The Death Knell

Chapter 4093 Legacy

What Su Ming asked Hangsha to find was actually a safe house.

Generally speaking, the home safe houses of rich people are often of this style. To put it bluntly, they are more like a giant safe with a life-support system hidden behind the wall.

Tony's work is more advanced. Although he doesn't know when it was repaired, if any enemy blocks him in the workshop in the future, he will definitely be able to hide in the safe house until the Avengers rescue him.

The entrance to this secret room is actually quite hidden. The switch is a table leg. When it is turned, a hole slide will appear on the tightly fitted floor, allowing Tony to quickly hide and close the 'Dragon Breaking Stone'-like gate.

However, Strangler smelled it, and this safe house was opened once not long ago.

If Coulson had a police dog in his team, he might have discovered this place yesterday, but the key was the decoration in Pepper's hand that reminded Su Ming of this place.

Because this thing is usually kept in the Malibu villa, according to Pepper's description, Tony spent a few hours in the workshop that day, and then returned to the office to give her this accessory.

It can be judged from this that Tony once left the company without anyone knowing during that time. Secondly, he made a special trip to get back the seemingly useless things and said those words to Pepper.

This Ark reactor marked "Tony has a heart" is his earliest work, which was built in an underground base when he was kidnapped by his fiancée.

This is actually a hint that Pepper can take it underground at a critical moment, where there is something he left for her.

This set of reasoning is not rigorous. After all, it is just a guess. It costs nothing to verify it.

So Su Ming stood here now, watching the heavy floor flow away like liquid, revealing a dark entrance like a sewer manhole cover.

"Ah, liquid metal." Coulson secretly sent a message again, but said: "No wonder we can't find it. There is not even a gap in the floor when it is not activated by the switch."

"Actually, if the Howling Commandos are coming, the werewolf captain should be able to smell it." Su Ming patted Coulson on the shoulder. He lit a cigarette and looked down: "But don't worry, there are specialties in the art." , there is not a single detective in your team, and all investigation clues rely on hackers, so it’s normal that you can’t find it here.”

"I'll go down first." Spider-Man patted his chest and looked down: "I saw that the ancient tombs in the movie have traps. My spider sense can definitely avoid them."

"But this is not an ancient tomb, it's a secret tunnel dug by Tony himself." Ant-Man stuffed his yellow helmet into the dirty backpack he was carrying, and took out his uniform from it: "I'll be the first to go down. Well, if there are other doors, I can get in and open them for you."

Just as the two were rushing to take the lead, Deathstroke pushed Pepper down holding the jewelry. She screamed and disappeared on the slide.

Deathstroke followed closely behind, and he didn't want to arrange the order of entering the cave at all, because this was the safe house passage, and even if Tony turned dark, he wouldn't be like Batman and set traps on his escape route.

You must know that he gave Xiaojiao this box, which meant that he hoped that she would find this place, so naturally he could not arrange anything that would harm her.

Seeing two people of the Zong character still arguing, Colson smiled and walked sideways between them, and the third one jumped into the hole.

There's nothing to argue about. Ant-Man and Spider-Man want to protect others, but their teammates don't need protection. They can only look at each other awkwardly and then follow silently.

There is a slide connected to the underground cave. It is not long. It takes about ten seconds to reach the bottom. In front of you is a heavy gate. There is a jack next to the gate, which is exactly the size of the Ark reactor.

Needless to say, Deathstroke, Pepper, who was eager to learn Tony's whereabouts, opened the crystal box in his hand, took out the reactor inside and pressed it into the hole.

The gate opened silently, and all the lights in the safe room were turned on. A beam of light illuminated the center of the hall behind the door, where a female-style battle suit stood. At the same time, a small projection appeared on the side of the door. The device also started working and played Tony's message.

"Little pepper, it's me, the holographic projection of your boss. I don't know when you will find the things I left for you, maybe twenty or thirty years later? Because I am very good at hiding things. My father forced me to do it when I was a child, so I am very good at hiding things." It's possible that I'll be dead when you enter here."

Although he said these words, the projected Tony still looked cynical. He smiled and touched his head:

"Don't cry, because I finally realized that if you don't have enough power and ambition to transcend everything, you won't be able to protect anything in the end, so I decided to look for the most powerful machine in the universe. I won't necessarily die, just thinking about it. We looked at the worst-case scenario.”

Everyone looked at Deathstroke when they heard this. Well, without his investigation, it would have been twenty or thirty years before everyone discovered that there was a secret room here and there was trouble.

By then it will be too late.

"Of course, I hope you discover this place as early as possible, but I guess you wouldn't have come to the company basement if you weren't in a desperate situation. Well, do you still remember the suit I gave Rhodes? Likewise, I made a newer and better one for you, and if I do die, hopefully it will continue to protect you for the rest of time.”

"This is the mk49 'rescue' suit. It is equipped with all my latest technologies. The deformable biological nanomaterials can be integrated into the skin, the dual new element reactors, the high-strength vibranium shell, and the energy cannon on the chest is enough to blow up Thanos. There is even an automatic injection mechanism of tranquilizers that can fight the death knell, haha..."

"Live well and don't lose it. Then it's time for me to set off. Goodbye."

Tony, whose hair was a little messy but still smiling with his chin raised, waved his hand and disappeared.

After the video was played, the projector automatically burned up, and Tony actually designed a self-destruct device for it just to be cool...

In the light of the fire, the golden-red rescue suit began to run automatically. It broke away from the display rack and flew towards Little Pepper, and finished dressing her in a stream of mercury-like flow.

But the next second, Little Pepper fell to her knees and punched the ground with her fists:

"Asshole! Who wants your suit?! You don't understand anything! Woohoo!"


Bugs and Ant-Man sighed at the same time. As superheroes, they couldn't bear to see such a life-or-death scene. But Coulson is secretly sending messages again. Maybe the surveillance on Pepper will be upgraded in the future.

Deathstroke just touched his chin, and did not check whether the other passage in the safe house was connected to the New York sewer, but returned the same way:

"Peter, come with me. The others can disperse. I know where Tony has gone. I must ask him to explain why your vibrato caught the color video in full view of the whole class."

"Don't say it, Mr. Deathstroke! If you say that, even the Avengers and SHIELD will know that I watched the movie!"

Peter covered his face and ran out, his whole body seemed to be gray.


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