The Death Knell

Chapter 4106 Set off to space

The two started fighting like this, and Tony was in a good mood because he knew that his parents and ex-girlfriend were not dead.

Peter, on the other hand, was so impatient that he forgot to be polite.

The two of them were entangled together like children. They used martial arts skills such as monkeys stealing peaches and double dragons playing with beads. The scene was very cruel.

Black Panther looked at the two people fighting, then at Deathstroke, touched his chin and said:

"Does Peter like cats? I think he is more suitable for Wakanda now. We have so many cats here."

Su Rui was also very calm. Although she was a girl, as a scientist and Internet expert, she was not surprised by boys watching such short films. Her face was just a little red, but her dark skin made it not obvious:

"Spider-Man is old enough to be a father in Wakanda, so he must be holding it back. The United States is anti-human."

"Oh, let's not talk about him anymore, T'Challa, I have something serious to talk to you about." Su Ming looked towards Tony with a smile, shook his head slightly, and then stopped smiling: "About the future safety of the underground mines , and the possible mutations that may occur in insects.”

Then, Su Ming briefly talked about the Celestial Sowers, the Bru Zerg, the Bru Virus, and the things he discovered underground.

Although he has dispatched purification troops, no one can guarantee whether the thick black juice will seep into the groundwater and contaminate the entire Wakanda.

If you want to clean it up completely, you must have the cooperation of Wakanda. This cannot be done overnight. Pollution is always particularly difficult to clean up.

If there is such pollution on an alien planet, blowing up the planet directly is the easiest way, because this is what the Celestial Group does. If they find out where Bulu is infected, they will directly attack with a heavy blow.

But on Earth, Su Ming couldn't do this, and wouldn't allow others to do it.

"I understand, Supreme Mage, I will let my people cooperate with your actions." Black Panther also became serious. Although he did not fully understand those things, the fact that Deathstroke was so serious meant that the matter was not trivial.

"Okay, I will send some experts who fight corruption and pollution to come and connect with you. Su Rui, you should also think about it carefully. I will check again after a while."

Deathstroke shook hands with Black Panther and pointed to the top of his head:

"I'm going to say hello to the Leopard God in a while, and I'm leaving next, but Storm will go with me. I have something to give her as your wedding gift. I may not have time to attend then. You You know, the Supreme Mage’s time does not belong to you.”

In fact, there is plenty of time, but Su Ming is not used to African food. Without thinking about it, he knows that most of it is barbecue, and he is full just thinking about it.

"Ah, you are so polite, thank you." T'Challa didn't know what kind of gift Deathstroke wanted to give, but he still happily accepted it: "Oluoro happened to be going back to Utopia to find Professor X to explain, and I didn't want it either. Keep her, what I told you before is true, she makes the decision between the two of us, I have no say, haha."

Just at this time, Storm came back from the phone call. She had a feeling of relief on her face, as if constipation had been relieved for ten years. She probably got a good result.

"I contacted the professor and he said he would watch." Ororo shook her white hair and stood next to the Black Panther gracefully: "Huh? Why are Spider-Man and Iron Man wrestling over there? ?Why is Tony spanking Peter like a drum?"

"Well, it's a personal hobby." Su Ming gave a misleading answer with a mischievous smile, and then let Strangler separate the two people who were fighting: "Okay, stop playing, let's go to the dream dimension next, and then go up Once in space, I will take you to a good place."

"Space? Me?" Tony was a little hesitant. He also wanted to go to Hawaii to meet his parents.

Deathstroke's order was not meant to make others question it. At this time, there was no other choice. He just said: "You have hurt Peter miserably. This matter is not over yet. Let's talk on the way, adjutant!"

There was a flash of blue light, and the four people disappeared on the spot.

In the center of the Pacific Ocean, on Utopia Island.

The lights in the principal's office are still on, and the sun has not risen yet, but this gorgeous room, with warm lights, makes everything look grand and calm.

But the people in the room were not in the mood to appreciate the moonlight on the sea at the darkest time of the day. Professor The small blanket on the floor made even the wheelchair tremble.

This is angry.

He knew that Logan was older and more senior. He could be said to be one of the most senior mutants in the world today, and he was very straightforward in doing things.

But after hearing about the Alliance of Father-Enemies and Logan's past evil deeds, Charles didn't know how to face him for a while.

Should we drive him out of his harmonious country, or use psychic powers to change Logan's mind?

The wheelchair circled around the office until Magneto, who was drinking tea and having breakfast not far away, could no longer stand. Eric raised his head and looked at his friend:

"What happened, Charles? It was Storm's call just now. Didn't you already know that she and Black Panther were getting married? It's just that she thought you didn't know."

"It's not her business, Eric, it's not her business." Charles shook his head a little bitterly. He turned around in his wheelchair and looked out the window. After being silent for a long time, he asked again: "Old man, what are you doing?" Do you think I’m a good person?”

"Oh, did you forget to take your medicine today? You actually asked me this kind of question." Magneto put down his small teacup, stood up at the round table and walked towards the old man by the window: "I have never seen anyone better than you. You are such a bad guy, you can even forgive the enemies of mutants, why can’t you tolerate the marriage of your subordinates?”

"Oluoro is not my subordinate. All mutants should treat each other equally. She is my student and friend, and the X-Men have always been able to come and go freely, just like when Raven and Pyro turned to you. Same."

Charles seemed to have made up his mind. He raised his head and looked at his old friend, an indifferent smile appearing on his face again.

"Boring." Magneto turned around and left. Seeing that the professor was fine, he didn't bother to waste his feelings. It was more interesting to play chess with himself: "However, I know your expression. If you want to kill someone, I will help you. Just do it.”

"Don't kill people. Enough blood has been shed by humans and mutants in the past few decades."

Charles murmured, he was enveloped by the light of the moon, and the two fingers of his left hand placed on his temple to activate his ability:

"Qin, come to my office. Right now, I have something that I need to confirm to you. By the way, don't let Logan know."

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