The Death Knell

Chapter 4088 The suffering innocence

Of course, he wouldn't fall to his death. In the next second, spider silk pulled him up, and even the wine bottle and cigarettes were stuck in his hands.

Seeing the death knell, he lowered his head in shame, took off his mask and said with red eyes:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson, I didn't mean to skip school. I just felt embarrassed and didn't know where to go, so I came to see Mr. Stark to see if there was anything he could do to help, but he wasn't home. I'll wait for him here."

"What's so embarrassing?" Su Ming took off his mask, sat down next to the boy, patted his side and motioned for him to sit too: "You used to be a good boy, you didn't smoke or drink, you know you're not 21 years old Is it illegal to drink alcohol?”

"This is butterbeer. It was given to me by Master Druid. He said that children can drink it too." Peter showed the bottle and rubbed his eyes: "I am very depressed, so I want to numb myself, but this wine is a little There is no alcohol content, the more I drink, the more sober I become, woo!”

Saying this, he covered his face again, and the so-called cigarette in his other hand was actually just a candy.

But obviously, the sugar still didn't make him happy, he was still sad.

"You haven't said it yet, what is the embarrassing thing?" Su Ming patted the boy on the back and asked him to tell it: "You know, what Tony can do, I can also do. , and do it better than him.”

"Then Mr. Wilson, you must first promise not to laugh at me."

Peter looked up. His face was as red as the patches of color on his uniform.

"Don't be so polite, kid. You call me cousin Wade. There is no need to use the honorific title when you come to me. Otherwise, it will sound like there is a generation gap between me and Deadpool."

Su Ming smiled and took out real drinks and cigarettes and put them into the boy's hands:

"You are a good boy. I like you very much. Just call me Slade from now on. Just tell me. I promise not to laugh at you."

"Okay, then I'll tell you what I said." Spider-Man sniffed and scratched his face with his fingers: "Sir, do you know the short video software that we young people play now? Well, I don't mean that you are old. , it’s, uh, just a mobile app anyway.”

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and when the screen turned on, an icon was displayed.

I don’t know if his broken mobile phone was saved by picking up electronic waste. In short, after the Wilson Titanium mobile phone was launched, Su Ming hadn’t seen such a no-name flip phone for a long time.

Not to mention that this kind of mobile phone has been stolen, it is estimated that no one will pick it up if it is dropped on the road, right?

But it seems that some modifications to the accessories and program adjustments have been made. Although the screen of this thing is a bit smaller, the response speed is really not slow.

"You know, Douyin is a network project cooperating between my Wilson Group and Tony's Stark Industries. The idea is mine. I'm actually very young."

After listening to Xiaochong hesitating for a long time, Su Ming still didn't understand. He could only encourage the boy to continue:

"Could it be that you were ridiculed by the bad boys in the class because you were using such a frivolous mobile phone? But it doesn't make you feel ashamed to see others, right?"

"Well, things are very complicated, sir, do you like cats?" Peter sighed. He did not drink, but continued to drink his butter water, and asked Deathstroke a question.

"Well, you should also know that I have a good relationship with the Leopard God, so cats are very close to me."

Su Ming nodded and waited for the follow-up.

Xiao Chong wiped his palms on his tight pants and looked down at the busy traffic below:

"I also like cats. So, do you usually like to watch short videos of cooking?"

"Our family usually eats barbecue, but there are indeed many short cooking videos on the Internet. After all, food is the most important thing for people, and it is the same all over the world."

Su Ming nodded as he lit up a cigarette. He felt he could understand Peter's situation.

In his previous life, Su Ming didn't have much money. When he was eating instant noodles alone in a rented house, he would watch videos on his mobile phone such as the Manchu Banquet, hypnotizing himself that he was eating good food.

Everyone knows the situation in Peter's family. Aunt May works three jobs, and Peter also has to work-study. It is logical to watch a cooking video to accompany the pasta with only tomato sauce as a side dish.

The little spider's expression became more and more bitter. He moved his gaze from the street to the sky, raised his hands to cover his eyes:

"Then if I watch some funny videos of girls, the kind of short videos where other people make fools of themselves, it shouldn't be considered a mistake, right?"

"If you laugh at a funny video uploaded to the Internet, it doesn't count as ridicule, because the uploader gets the benefit. As long as it's not an American-style bullying, you don't have to bear any psychological burden from a moral perspective."

Not to mention funny videos on the Internet, Su Ming also likes reality and funny events happening in front of him. Although he is not a pure fun person, he is not a saint with high moral standards.

"That's the problem, sir." Peter put the whole candy in the shape of a cigarette into his mouth and chewed it, looking at the death knell with empty eyes: "I like cats, kitchen cooking, funny videos of beautiful girls, these things None of them are wrong, but together they are the reason for my disgrace.”

At this point, the hand holding the phone trembled, and his mouth moved like waves, as if he was restraining his emotions.

"Well, I didn't hear any necessary connection." Deathstroke listened patiently. He moved the joints of his arms in the strong wind at high altitude: "Is it because some classmates laughed at your hobby for being too girly? That's not true. "

Also, cats, kitchens, and fun, these things together wouldn’t make people feel so sad, right?

"I was fooled by Douyin's big data push, so I came to see Mr. Stark to see if there was any way." After Peter put on the uniform, he became a chatterbox, and now he finally got to the point: "This morning, I was going to school, and Mary lost her cell phone, so she asked me to borrow it to call herself and see if anyone had found it."

"Well, continue." Deathstroke encouraged the boy with his eyes.

"She called and no one answered, so she had no choice but to give up, so she wanted to use my phone to look up a short video she saw yesterday on how to make chocolate volcanoes, and show it to the girls."


"I didn't think it was a problem at the time, so I agreed, but after she opened my Douyin, big data pushed a video to me based on my usual viewing preferences."

Peter couldn't lift his head, and his voice became smaller, almost undetectable in the strong wind. Thanks to Su Ming's super hearing, he could hear him trembling:

"After integrating my preferences, the video on my homepage is 'The cat-eared girl makes herself pineapple-like in the kitchen and rolls her eyes wildly'! It's the kind of illegal video! Or the kind with the volume turned up! Sir, you can't even imagine it. What was the look in Gwen and Mary’s eyes at that time? The whole class must have misunderstood me as a pervert now, woohoo! I don’t even know how I rushed out of the classroom!”

Seeing him so sad, Su Ming held back her laughter and just patted the boy on the shoulder to let him look at the problem from a more optimistic perspective:

"Well, at least your account is taken care of."

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