The Death Knell

Chapter 4107 Dawn Mutation

About two minutes later, Jean Gray, wrapped in pajamas, knocked on the office door. After receiving a response, she yawned and walked in with a tired look on her face:

"Professor, I'm here. The students have all traveled to another universe. You don't have to go to work today, right?"

This is a rare vacation trip for mutant students. After all, in the past, it was difficult to find a place that did not discriminate against mutants, let alone a place where people with superpowers would be idolized.

Deathstroke discovered that universe and showed it to the mutants very generously. He also allowed the children to participate in the "social practice" project with food and accommodation provided, so that they could actually fight criminals on the streets. This was all thanks to the help of the professor, Magneto and Deathstroke. friendship.

There are also many mutants in China, the total number is about 13 million. Everyone knows that Kama Taj has a very close relationship with the Spear Bureau under the leadership of Deathstroke, but the first batch of tourist quotas are still given to Utopia. side.

Of course, there are also reasons for the different policies there and the mutants are living particularly well, but favors are favors.

"I want to talk to you about Logan." The professor gestured to the leather sofa not far away with his palm, gesturing for Qin to sit down and talk: "I want to know what you think of him."

Glancing at Magneto next to her who was concentrating with his eyes closed, Miss Gray touched her face. Under the professor's warm gaze, she told the truth:

"Logan and I are just colleagues. I like Scott, but Phoenix...the Phoenix in my mind, she needs Logan's life force, so..."

"Understood, so you have a relationship with them." The professor leaned on his wheelchair and sighed: "This is a bit troublesome."

"I know, Professor, this is a bad example for the students, but I can't restrain Phoenix's needs. If she is unhappy, we will all die. I can only be extra careful to prevent the children from discovering all this. "

She smiled bitterly and expressed her helplessness. Without the power of the Phoenix, she would be just an ordinary psychic mutant. Although she was an Omega level like the professor, without the Phoenix, she would still be alive. How much strength will be lowered is a question mark.

Once Phoenix turns his back, I am afraid that only Scarlet Witch can fight against her. But now Wanda is not on the earth. She is in the "Chaos Dimension" opened for her by Deathstroke, sitting on the defense line of the mysterious side. In other words, she has become Deathstroke. Besides Mysterio, there is another Supreme Mage.

Thinking about it, everyone seems to have a lot to do with Deathstroke. There seems to be a shadow of that man in everything...

At this time, when everyone was silent, the professor seemed to shudder uncomfortably.

The next second, his eyes suddenly changed, and the look he looked at Jean Gray was no longer gentle, and he said:

"you disgust me."


Qin Gray stood up subconsciously as if she was struck by lightning. She couldn't believe that such words were said by a professor. She felt dizzy and the phoenix screamed in her mind. She wanted to come out and turn everything into a sea of ​​fire. .

No one can call her host disgusting, because the ugliest thing is the human heart.

"That's enough, Charles, what are you doing?!" Magneto stepped forward and stood between his old friend and Phoenix. The metal in the room floated up: "You can't talk to her like this, every variant All people are our brothers and sisters.”

The professor didn't see Phoenix's explosion, and seemed to be a little disappointed and leaned back on his chair again. He turned his back to the two of them:

"No one is a brother or sister to the Phoenix. It is just a tool, a cleaning tool for the universe. But whatever you say, Jean Gray, I order you as the supreme leader of the mutants to kill Logan. Now."

In the woman's disbelieving eyes, those words seemed to be echoing in her mind. Her head was in pain, and the phoenix's anger almost turned the flames into substance, filling the surface of her body.

The temperature in the room rose instantly, but at this moment Magneto reached out and grabbed her. Although the flesh and blood on his palm was instantly broken down into atoms, the old man's expression remained unchanged.

Eric narrowed his eyes and said to Charles:

"There's no need for Phoenix to take action. Didn't I tell you before? I'll kill Wolverine. I like killing people the most, especially that rude Canadian kid. I've wanted to kill him for more than a day or two."

"Oh? Is that so? Well, you go ahead and do it. I just want to see the results." The professor, who had his back to the two of them, waved his hands and even hummed a light Middle Eastern-style ditty, which seemed to be in a good mood.

After burning Magneto, Jean Gray's will once again gained the upper hand in the fight against Phoenix, as she threatened her other self that if Phoenix hurt her friends again, she would bite her tongue and kill herself.

The powerful consciousness residing in her body compromised, and the red flame faded instantly, and she took back control of her body and mind.

"Professor, I don't understand..."

"No need to ask, just follow me." Magneto pulled her and walked out of the office, as calm as a piece of ice: "Listen to Charles, he has always been 'very smart', remember?"

Hearing this, Jean Gray seemed to understand something. She said nothing more, just pursed her lips hard, exited the office with Magneto, and closed the door.

The moment the wooden door closed, Magneto took out his helmet from the pocket bag given to him by Deathstroke, immediately put it on his head, and then motioned with his eyes for Jean Gray to follow.

Even Jean Gray could sense that something was wrong with Charles. How could she not feel it as an old friend?

But, no matter what controlled Charles, falling out on the spot was not an option.

Once they fall out, everyone on Utopia Island will become hostages. This is no longer the case. Now Utopia is a country of mutants. Hundreds of thousands of mutants from all over the world have immigrated here. Eric will not bet their lives. .

Even if he can defeat the controlled Charles, he can't stop him from using his psychic abilities to kill everyone. If the madman lurking in the dark decides to die together, then Charles' ability can kill everyone on the entire island. ,

Therefore, it is better to pretend to be a snake with the unknown enemy, and then immediately escape to find Deathstroke for help. Only he can find out the truth of the matter.

Although Magneto is proud, his trust in Deathstroke has never changed, because that man helped him avenge his mother and saved his wife and daughter. He is the most reliable person.

Fortunately, there are not many people from the Mutant Brotherhood and X-Men left in Utopia now. Everyone has gone to the black-robed Earth for vacation, so as long as they take Logan away and fly away, they should not be discovered for a while.

As soon as Eric turned his hand, the plates with fruits in the corridor melted and opened, gathering into a metal round cake and coming to his feet.

He pulled Qin Gray and stepped on it, then closed his eyes to feel it, and then waved his hand upstairs. Logan, who was sleeping soundly, smashed through the floor of the second floor, then broke through the roof again and rushed in. Sky.

All kinds of construction debris left scars on his body, but he was still in a daze and couldn't open his eyes. The next second, Magneto dragged Jean Gray and flew out of the hole in the roof while controlling the flying disc. , while controlling Logan, who was covered in metal bones, flying towards the sea.

Of course, to outsiders, maybe he wanted to kill Wolverine by throwing him into the sea and drowning him.

But his delaying tactics are exposed when, instead of tearing Logan apart, he drags him along with him on the Frisbee.

A group of mutants quickly took off on Utopia Island, tracking him. At the same time, attacks with various mutant abilities also attacked him at the same time.

Magneto was not panicked. As a veteran Omega mutant, he may have experienced more battles than all the younger generations combined. He waved his hand behind him, and a large number of metal elements in the sediment on the seabed formed a line. The black dragon broke through the water and blocked the pursuers.

Before escaping, he did not forget to clenched his fist in the direction of the current presidential palace, which was the former school, and completely destroyed the brainwave amplifier in the basement to prevent the situation from deteriorating too quickly.

"Charles has been controlled. A certain villain has used his ability to control other mutants. We must leave as soon as possible to find reinforcements. Smelly dog, put your claws away. If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago. Now be good. Listen to me!"

Facing the bared-toothed Wolverine, Eric just stared, and the latter couldn't move.


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