The Death Knell

Chapter 4094 The Strongest Machine

Back in the still messy workshop, Su Ming caught up with the little spider under the pale light and directly asked the adjutant to teleport:

"Send us to Wakanda."

In a flash of blue light, the two disappeared on the spot, leaving the other three people in the safe house, leaving behind only the emotionless farewell they had said before.

Su Ming had no intention of taking them together. Even if he took Xiao Chong now, it was to take him fishing on the symbiote planet in the future. The boy would be the bait.

Peter seems to be just an ordinary teenager, but being chosen by Spider Totem has a very special significance for his existence. He seems to be especially liked by symbiotes. Even scumbag symbiotes like Venom can't forget Peter.

After all, if he goes to Klinta to cause trouble with Gnar, he will inevitably encounter other symbiotes. Su Ming has already been strangled, so naturally he cannot use himself as bait.

The blue light in front of them dissipated, and Deathstroke and Spider-Man stood in the palace hall. At this time, they were surrounded by a group of black people. Black Panther himself was fine, but his mother and sister's eyes were widened, as if they could not imagine. How did people come about.

"Good evening, T'Challa, haven't you slept yet?" Deathstroke raised his hand to say hello, and smiled at the women and elders familiarly: "Are you guys preparing for a dinner party?"

The current time in New York on the east coast of the United States is noon, which is about 7 hours different from Wakanda in East Africa. It is night here now, but it is not yet time for young people to go to bed.

The Black Panther stood up from the throne, walked down the steps made of gold, and embraced Deathstroke:

"You are still so humorous. On behalf of Wakanda, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage. Of course, it is best to inform you in advance next time. Not everyone can easily accept someone teleporting in front of them. Oh, and Spider-Man Peter, You are also welcome to come.”

"Why do you know my secret identity..." Xiaochong was very annoyed. He suspected that he had no secret now.

"Ah? Is your identity confidential? I'm sorry, I thought everyone knew it, but it's okay, there are no outsiders here. Come on, let me introduce to you, this is my mother Ramanda, this is my Sister Su Rui, this is my Uncle Wang..."

His Majesty the King introduced both parties with a smile, and those mentioned stood up and returned the greeting one by one.

Peter didn't have such a big name that could make people stand up and say hello, but the name of the Supreme Mage next to him was very familiar to them. After all, the big black cat often told them dreams about the cooperation projects between himself and Deathstroke.

Whether it is the anti-vibranium in Antarctica or the division of interests in the dimensional war, the relationship between Big Cat and Deathstroke is very close. It is estimated that if Deathstroke's skin color was not a problem, he might be the king of Wakanda. Big Cat is very interested in him. Very promising.

After some pleasantries, Su Ming talked to them about the recent affairs of the Great Space Navigation Project, and said that if Wakanda is willing to stand on the same front as the Spear Bureau, their people will also be eligible to be the first to go into space. , qualifying at least ten years earlier than Americans.

T'Challa agreed immediately, because in his view, although most of the members of the Avengers are Americans, superheroes do not represent the average quality and moral level of a nation.

The United States is actually the source of chaos in the world. No matter what kind of power and opportunities it is, Americans cannot grasp it first, otherwise the whole world will suffer.

Wakanda has always done this. It has advanced technology, but it is determined not to share it with the United States. Even if the U.S. military once tried to seize it by force, the Black Panthers of all generations never flinched.

Even if he wants to fall out with the Avengers, he will not allow those American politicians to use Wakanda's technology to dominate.

Some technologies, when placed in the hands of peace-loving people, can benefit more people; when the same technology falls into the hands of Americans, it will only become a weapon to kill the same kind, and black brothers are the first choice targets.

"Thank you for your generosity, Deathstroke, you are our eternal friend in Wakanda." T'Challa thanked someone, and his claws were so excited that he scratched the armrest of the throne.

The negotiation process between the two dictators was always very simple. Su Ming did not make any other demands to Wakanda, he just needed them to take sides.

After all, even if he makes a deal, the target of his deal will only be the big black cat behind Wakanda. There is really nothing in T'Challa that Su Ming likes.

"Anyone who loves peace can be my friend. My goal is to let mankind move towards prosperity and progress together. Needless to say polite words. In addition, in addition to the cosmic cooperation project, I am here this time because I need your help. A favor."

Su Ming showed off the style of the Supreme Mage and chatted and laughed with the leaders of the country. Peter on the side was dumbfounded. He only felt that what Deathstroke and the King said was so powerful that he could not understand anything.

He understood one sentence, that is, as an American, what opportunity would he miss to 'visit the universe zoo'?

It sounds interesting, but why is Black Panther so serious?

"Please speak, Mage Supreme." Black Panther nodded without any hesitation.

T'Challa's character is a bit like Captain America. He is the kind of person who speaks hard and nails people. As long as he thinks they are friends, he will really do his best to help when something happens.

"I'm looking for the 'Seeder' underground in Wakanda, a Celestial Machine. The one who died on earth after being infected by the Bruzers in ancient times. Its remains should be under the ground in Wakanda at this time."

Su Ming stopped beating around the bush and stated his request directly.

"I don't know about this." Black Panther sat upright on the throne and looked at Su Rui who was sitting on a chair not far away: "Sister, you conducted a geological survey when you last explored our vibranium mine. , did you find anything unusual?"

Almost once a month, the stock of vibranium veins must be checked. After all, Wakanda's technological development relies heavily on that stuff, and it is also to prevent theft.

"We often use ground vibration to survey mineral veins. Mineral veins absorb wavelengths, so we actually don't know what is underneath the mineral veins." Black girl rubbed her colorful necklace and said to her brother.

"Why are you suddenly talking about the Celestial Group, Deathstroke? Although I have seen some records left by the Aegis Brotherhood in Egypt, there hasn't been anything like that on earth for a long time, right?"

Black Panther stood up. He was going to personally accompany Deathstroke to the mine. At the same time, he asked about the information about the Celestial Group.

"A few years ago, I killed a group of gods in outer space who wanted to restart the earth. Humanity has always been in danger. T'Challa, you only saw the side I wanted people to see, and you didn't see the real side. The dark universe."

Deathstroke stood up, hooked the neck of the little bug next to him, and rubbed the boy's head like a bowling ball.

"So that's it. Is this the greatness of the Supreme Mage..." Black Panther nodded. He looked at Deathstroke with admiration: "I understand what the words Leopard God said to me mean. We Everyone owes Karma Taj a favor.”

The mage waved his hand modestly and smiled slightly: "Putting aside the favors, Miss Su Rui, could you please check if there has been any trace of Iron Man nearby recently?"

The black girl also stood up from her chair and walked towards him respectfully:

"Of course, I am very happy to be able to help you. Please come with me. We will go to the scientific research center beneath the palace. The entrance to the mine is also at our feet."


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