The Death Knell

Chapter 4092 Dead End

This is why Su Ming doesn't like teaming up with superheroes.

Under the premise of limited abilities, you still have moral constraints on yourself, which will only complicate things that are originally simple.

Scott was driven crazy by his ex-wife and was unwilling to listen to Deathstroke's good advice. Obviously he only needed to say "thank you". Su Ming, who was in a good mood after returning from vacation, must have arranged this little thing for him clearly.

I originally thought that as a condition of the deal, I would let him work at Wilson Enterprises. This would be a win-win situation in the future.

"Since you don't want to, forget it, but if you give in like this, you will only make others think you are easy to bully." Su Ming sighed, gave the second generation Ant-Man a piece of advice, and said no more.

"I'm just an ordinary person with a history of theft. I can't talk about killing people so carelessly like you." Scott smiled bitterly, and his little eyes peeked at Colson and Pepper.

In fact, his situation is that he has a thief's heart but not his courage.

He also thought about how great it would be if his ex-wife's new boyfriend 'disappeared', but when he thought about it, his moral bottom line limited the possibility of turning his thoughts into actions.

"I didn't hear anything." Little Pepper led the way without looking back. After passing through the access control, she was the only one in the company who had the authority to enter Tony's laboratory: "Secretary, the best thing is that you can't hear anything." Things you shouldn’t hear.”

"Don't look at me, Mr. Ant-Man." Coulson smiled and touched his forehead. He told the SHIELD Code very frankly: "We SHIELD agents protect mankind, but if someone exists It may make our superhero go crazy, and we have reason to eliminate this fuse. If you don't want to trouble Mr. Deathstroke, I can help you contact the cleaning team."

The so-called cleaning team is a team led by Black Widow that does dirty work. SHIELD sometimes encounters people who are not cooperative with the work, so naturally they will use shady methods.

As for a secret service organization, if it doesn't even have an assassination business, wouldn't it be missing something?

When an ordinary person and a superhero are put on the scale, SHIELD will inevitably choose to help the superhero. This is the difference in value.

Before Scott could give any response, Little Spider's head shook like a rattle:

"This is why I don't want to join the Avengers. The world of adults is really too dark. Scott, don't think about killing people. Let's take legal channels. I'll help you talk to Daredevil. He I am definitely willing to provide you with free legal assistance.”

"I always feel embarrassed to ask people to help me for free. Daredevil is not an Avenger..." Ant-Man took a deep breath and strengthened his belief. He rubbed his face with his hands and said, "Let's do this. I I will ask the captain to help me testify in court, and he can prove that I am not a bad person and am qualified to raise children."

"Wrong, Scott. Captain America can only prove that Ant-Man is not a bad guy, but cannot prove that Scott Lang is not a bad guy."

Hearing such a childish statement, Su Ming laughed. He nodded and told Pepper to open the last door, while talking to Ant-Man:

"You are a masked hero, remember? Or are you going to do like Tony and hold a press conference to announce that you are Ant-Man? It's best not to do that. Trust me, your future enemies will let your relatives and friends do it. They will all die in the future."

"Hey!" Scott covered his face. Sometimes a secret identity can really be an obstacle.

"Think about it for yourself. When you change your mind, just say it to the sky and I will know." The door in front of you opened, Tony's workshop appeared in front of everyone, and Su Ming stepped into this underground garage-like place. Looking around the room.

The laboratory was a mess. A piece of armor plate was thrown here, a few power tools were thrown there, and there was a pool of dark liquid on the ground. It was not blood, but spilled lubricating oil.

But it was in this environment that Tony came up with his inventions, mainly the weapons previously invented by Stark Industries. For example, the Jericho missile was born here.

"This is Tony's workshop." Pepper sighed, picked up a wrench on the ground and put it on the table: "Colson brought people in yesterday, and they found nothing."

"Please don't say that, Ms. Potts. Although my team members are all good, I clearly know that their abilities cannot be compared with Deathstroke. They can't find anything. It's just that we are not capable enough."

The bald agent flattered him without leaving any trace. He knew that since Deathstroke said there were clues here, there must be them.

Even if I lie down and follow along, I can still complete the task of finding someone assigned by the director. How great is that.

"I just like to listen to you talk, Coulson. If Fury dies one day, I will definitely support you as the chief." Su Ming nodded approvingly to him, and at the same time ordered the strangulation to start the search, and thousands of tentacles flowed out like running water. His armor began to spread indoors.

"Thank you for your kindness, but please don't tell this joke about our director." Coulson's smile also turned bitter. He has been working for so many years before he is a level six agent, and he is still far from the position of director.

"Sir, what are you looking for?" Spider-Man jumped to the ceiling with a jab. He was a little allergic to the symbiote and asked hanging upside down on the roof.

"As I said before, Tony is a superhero who has exposed his identity and has also experienced Obadai's betrayal."

Su Ming withdrew the strangulation and locked his eyes in one direction. He threw the 'reactor ornament' in his hand to Xiaojiao and said his own logic:

"And this underground laboratory is a closed space. If he is blocked by enemies here, it will be a big trouble. Therefore, there must be a safe house or secret passage here as a back-up. With Tony's IQ, he can definitely think of this. So this is what I was looking for, and I found it.”

"But I don't know anything." Little Pepper hugged the crystal box with a shocked look on her face: "I never thought that Tony wouldn't feel safe in the company."

"To put it bluntly, the appearance of the battle suit has long been enough to show that he has no sense of security. As a woman, you are not careful enough."

Deathstroke showed his lightsaber and then took it back:

"Confident people choose to develop better weapons, while only insecure people will study armor. His subconscious mind that wants to protect himself makes him choose this way. The motivation for becoming a superhero is just to protect more people. "

"So, Captain's shield..." Ant-Man rubbed his nose.

"Steve is different. He has been using trash can lids since he was a child."

Deathstroke rolled his eyes and shook his head silently. While answering Ant-Man, he also pushed Pepper towards the corner and asked her to pick up the box:

"It's easy for Tony to dig a hole. The mk25 raider engineering suit is equipped with the resonance converter he used on the mk17 heartbreaker. If he is willing, he can dig a hole in the ground with his feet within a few hours. Come out of the castle.”

Peter fell from the ceiling: "Is it the kind of luxurious castle with a courtyard and stables?"

"Your focus is a bit strange." Su Ming rubbed the boy's head, then nodded and said, "He can really dig it out if he wants to."


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