The Death Knell

Chapter 4108 Strange things happen

Deathstroke and his party were currently communicating with the Leopard God. The dreams of the animal souls still had unique scenery, with purple glow floating in the sky like silk and ribbons.

" smell like other cats!"

When we met, the Leopard God was sleeping in the tree hole under his big bread tree, swishing his tail and enjoying his leisure time. But as soon as the death knell appeared, his moist black nose twitched, and he immediately came to a conclusion.

Deathstroke has had a change of heart and is no longer his closest feline companion.

"Holy shit, I just did a mission with Thousand Cats Dream. It's been so long, and you can still smell it?"

Seeing that the Leopard God's nose was still twitching, Su Ming took out a few roasted quails from his pocket and sprinkled cumin and chili powder on the golden and crispy food surface.

Mercenaries all know what to do when they are chased by police dogs, either go into the water or use chili powder.

In fact, it doesn't matter to the Leopard God whether there is seasoning or not. He just took the opportunity to get something to eat from Deathstroke. After eating roasted quail for the first time that year, he always felt that his mouth was tasteless and his body was full of... Uncomfortable.

As soon as his long black tail rolled up, the few quails in Deathstroke's hand disappeared. The Leopard God used his two front paws to protect the food and started to chew it.

"Is this God?" Tony's expression was a little strange. It was his first time to enter the dimension of a god, but when he saw the big cat like that, he suddenly became less nervous and said Marvel's Quote: "The greedy god."

Big Cat didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. Iron Man was good, and Leopard God also knew of his existence, but that was it.

A mortal scientist is definitely incomparable to the Supreme Mage. His good relationship with Deathstroke is equivalent to his good relationship with Emperor Weishan. As a veteran ancient animal god, this is enough to ensure that Wakanda will never be defeated. Prosperity arose.

God doesn't care what ordinary people think of him, especially white people.

"Leopard God, do you know what I discussed with the Black Panther before?" Su Ming squatted next to the big cat and watched his face covered with oil.

Azeroth's roasted quail is indeed the most suitable food for pets. Now it seems that you can see a green smiling face behind the head of the Leopard God.

"It's about the Sower, right? No problem, just do as you say. Although vibranium is precious, there is actually a lot of it in the universe. If the mine is accidentally contaminated, I will find another meteorite and repeat it again for hundreds of thousands. The operation was just fine a year ago.”

The big cat purred as he ate, but this did not affect his speech. The cat's eyes narrowed and he chewed the bones.

"That's fine. You and I both know that the infection by the Bruzera virus is likely to lead to a new round of founders. Next, I plan to take my friends to go for a walk in the universe, to the Kepler Nebula. The earth will be there for the time being. I’ll leave it to you to cover me.”

The big cat's beard trembled, he raised his head and rolled his eyes. His purple glowing eyes swept across Storm and others, and then said:

"You have also thought too much... Now the outermost layer of the earth is the realm of chaos, followed by the limbo of hell, then the A-network you formed with other cosmic technologies, and then the ancient one left it to you The Three Saints Array, and you also have something like the God Eater as your trump card, who would dare to invade the earth if they can’t think of it?”

"Isn't this just in case? I can't trust any of them. The one I trust most is you." Su Ming stretched out his hand to rub Leopard's back and felt the touch like needle pricks: "They may all make mistakes, but You are an ancient god with both strength and intelligence, so you are the safest."

"Well, that's right. Although protecting the earth is Emperor Weishan's business, after all, I live in a dimension that is attached to the earth. Of course I will help you look after your home."

Being pampered very comfortably and receiving tribute, the big cat grinned after being complimented and agreed on the spot.

"That's fine. If I have a chance, I'll take you to other universes? For example, a universe full of cat people?"

Deathstroke mentioned his Catman Earth, which was quite fun.

"No, I'm a feline, not a real cat. Have you ever seen a leopard far away from its own territory? If I wanted to leave at the beginning, I would have left long ago after the first generation God War. It would be easy to become a dimension demon. It’s easy, why stay here as a guardian spirit?”

The big cat waved its paws. Unlike spiders, he is not the kind of animal that likes to build nests everywhere.

Well, speaking of spiders, there is a spokesman for the Spider God in front of us. But for some reason, this human seems to have no energy, and looks like his soul is about to leave his body?

He prefers to sleep until he wakes up naturally every day, go for a walk and take a bath, and then go back to the tree hole to eat.

Going to other worlds is not his style.


When Su Ming was about to say something to the Leopard God to coax him into meeting the Dream of Thousand Cats, the adjutant's projection suddenly appeared, and she interrupted the communication between man and God:

"Something happened in Utopia, and Magneto is currently looking for you."

"Eric? His son and daughter are on vacation right now. Could it be that he has the empty nester syndrome?"

Su Ming told a joke and waved to his teammates to come and listen.

Empty nest elderly syndrome is actually a disease made up by Su Minghu. It mainly refers to the living habits of a type of lonely elderly people.

For example, if you have to move a chair to sit by the window, you should always check to see if your children are back downstairs; when there is no one else at home, you should also put fruits and candies in the living room, so that when the grandchildren come, they will I can eat immediately; I always have the phone in my hand, but I don’t dare to call it for fear of affecting my children’s work.

Performances such as this can be said to be a bleak real tragedy, but according to Su Ming's understanding, Magneto's character is not someone who can do such a thing.

“What happened to Utopia?”

Storm was obviously more concerned about this. She was extremely nervous. When she heard something happened over there, beads of sweat immediately appeared on her forehead.

Her skin color is not too dark, and the crystal droplets are very conspicuous in the current environment full of purple light, like diamonds reflecting light.

The adjutant directly played a piece of satellite surveillance, which was a record of Magneto stepping on a manhole cover while escaping from the island with Phoenix and Wolverine, as well as a series of actions in which he used magnetism to cause destruction.

"Logan..." Storm frowned, she couldn't figure out why.

"The Avengers can't help because Utopia doesn't allow us to act there." Tony spread his hands and whistled.

Putting aside other facts, Magneto's every move is always very cool. The old man is simply the world's number one in the world of pretending. He exudes a cool and domineering temperament with every move he makes, which makes fellow pretenders Tony, a lover, yearns for it.


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