The Death Knell

Chapter 4082 Double Dragon Club

On one side are missiles flying into the sky, on the other side are terrifying giant waves that cover the sky. The battle between human technology and natural forces seems to be condensed on this small battlefield.

The dense golden thunder and lightning between the sky and the earth greatly affected the internal components of the missile. This was the first time Su Ming had seen a missile crashed by lightning in mid-air after he had been around for so long. Thor had not been so good in the past. ah.

About forty short-range tactical missiles were launched on the coastline. It is unclear whether they were equipped with nuclear warheads, but they failed to hit the target and were burned halfway. This is probably the weakness of high technology.

Most of the missiles died on the way, and only a small number hit Ghidorah. The golden scales on its belly were unscathed by the explosion, and its three heads even looked at each other in confusion, as if they didn't know what humans were doing.

When it woke up from the seal, it was the first time it saw a modern monkey. No monkey had ever launched such a small flying stick at itself before?

Not to mention the hit location was hurt, it even felt a little itchy, which was a little funny.

But the situation on the human side is completely different. The storm Ghidorah set off to destroy the city immediately destroyed the temporary beachhead.

The missile launch vehicle and the American soldiers had no chance to evacuate. Of course, they were submerged under the vast waves. They were obviously dead.

Being hit head-on by a tsunami with a wave height of 80 meters is similar to being hit by a large truck. They all end up being shattered to pieces.

Explosions, chaos, madness and other emotions came from the front of the battlefield, and Su Ming felt it very clearly. Even if the people in this city usually live in despair, the fear caused by seeing death coming is not as strong as now.

The three-headed flying dragon that has never been seen before, the terrifying ability to control storms and tsunamis, all make it possible for ordinary people to see that they are doomed.

A huge wave crashed over, and the area near the beach instantly turned into a white field, which was cleaner than flushing a toilet.

The people who had tried to contend with the Sky King had disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Ghidorah flapped its wings and floated in the sky. Seeing this scene, it circled a few times in a small area, and then let out a "quacking" laugh. Apparently all three heads were satisfied with the result.

With a cry, it flapped its wings and slid towards the land, landing on the seaside washed by the sea water, and jumped a few times as a buffer for landing.

Then, it started wreaking havoc.

The three heads sprayed electricity in different directions, and the two tails also began to destroy the ground like whips. While destroying it, it moved deeper into the inland area, probably planning to go from the port area to the central area.

Su Ming had already dismounted from its tail and was floating in the darkness, with the sea water rolling under his feet.

Just wait here for a while to find out if Godzilla is back.

"If this were Tokyo Minato on Earth 40k, the house price of that small building just now would be 20 million yen per square foot. To be honest, I think it's a bit of a waste of money." Su Ming strangled him like this and pointed at the place just now. He was whipped directly into the sky by the monster's tail into a tall building.

One square meter in Japan is 3.3057 square meters, which is enough to build a castle in Ireland if you buy a slightly more spacious one.

"Huh." Strangler said that he had no idea about this. As a symbiote, it would live wherever the host lives.

"When do you think the nuclear bomb will come? Is Godzilla awake now?" Su Ming touched Douya's head and stuffed a sea fish that had just been blown by the storm between its fangs.


This means that it should be soon. After discovering that missiles are useless, nuclear weapons should be available soon. People in this world are superstitious about various doomsday weapons, especially the Japanese, who are on the verge of madness.

They are attacked by monsters every year. Although it is not Godzilla who comes every time, other monsters always come here to play, and they can't stand it.

There are strong and weak monsters. The weak may die from missiles, while the strong may feed on nuclear bombs. The people living on the Japanese island live under the shadow of death every day. Sooner or later, the string in their brains will die. Break.

"Japan does not have nuclear weapons. It depends on their American father. The final say should be the Seventh Fleet Headquarters, which is the Yokosuka US military base."

As he spoke, he moved his gaze to the opposite side of Tokyo Bay.

There is nothing there. If we switch to Tokyo Bay in the parallel world, the base should be there. Maybe the Seventh Fleet headquarters in this world has been moved to Sasebo on Kyushu Island?

Okay, whatever, let's get some nukes and see if the smell of the food can make Godzilla move faster.

While I was thinking about it, a small bright spot appeared in the sky in the distance. It was a missile entering the maneuvering snakeskin position at the tail end. However, looking at the logo on the missile body, it seemed that it was launched by the Overlord organization, not Belongs to the US military.

But it doesn’t matter who drops the nuclear bomb, as long as the thing arrives.

The irregularly moving missile streaked across the sky, gradually approaching Ghidorah who was playing with demolishing a house, and then a mushroom cloud bloomed in mid-air.

The shock wave hit him, and the strong light and high heat also enveloped Deathstroke, but he still floated lightly above the coastline:

"Hey, it's still a hydrogen bomb. I'm pretty sure. I just don't know what their expressions will be like when they find out that nothing is happening underground on Skull Island."


Strangler laughed, but it felt that this was not important. The existence of an organization like Overlord actually did more harm than good, and it would be destroyed sooner or later.

"Let Harley take the people from the Jinke Garbage Camp to do it in the future. At least leave her with a boss to play with." Su Ming turned his back to the explosion. He floated in the air waves and looked at the sea: "Godzilla coming."

Just like what he said, under the huge waves, a dark shadow could be vaguely seen approaching the coastline. It was huge, but it swam extremely fast.

As it gets closer to the shallow sea area, its figure rises with a large amount of seawater. The high temperature of the nuclear explosion causes the liquid to evaporate instantly, and its skin turns red.

It's absorbing radiation and enjoying it.

Godzilla looks a bit like a Stegosaurus walking upright, but with a bigger head. Its ferocious gaze can be said to have immediately locked onto Ghidorah near the explosion point. When it discovered that the other party was also absorbing radiation, There was an angry roar.


Hearing this cry, Ghidorah's three heads also turned towards it. The next second, the two giant beasts charged towards each other, and a final battle began.

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