flipped her long hair: "I remember that the human body can be destroyed. As long as the soul circulation is stable, there will be no loss of population within the limited range."

"There will be a loss of some time. After all, it takes time for people to grow after reincarnation. But for me, time is the least of my worries."

Deathstroke, who had just sat up not long ago, lay down again. Ghidorah's rage made him feel like he was riding a bungee jumping machine:

"If all the worlds I control are considered as a whole, then transferring the soul from here to any other universe is like putting money from the left pocket to the right pocket. It is essentially a lossless transfer."

"But Chief, you still hate Australians." The deputy also smiled and narrowed his eyes. This was the 'slanted smile' expression she and Harley learned.

"Ah, it's not that bad. I just don't like them. Their life and death is none of my business."

Deathstroke waved his hands, put his hands behind his head, and crossed his legs while lying down:

"When Ghidorah lures out Godzilla and captures them all, the plan here will be over at the first stage, and I should withdraw. As the vacation gets longer, I can't sit still, and I'm always thinking about Du. It’s about Mu’s side.”

"Doctor Doom still needs more time. Even if we have provided him with help in this regard, if we want to use technological means to create a multiverse, and then safely peel off and experiment with Element Zero, it will take a lot of time. Measured in trillions of years.”

The deputy played another picture in the chief's mind. It was Doom standing facing a ball of light, seemingly in a daze.

From time to time there will be dust in the air floating in front of the lens, which proves that this is not a still picture.

Su Ming sat up, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and said uncertainly: "Did he put his soul into the critical cosmic egg?"

"It is said that it is, Sheriff, but I am not very good at souls and magic. I can't understand the doctor's behavior." The deputy spread her hands. She could only show the Sheriff what Doom is doing now, but she could not describe him accurately. Current status.

Doctor Doom seems to be dead, but not completely dead. Instead, like the miniature cosmic egg he created before, he is stuck at a 'critical point' that cannot be accurately defined. There is a special resonance between the two.

But looking at the surveillance camera, I was in a daze.

"Well, let Monaco help keep an eye on Doom. Don't let him die." Su Ming actually didn't understand. He was neither a scientist nor a spell caster, but he believed that Doom would not risk his own life. It should be Only do this when you are confident.

"I understand, then, Sheriff, are Element Zero and Metal X different expressions of the same concept in different systems?" The deputy asked another question. She needed to continuously enrich her database.

"I can't tell, I haven't seen the application performance of Element Zero yet, but Metal 'Methodology', Doom is using science to analyze the birth process of the first firmament, and trying to find something that can be used by us."

After looking at Doom who was standing in the secret room for a while, Su Ming shook his head and cut off the surveillance:

"I hope he can succeed as soon as possible. To deal with the Transcendent Protoss, Substance Zero is needed to temporarily increase the dimension. I don't want to use a backup plan."

While the two were chatting, Ghidorah flew up again. It seemed to have completely given up the idea of ​​playing. This time the flight changed its angle. This time it headed northeast, which is deep in the hinterland of the Pacific Ocean. .

I don’t know if it can find Godzilla, but if it can’t, then Su Ming can only use a backup plan to dig Supreme Muto out of the center of the earth.

Yes, he always has a backup plan. Although too much calculation will make the battle lose the excitement brought by various accidents, Deathstroke has never been a psychopath who lives for the pursuit of excitement.

In his opinion, the purpose of fighting is to win. Isn't it good to be able to live steadily?

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