The Death Knell

Chapter 4110 Mushroom Explosive Bomb

The adjutant's attack always came quickly and suddenly. The space above the quiet island was slightly distorted. A seemingly ordinary container was teleported to the target location in mid-air. Then there was a silent explosion, and the space distortion tore open the cube. , and sprinkled the powder onto the island below.

Before dawn is the darkest moment of the day, but the crystal smoke drifting down at this time adds some dreamlike color to the island.

Su Ming raised his cloak and waited quietly for the dust to settle.

Generally speaking, voodoo mushrooms are more effective when burned and inhaled, but the advantage of voodoo is that it can be used at will.

Most magic potions or alchemical products have strict procedures for making and using them, and there is no room for error.

However, the witchcraft system that can spread widely on the African continent is exactly the opposite.

To put it bluntly, many witch doctors and shamans who use voodoo are equivalent to being illiterate in modern society. If they are required to memorize complex spells and memorize various spell-casting gestures, think about it. impossible.

Voodoo is more suitable for such people. They select the materials they need from nature, and then dance to the gods. The ancient gods who are the objects of prayer are happy, and they will naturally help you activate the magic you want. It can be said to be fully automatic.

But the price is a bit high, which is unavoidable. It is better for shamanism to borrow the power of natural elements, but voodoo is often very close to the necromancy system. There is not a single demon who is good at this type of magic. In the end, The typical example is Sithorne, both werewolves and vampires can be said to be his works.

In short, as a kind of material, voodoo mushrooms do not need to be ignited when used, as long as they are put in and waited for people to inhale them.

"Eric, your hands."

During the waiting time, Deathstroke took out a glass bottle containing red potion and raised his fingers towards Magneto.

"I'm fine, Slade."

Although he said this, his body was very honest. Magneto raised his hand obediently, and everyone saw that the entire palm of one of his hands was gone. The flesh and blood decomposed by the Phoenix flames had long since disappeared, and now the pale bones could be seen. .

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Eric." Qin Gray felt very sad. She covered her mouth and kept apologizing: "I didn't mean to do it. Although I reached an agreement with Phoenix, there are still It’s hard to comfort her when she’s in trouble.”

"There is no need to apologize, Phoenix Girl. The evil spirit in your body has caused us enough trouble in the past." Magneto stretched his palm towards the death knell and watched the red potion being poured on his hand.

Logically speaking, Phoenix would definitely be angry after being teased as an evil spirit, but at this time she was very obedient and silent, and did not even make any move to snatch Jean Gray's body, as if she no longer existed.

But the woman knew that this was because Deathstroke was present, and her phoenix instinct made her avoid more powerful objects.

"This is a healing potion. It contains porcupine quills, so your palms will itch for several hours." Su Ming looked at the blood and flesh growing on the white bones, as plump as mushrooms after the rain. He put away the empty bottles and said to Magneto: "Next time, use your brain first and then your actions. I taught you this a long time ago, right?"

"Haha, my mind was all on the old man at the time, and I forgot about it for a moment." Lao Wan moved his wrist and tried to squeeze his fist: "It's okay. I have been injured more seriously than this. I and I Charles was different, he was a scholar, whereas I have been fighting all my life.”

"Stop, stop talking about your past battles for mutant rights. Tell me who else is the X-Men on the island today?" Su Ming had no intention of letting Magneto promote his fighting philosophy. After all, I know it myself.

"The children have all traveled to your universe. Charles's wife has also returned to the Shi'ar Empire. The only one who was still in the school last night besides us was the Beast Hank."

Hank the Beast is a scientist and diplomat. He is usually responsible for coordinating the relationship between Utopia and major countries in the world. He can be said to be the only external liaison, so he cannot travel.

Magneto didn't take him with him when he retreated because there was no metal in Hank's body and he couldn't drag him away like he controlled Wolverine.

"Then it doesn't make much sense if you destroy the brainwave amplifier. If Hank is controlled, he can quickly create a new one." Tony crossed his arms. Hank was his favorite among the mutants. Although the fluffy blue skin looks a bit strange, as a scientist, Hank's skills are very good.

"I understand, it was originally a way to buy time." Magneto stood up again with his hands behind his back. He looked at Utopia Island calmly: "And I believe that after Hank re-created a brainwave amplifier and allowed the controlled Charles Before we go on a killing spree, Deathstroke will definitely help us solve the problem."

"What do I owe you?" Su Ming smiled. He saw figures already appearing on the island below. These people walked to the street like puppets: "Are you so sure that I will help you?"

"You didn't let the Chinese mutants go to that universe first, but chose us, so I know that in your heart you regard us as yours."

Magneto has a better understanding of the overall situation than anyone else. Although he has bipolar disorder, he is very smart:

"And this is also a fact. Both I and Charles are completely obedient to your orders and instructions. Utopia is also established by you. This is the essence of the matter."

"That's it." Tony touched his beard, he understood, and some of his previous doubts were solved.

The force that hates mutants has always been very strong in the NATO system headed by the United States, but when mutants were established as a nation, those who used to jump around fell silent, as if they were suddenly let go.

To be honest, Tony was still worried about the outbreak of nuclear war at that time. He was not the only one who thought so, the entire Avengers had such concerns.

If a world war breaks out, the Avengers are likely to be caught in the middle. Whether it is for justice or for order is a big question.

However, things did not develop as they thought. China was the first to recognize Utopia, Wakanda was the second, and the United States was the third. Everything went as planned.

I just found out today that there is a shadow of Death Knell behind all of this, so it all makes sense.

I don’t know what specific methods this dark man used, but obviously, no one can resist his request, and the earth is running according to his ideas.

Yes, Tony figured out a lot of things, but he was smart enough to say nothing. No matter how Peter looked at him with cute eyes and wanted to hear the story, Tony just turned a blind eye.

Deathstroke nodded and did not say whether Magneto's statement was correct. He just pinched the cigarette and put it away, spitting out a puff of gray mist:

"It's almost done, Ororo, let's blow some air on your island and blow away the excess mushroom powder, so we can land."

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