The Death Knell

Chapter 4087: Truant Worm

"Are you serious? That's true. Recently I heard that the Red Skull is back, but there is no definite news yet."

While Dotty was helping Gin carry the barbecue back and forth, she first shared her findings. As a senior leader of Hydra, she was quite well-informed.

Moving the vase on the dining table, she placed a deer leg chopped off with an ax in front of the principal.

Looking at the shiny deer legs, Su Ming took a deep breath:

"Are you sure it's the Red Skull? His vitality is really tenacious. Steve can spend a whole day with him. How many years has he spent?"

"It's not clear yet. Baron Zemo said he would go after it, but there is no news yet." Dotty took off her torn and somewhat tattered Hydra uniform, wearing only a small black vest underneath. Continue between the dining table and the giant fireplace.

"That's okay. By the way, Mrs. Lianhua and Xiao Zemo are actually quite good. Maybe we can give them a little sweetness." Su Ming thought for a moment and let Strangler take a big bite of the barbecue: "Natasha, God What’s new over there at SHIELD?”

Natasha came today wearing her tight black leather coat. Dottie could take off the coat, but she couldn't because there was nothing underneath.

When she was called by the death knell, she was pulling the zipper on her chest, as if she wanted to pull it down to her navel.

"Internal news from S.H.I.E.L.D.? That's a lot. First of all, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency established by Nick Fury and Duck failed. They did not find the parallel world they expected."

She flipped up her red hair, leaned on the chair with a smile, and counted on her fingers:

"Captain, Paige, and Sharon are living together. It seems that after I tricked Steve into going to the Big Bird Club last time, the two women were worried that he would really become a bender, so they made some compromise. .”

"Haha, very good. It seems that I have to prepare a Saudi second citizenship for Steve first." Su Ming raised the corner of his mouth. He felt relieved when he heard that his godson was so happy.

Natasha picked up the wine glass and seemed to choke while drinking. The wine spilled into her collar. She wiped it slowly with her little hand and said:

"Colson has a girlfriend who plays the cello, but Iron Knight seems to be very unhappy about it. The atmosphere within the SHIELD team is very strange now. Skye and Mockingbird have complained to me several times. Said going to work every day was like sitting in a flying refrigerator.”

"Colson's cello-playing girlfriend? She probably won't live long and doesn't need attention. How is Skye's mother doing? Has she met Dr. Hyde?"

"It's good. Isn't the 'Shangri-La' of the aliens closer to your Kama Taj? You should ask the mages. I'm in a latent state now. I can't go to XZ without any reason." "

Natasha, who had been drinking too much, was still not honest. She used a fork to insert a small potato that was covered with oil on the barbecue plate, licked it with her little tongue, and said:

"Baji and Falcon have been conducting some secret operations together recently. Hawkeye has recently accepted an apprentice. The second generation of Ant-Man has recently been hired to conduct an anti-theft test for San Fei. Vision has recently been obsessed with imitating humans."

"It sounds like a very peaceful day. What has Commander Hill been busy with recently?" Faced with Natasha's various performances, Su Ming just looked at her calmly.

"Maria Hill has been mysterious recently. I heard from the gossip that she seemed to have been ordered to form a new team." Black Widow sighed and returned to her usual appearance: "I saw her and the Howling Commandos. Act together, but according to the regulations, she is the commander of the space carrier and does not need to go to the ground to do dirty work."

"We should have contacted Morbius and are still preparing to form the Midnight Sons team, so we need the help of the werewolf captain and female vampire of the Howling Commandos."

After hearing this, Su Ming nodded, not showing much interest in it.

Morbius is a half-vampire and an expert in biochemical technology, but compared with Dracula, the real ancestor of vampires, he is far behind. After all, what kind of superpower can he have if he has to drink blood and be afraid of light?

What’s more, it’s worth noting that that person also suffers from severe symptoms of depression and paranoia. His behavior is very similar to that of Amanda Waller, the fat woman with clairaudience next door, but her abilities are far different.

He usually behaves unpredictably, but all his plans turn out to be pitfalls.

On Earth 616 in the comics, he was in charge of SHIELD's scientific research department. As a result, the casualty rate of the scientific research department was once higher than that of front-line field agents.

Natasha just nodded and said nothing more. She was thinking.

"Okay, let's talk while we eat, Yelena, tell me what Leviathan has been doing recently." Everyone got their own barbecue, and Gin also sat back next to Su Ming. He smiled and announced the start of the banquet. Then let everyone raise their glasses by candlelight.

After dinner that day, the cobweb girls were thrown back to where they came from by the adjutant, while Su Ming and Gin still took the bearskin mattress to spend quality time outdoors.

It is difficult to find new bears in his forest. It seems that they also know that this is not a good place, so they can only use the bear skins left behind.

At noon the next day, he left home again, planning to find where the little guy Tony had gone and see if he had become dark now.

The first stop was to go to Villa No. 1 on Malibu Beach. After confirming that he was not at home, he also checked the nearby sewers and determined that Tony was not here. Only Jarvis's AI was here to look after the house.

At the second stop, Deathstroke went to the Avengers Mansion, the old home of Tony's family, to see if anyone there knew his whereabouts.

The people staying in the house today are She-Hulk and the Wasp. They don't know where Tony has gone. On the contrary, the Avengers have been looking for him recently.

Finally, Su Ming went to Stark Industries Building, Tony's least favorite place, to see if he could find any clues to the disappearance.

But as soon as he flew to the rooftop and landed, he didn't see Tony, but he saw Spider-Man.

At this time, he was sitting on the edge of the rooftop with a bleak back, looking like he wanted to commit suicide.

Yes, Peter often sits in places that would seem dangerous to ordinary people, such as squatting on the tip of a lightning rod to drink instant coffee, which makes people worry that if he slips his foot, he will turn into a spider string, but he has never had any accidents.

As for why Su Ming thinks this way now, it's because something is wrong with Xiao Chong today.

At the moment, he is smoking and drinking in one hand, smoking from left to right. You can feel the decadence just by looking at his back. Every once in a while, he will sob sadly.

It's strange. Although Peter is not a super tough guy, he has always been an optimist. What makes him so decadent is because his relationship with Tony is too deep. Now that Iron Man is missing, he is like his dead step-uncle. ?

This death knell needs to be taken care of.

"Boy, today is not the weekend, why didn't you go to school?"

Su Ming suddenly made a voice behind Spider-Man. When Peter heard this demonic tone, he was suddenly shocked and fell from the rooftop.

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