The Death Knell

Chapter 4105 Good things don’t work

The group returned to the technology center, but T'Challa was still waiting here. After learning that a wormhole suddenly appeared, Su Rui hurriedly came again.

I happened to see Deathstroke and his team coming out, and there was an extra Iron Man.

"Tony." T'Challa took a deep breath and shook hands with Iron Man: "I have told Deathstroke before that if you want to come to Wakanda as a guest, I welcome you, but it is best to give advance notice."

"Sorry, my fault." Tony smiled evilly and retracted his helmet into his suit: "After all, in the eyes of the outside world, this is the East African prairie. Who knew Wakanda was here? My new I invented space wormhole technology, I just wanted to try teleporting, but I didn’t expect that this is your home.”

Tony Stark is just a docile donkey, but Black Panther's veiled protest inspired his rebellious psychology. He didn't mention the apology at all, but insisted that this place looked like a wasteland to the outside world.

He knew clearly that he was lying with open eyes, but with Deathstroke present, T'Challa couldn't hold him accountable, so he could only smile and let the matter go.

But Su Rui's eyes were as wide as a cat's, and she pulled Iron Man back without noticing anything: "Is it a wormhole generator? Is it cosmic string theory or space folding? What is the energy source used for? Can you show it to me?"

If it were an ordinary person, Tony wouldn't show off his invention.

But he was still very optimistic about Su Rui. Perhaps because he wanted to make up for Wakanda, he generously handed the metal rod in his hand to the girl:

"Watch it with Peter, watch it carefully, and learn it well."

His desire to teach others came back to him.

"Damn, my phone is really out of battery." Storm held her phone angrily and looked at everyone.

Originally, when she met Deathstroke and others in the corridor, she was looking for the charger, but she was kidnapped halfway to do other things.

Now she wanted to call the professor to inform Wolverine about the bad things, but her phone was out of battery and she had to borrow it from someone else.

"Don't look at me, who still uses backward things like mobile phones these days? Tsk." Tony rolled his eyes and slapped his face in front of him, as if he was very disgusted: "I'll make you a simplified version later. An exoskeleton suit with integrated communication equipment.”

This is also part of the hush money.

"We don't have mobile phones either." Su Rui shook her head. She and Black Panther also used integrated communications in their suits.

Deathstroke also shook his head. He relied entirely on his adjutant for communication, but for the matter of suing Logan, it was best to let Storm do it.

Finally, Ororo's eyes fell on Peter.

"Spider-Man, I can use your phone." She stretched out her hand to Peter. She was now anxious about the matters of her father's enemies.

You must know that there is a Brotherhood of Mutants on Utopia Island now. Magneto's men don't care why the invaders come. They will definitely kill them when they see them.

He must tell the professor the truth of the matter as soon as possible, so as to avoid human tragedy. Those orphans are miserable enough, and mutants should no longer kill each other.

"That's mine." Hearing Storm's teacher-like tone, Peter subconsciously took out his broken cell phone from his trouser pocket. Only when he held it in his hand did he remember something, and quickly wanted to change his mind.

There is something dirty in my phone, very dirty. What if someone sees it?

"You are a boy too. You don't want your mother-in-law's, so bring it here." Storm rubbed Peter's head in a joking tone, snatched the small phone away, opened the cover and prepared to call the professor.

However, sometimes, the more you worry that something bad will happen, the more it will happen.

This is Murphy's Law, or to use the latest and most fashionable explanation, this is a manifestation of the power of crisis.

I don’t know if it’s because Storm hasn’t used a flip phone for a long time, or because Peter’s phone, which he saved from electronic waste, is really hard to use. Anyway, the female teacher’s finger accidentally clicked on the Douyin icon, and the video on the homepage started playing on the spot, and she made a lot of noise. Big sound.

Such videos often have little substance, but the one Peter watched should have a story. It mainly tells how a cat-eared girl uses kitchen supplies such as rolling pins and plastic wrap to vigorously make a mess on herself, making an annoying sound. Flustered 'cat scream'.

It's simple, intuitive, and goes straight to the depths of human nature. It should be understandable to both humans and animals.


Storm's gaze changed instantly. Her original position in the Mutant Academy was a bit like the dean of students. She had never seen students peeking at such things before.

But she never imagined that a representative of good boys like Spider-Man would also have this kind of hobby, and the taste was very strong.

People really can’t be judged by their appearance. I thought Wolverine was just an exception, but I didn’t expect it.

However, she knew that teenagers have strong self-esteem, and she was willing to give Peter a chance to correct himself, so she calmly turned off the Douyin software, took a deep look at the boy, and then walked aside to make a call.

"Wait, please listen to my explanation." Peter stretched out his palm, as if he was trying to retain a lover who was determined to break up.

"No need to explain, I understand. Although I am a teacher, I am not your teacher. I will not let you call your parents." Storm walked faster, not intending to listen to the teenager's excuse: "My impression of you before Very good, Peter, don’t lie anymore to affect my opinion of you, that’s it, I’ll return the phone to you in a while.”

She is a master of wind magic. Although she doesn't know the portal spell, she can fly very fast and disappear in a flash.

But Peter's whole body turned gray.

It's over, now even the Avengers and X-Men know it, and people in Wakanda know it too

This is not the most terrifying thing. Storm's words reminded him of another thing. He was caught in the classroom this morning, and then he escaped with his head buried in his head. So if he watched something like that in class and skipped class, the teacher wouldn't Will you call your parents?

Peter's eyes turned red when he thought that Aunt Mei might be called to school to talk about this matter, and that she was so busy and still had to be scolded for her own affairs.

He looked at Tony hatefully, it was all this unreliable uncle who did it!

But Tony had a funny smile on his face at this time, and poked the boy with his elbow, with a very lewd expression:

"Oh, that's good. It seems that our young man has grown up. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This is human instinct. Let me tell you, when I was your age, I found a dozen things wrong. I couldn't Say, I thought about it carefully and it’s somewhat inappropriate to tell you this.”

After finishing speaking, he smacked his lips without saying anything, as if he was a little regretful that he couldn't tell those stories.

However, Peter jumped on Iron Man the next second, started pulling his beard and ears, and yelled like crazy:

"I fought with you! It's all your fault!"

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