The Death Knell

Chapter 4112 Both lost contact

Then, Tony expressed his guess.

If there is any difference between Professor Charles and other mutants, it is definitely not in the X gene and psychic abilities, but in his identity.

In addition to being one of the mutant leaders, he also has another identity, that is, the prince of the Shi'ar Empire and the husband of the queen.

Although I recently heard Carol say in a casual chat that the Queen might abdicate and hand over the throne to Dou Jian, which is probably why she returned to the Empire this time, after all, the handover has not yet been completed.

If there are any aliens who want to blackmail Her Majesty the Queen, then kidnapping the professor would be a very common method.

Tony summarized some rules based on his limited contact with intelligent life in space. For example, aliens will only appear more despicable than humans.

Because they believe that their technology is ahead of the earth and that they are superior to humans, they will show their ugly side more and more unabashedly.

Just like when people urinate into an ant hole, they don't think it is a morally corrupt act, but when they urinate against someone else's door, they feel that the nature of the matter is different.

But in essence, isn’t it all about peeing?

The key is that humans regard ants as inferior creatures, just like aliens view humans.

"Oh! As expected of Mr. Stark! It makes sense!" Peter at the door exclaimed. He had seen many kidnapping cases in movies before: "If kidnapping the professor can affect the Shi'ar Empire, then we should Contact them in advance.”

Hearing the boy agree with him, Tony was even more proud. He put his arm around Peter's shoulders:

"Yes, this is what a smart person thinks. Boy, don't watch those mobile phone movies in the future. After this matter is settled, I will take you to Los Angeles to play nightclubs, hehe."

"What mobile phone movie?"

Logan was curious. He and Wade were enemies, so he thought he had a good relationship with Peter. A friend of a friend was a friend.


Peter covered Iron Man's mouth, his face flushed under the mask.

Even Su Ming had to admit that Tony's speculation had some validity, so he immediately asked his adjutant to contact the Guardians of the Galaxy and ask them to inquire among the group of cosmic predators. Aliens want to come to Earth to kidnap people. It's almost impossible, but just in case.

But this is just one of many speculations. That line can be followed, and there are other lines of investigation here.

He used the time gem to retrieve what happened here on the timeline, and once again confirmed that the little bald head was a 'sudden illness', which was no different from what Magneto and Phoenix said.

There really wasn't any sign of an attack, it was like he suddenly changed.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here. Miss Gray, take us to Hank's laboratory." Su Ming walked out of the office.

The empty corridor was pitch black, with only the faint sound of footsteps falling on the carpet. This old house did feel a bit like a haunted house at this time.

I don’t know why Charles hung so many portraits in the school. The eyes of these historical literati and scientists seemed to move with everyone’s walking because of the painting method.

A white figure flashed at the door of the mansion, with a strangulation behind it. The death knell with eyes noticed it immediately. His voice and black tentacles spurted out at the same time:


The symbiote grabbed a woman and dragged her in. She had a look of helplessness on her face, but after her whole body turned into diamond, she still reluctantly raised her hand and said hello to Deathstroke:

"Hi, Deathstroke, long time no see. There's no need to treat a weak woman like me, right?"

"Emma...ok, it turns out it's you!" Storm frowned, and her hair stood up again in the electric current: "Tell me, where did you hide the professor?!"

"Huh?" The transparent White Queen tilted her head, as if she didn't understand at all.

"She didn't do it." Su Ming held down Ororo's shoulders and asked Strangler to loosen Emma's bonds: "Although the White Queen is also a psychic, she can't control Charles. At the same time, she also has There is no mushroom powder left, which means she just arrived here.”

"The death knell is still reasonable." Emma changed back to her original appearance and greeted everyone with a smile. When she passed by, she scratched Tony's chin and winked: "I just arrived on your island. Just talk about Charles, I didn’t understand it at all.”

Tony, who was fascinated by the beauty, immediately informed Emma about the professor's disappearance.

The White Queen belongs to the Hellfire Club and is another mutant force that Deathstroke uses various means to control. After all, eggs cannot be put in one basket.

But the club has always been different from the X-Men and the Brotherhood. They originated in the UK and have deep family backgrounds. They have a good relationship with the American elite, so even when anti-mutant sentiment is at its highest, their wealthy people can't stay in North America. Have a very nourishing life.

When Utopia was established, Emma sent someone to give some small gifts, but she had no intention of joining here at all.

Now the new Black King is Mr. Sinister. He is a prisoner that Deathstroke captured back then. This guy usually hangs out at the Sanctuary in London, so now the Black and White Queen is more in charge of the affairs of the club.

The Black Queen is still running her soul-sucking cult, so Emma is the actual person in charge. After so many years, she has become a very qualified leader.

She was still the same charming and charming person, but she was also very leader-like when she was serious. That frown made both Tony and Logan feel distressed:

"I didn't know something like this happened today. I was originally here to discuss things about another universe. I heard that Deathstroke found a good world, but only mutants in Utopia can travel, so I thought Let’s talk to the professor and Magneto about whether we can let the good boys from my Hell Lion team go together to have a long experience..."

"You should come to me directly for this kind of thing." Su Ming turned around and left, motioning for Qin Gray to continue leading the way: "That world is mine, and the little bald man's words don't count."

"Then people can usually find you." The White Queen climbed along the pole. She walked quickly to the death knell, hugged his arm and shook it: "You are always elusive, and it has been like this for decades. , I don’t know that Charles has a good relationship with you, and I want him to send a message to me.”

The White Queen knows that she is beautiful, and she is also very good at using her beauty. Although her fighting ability is not bad, she prefers to solve problems through coquettishness and coquettishness. Many men do this.

"You... okay, Hell Lion? You can go. Those children are not mentally ill. I agreed, but there are conditions." Su Ming had nothing to say. Anyway, he was just chasing a sheep. A flock of sheep is also herding.

The Black Robe Universe is so big, and if you throw in seven or eight mutant children, it won't even be able to make a splash.

"I understand, haha, I am different from those little girls. I know that your efforts must be rewarded. How about this, how about I help you find Charles? Qin Gray's psychic ability is too unstable, and if there is no Charles, I am the world’s number one psychic.”

The White Queen smiled charmingly, put her little hand on Deathstroke's shoulder and scratched it, and talked about the conditions with a clear breath.

Old-school mutants all know that Jean Grey's brain has a psychic blockade imposed by Charles, which was a means he used to restrict Phoenix when Jean was a child.

If Qin overuses her superpowers, Phoenix may break out of the seal, and the situation will get out of control.

"Actually, you're still worse than the rest of the group. However, he sealed himself deep underground and I'm too lazy to dig him out, so it's just you." Su Ming agreed nonchalantly. It was just a matter of a few quotas anyway. The White Queen was willing Working in exchange for benefits for students, that's it.

"That's it. Well, let me save you some trouble first. It looks like you are heading to Beast Hank's laboratory? No need to go. There is no brainwave of his in this building. He has already It’s no longer here.”

The White Queen was also straightforward and started to work while playing with the white feather boa hanging around her neck.


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