The Death Knell

Chapter 4111 Idling Wheelchair

Sprinkling a city with powder and cleaning it up has always been a big problem, but when the team has a human hair dryer, it becomes much easier.

If the city on the island is regarded as a hard drive, and the buildings are components, then Storm is a hair dryer. She only needs to perform the standard computer cleaning process, and her wind power is particularly strong.

If there are any areas suitable for the development of wind, then the sea is definitely second to none. Storms are called tornadoes on land, while typhoons are called typhoons on the sea. It can be seen from the satellite cloud images that the difference in the scope of impact is not small.

Storm was very anxious now. She wanted to know what the current situation on the island was like, so she executed it immediately after getting the order. Although the silver snake-like lightning in the sky was not a necessity, it would be nice as long as the wind came.

As for the side effects of those mushroom powder being blown into the sea and eaten by fish, that is not something that everyone needs to consider.

In thirty seconds, she blew the street clean, not even a speck of dust was left. She even blew away the wigs of several mutants standing on the road. The bald heads reflected the dim moonlight. .

A group of people landed on the street, and the people who had been brainwashed by Voodoo Mogu stared at everyone with unfocused eyes, as if they were waiting for orders blankly.

"It seems that drugging directly affects the body, which is more direct and powerful than controlling thoughts." Su Ming commented. He had no intention of studying these people's plans carefully. The first thing to do was to see if Charles could be blocked, and then use a pan to Some other means to bring him back.

However, even if Deathstroke arrived at Utopia quickly enough, there would be no one in the principal's office, except for the floating wheelchair that the little bald man usually sat in, spinning in place like clockwork.

"Well, it seems there is good news. Your professor's leg seems to have recovered." Iron Man said witty words while scanning the office with various devices carried on his suit, confirming that his parents were not dead today. He was in a good mood.

"I heard Wade said that the professor seems to be paraplegic due to spinal cord injury?" Peter couldn't help. He could only stand at the door of the office to look out.

What also had no effect was Wolverine. He kept wandering around the office, twitching his nose as if sniffing something. He probably really thought of himself as a wolf and forgot that Wolverine was not a wolf.

"No, the professor's lower body paralysis is mainly due to his superpowers." Qin Gray looked at the office with a sad expression. She went to grab the spinning wheelchair: "If X-gene inhibitors or collars are used, he You can stand up."

"I once persuaded him, but he said that he still needs superpowers and needs to use a brainwave amplifier, because there are still many mutants in the world who are in dire straits."

Eric also sighed. He walked to the table aside and continued to drink the tea that he had not finished drinking not long ago. This was his breakfast. His experience in his youth made him not like to waste:

"Obviously Qin can also use that equipment."

"There is a risk for me to use that device, because when my mind wanders the world looking for mutant brainwaves, my body is under the control of the Phoenix. She may still cooperate when she is in a good mood, but if"

She turned over her palms, made an expression with the corners of her mouth turned down, and said no more.

Because everyone knows that if the phoenix is ​​completely released, it will not be easily invited back. If one is not careful, Utopia will become a glass bead on the sea.

Su Ming didn't care what they were talking about. He was asking Zhuo Sha to cooperate with the investigation of the scene.

As a mercenary, breaking eucalyptus is also an item that must be mastered, but the scene is too clean. Although there are traces of the activities of many creatures, they are all familiar people. Within a few days, only Charles, Eric, and Qinge were there. Traces of bud.

There was no strange smell here, which basically ruled out chemical hypnosis; there was no sign of anyone wandering outside the window, which basically ruled out face-to-face psychological hypnosis; Qin's previous testimony basically ruled out psychic superpowers; and again Considering that Charles is said to have suddenly changed, the unknown enemy must have used methods other than those visible to the naked eye.

Who could be controlling Charles? As an Omega-level spiritual mutant, Little Baldy shouldn't even have the power to resist.

Purple Man is impossible, that guy has been killed by Deathstroke long ago.

The military's multiple cuckoo plans? But if that was the plan, the target should be Phoenix.

Magic? But Cloak didn't notice any traces of magic here.

"You said a lot, and you said it well, but it's of no use." Su Ming wiped his hands on the carpet, stood up, and the black tentacles flowed back into his armor: "What we can know now is that there are people The attack was specifically targeted at Charles, not the Phoenix, nor the Wolf."

Ororo pursed her lips. In fact, she had just wondered whether the Alliance of Father-Enemies had already sent someone, and the professor was just taking the blame for Logan.

But since Deathstroke says it's not, it must not be the case.

"When Charles was controlled, the person who controlled him seemed to intend to use words to anger Phoenix, perhaps to cause damage." Magneto recalled, pinching a snack from the small plate in front of him and stuffing it into his mouth.

"So I said he was targeting Charles, because in terms of destructive power, Jean Gray is number one. However, if you want to use the Phoenix to cause destruction, wouldn't it be easier to control Jean directly?"

Su Ming, who was smiling, turned around and sat on the desk, pulling back the ink bottle beside him:

"The unknown enemy is the water monkey Peter mentioned. He captured Charles, but it was not because of his psychic abilities, but because of other aspects. There is a high probability that there is something that only Charles can do, or that This man has a personal vendetta against Charles."

But there aren't enough clues right now.

"Other aspects?" Wolverine scratched his head irritably, and his upright hairstyle was made like a weed: "What other specialties does Charles have? Why don't I know? Is it playing table tennis?"

"Teaching marksmanship is very good, I know that."

Jean Gray interjected. She seemed to feel a little cold and kept rubbing her arm, which was only wearing pajamas.

"Charles can play the piano."

Magneto added, he did not take off his helmet, closed his eyes as if recalling something, and leaned on the back of the sofa.

"The professor was good at history and psychology."

Ororo said this. She looked at Deathstroke, hoping that everyone's information could provide some help.

Of course, there was no help. Su Ming knew everything they knew, and even the things they didn't know, such as which cemetery Charles's parents' bodies were buried in, were known to Deathstroke.

He also knew what the last time Charles cried, and what flavor of juice he liked. These various factors had been brought into logical consideration, but no useful results had been deduced.


At this time, Tony suddenly smiled. His chin was raised slightly, his eyes slid to his lower sockets to look at people, and that annoying smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"It's small. You mutants are still small. Let me tell you my deduction! Aliens did this!"

His tone of voice was decisive, as if he had seen through the truth.

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