The Death Knell

Chapter 4081 Half

While flying, Ghidorah was sniffing something.

Its three faucets are constantly looking left and right, and their huge nostrils are opening and closing rapidly, as if they can capture the smell in the air.

Storms, hail, and tsunamis accompanied it. This moving natural disaster was setting off a wave of destruction on the vast ocean. This made Su Ming couldn't help but think of the 'big catastrophe' that had not yet happened in Azeroth. At least it was huge. The dragon's flight cuts through the sea.

"Sergeant, King Kong's persuasion work is completed. He was very happy after winning the dance. I sent a beautiful android over to communicate with him in English, and he was willing to leave with us."

At this time, another good news came from the adjutant. Two of the four important targets have already been bagged.

"Just a beautiful android? Didn't he ask about other promises and treatment?" Su Ming tilted his mouth. He didn't know what to say about that sexy orangutan.

"I analyzed the information you provided me and found out that it likes blond human women, and this woman must have strong hormone secretion, which is the hormone level of a queen of insects, so I used technology to imitate these."

As the adjutant spoke, he put a projection in the chief's mind again, which made even the little bean sprouts roll their eyes speechlessly, because it was the medium for transmitting information, and it was never idle.

I saw that the android made by the adjutant looked exactly like the heroine in the "King Kong" movie in Su Ming's memory.

When she appeared, King Kong was immediately struck by the trick. He stupidly held the android in his hands and stared at her, not knowing it.

The android said she would take him to a good place, where there would be lush rainforests everywhere, plenty of food, and no enemies. She could live happily there with him forever.

King Kong immediately agreed, not even looking at the Zombie Greymon standing not far away, and returned to his cave to collect his belongings.

He took out a big axe, which was made by tying a piece of Godzilla's dorsal fin to a giant tree. In addition, he also brought some food that should be eaten on the way, and then urged the woman to point quickly. road.

Then, there was nothing more. He was teleported away on the spot and dropped into a jungle planet.

There are many ferocious beasts living there, a bit like a special species mixed with bugs and beasts. Apart from the natural landscape, there are no high-value resources there. It is a planet that no one usually goes to except for interstellar predators.

The risks are too high and the benefits are barely visible.

But this is not a big problem for King Kong. From now on, he will be the king of Monkey Mountain in the amusement park!

"He's very practical. Give him some reward. Make a giant android to replace the current small one, and load the new one with our full set of Contrasian 'service industry' programs to make this interesting gorilla Enjoy the enjoyment too.”

Su Ming looked at Donkey Kong who was familiar with the environment in the new rainforest, nodded with satisfaction, and decided to give him something sweet to try.

"As ordered, manufacturing is completed and replacement is in progress."

The production of bionic humans is very fast. If combat power is not required and only strong and sturdy materials are required, then a 60-meter-tall giant can be created in almost one second.

"Okay, I won't watch what happens next, but if you record a copy, maybe it will be useful for me and Lucifer in the future."

Su Ming unilaterally asked Strangler to cut off the transmission signal of this projection. His taste is not that strong. Even if he understands some things, it is best not to read them, but this does not prevent him from using this evil achievement in disguise.

"Got it, Sheriff."

The adjutant also said nothing, and she disappeared without a trace.

Ghidorah is still flying, but now it has a very strong purpose and no longer changes direction frequently. Judging from the current flight direction, it is heading straight for Japan.

"Sure enough, it seems that Ghidorah smells the scent of Godzilla left in Japan." Su Ming said.


Japan is like Godzilla's lunch box. When you are hungry, you can knock the bowl and someone will naturally feed it. If you choose to strangle yourself, you will be happy to lie down not far from the rice bowl.

"But Godzilla should be hidden in the deep sea and not too close to the shore. After all, it is too noisy and affects the quality of sleep."

Su Ming touched his chin and recalled the world map in his mind.


Strangling means, but not too far. If it is too far from the rice bowl, it will be too troublesome to eat when you wake up.

Godzilla used to sleep on the bottom of the sea, waking up once a year to eat. He would first walk on the seabed, and then randomly choose a densely populated city in Japan to land, in order to show his power and let people obey him. Put on a 'nuclear bomb' as a tribute.

If you are too far away, it will be troublesome to walk or swim. Even though Godzilla only weighs hundreds of thousands of tons and has a bionuclear reactor in his body, he will get tired if he walks too much.

Thanks to this inference, Su Ming drew two circles around the Japanese island in his mind.

First, the offshore area was excluded, then the more prosperous routes in the past were excluded, and then the US military patrol routes, satellite movement trajectory maps, areas with dense fish schools caused by ocean currents, etc. were excluded.

Then we eliminate some areas that are too far away, too remote, geologically unstable, and inconvenient to enter, including places with submarine volcanoes and the like that may disturb sleep.

After all this calculation, the possible range of Godzilla's existence is like a donut that has been gnawed with pits.

But this is just a casual thought, a backup plan for when something goes wrong.

Ghidorah's monster method is definitely simpler. It only needs to jump into Godzilla's "rice bowl" and give it a stampede to challenge the ocean overlord. Then Godzilla will most likely come out to accept the fight.

Monsters behave very much like animals, and they have a strong sense of territory.

"I saw it."

While he was thinking, Su Ming saw the lights on the coastline, and barely made out from the terrain that Tokyo should be ahead.

Japan in this world is in tatters. Even the terrain of the capital has been changed a lot. You can even see large footprints of monsters on the mountains. There are houses on the outskirts of the city that have not been repaired since the last time they were damaged.

Hail continued to fall from the sky, and there were only a few lights in the city under the dark sky. It was obvious that life was not going well.


Ghidorah became excited when it saw the city. It was not in a hurry to get closer. Instead, it flapped its wings and let the tsunami lead the attack for it.

Its route should have been discovered long before the attack on Sydney. Although the United States is now unable to protect itself due to the zombie crisis, there are still US troops stationed on the Japanese island. If Ghidorah does not come today, maybe there will be one here. A Japanese emperor president like MacArthur.

But it came, and launched a tsunami attack at the same time.

Missiles were launched from the coastline, trailing flame tails and heading toward Ghidorah.

The US military on the island does not know whether they have obtained the intelligence provided by the Overlord organization, but it can be seen that they lack understanding of this King of the Sky.

Because almost all human weapons are ineffective against Ghidorah.

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