The Death Knell

Chapter 4160 New Autumn Products

Do the pterosaurs have any bad intentions?

No, they just want to survive, protect their nests, and hunt prey. The law of the jungle and the strong in nature cannot be judged by humans' shallow concepts of good and evil.

And are the three humans who broke into their lair doing bad things?

No, Su Ming needs to restart the harvesting center, activate the transmission or messaging device, and contact the Vanuli to deal with the Transcendent Gods together. This is for the long-term stability of the entire universe.

Both sides are right, but the battle still has to be fought, and it is still a matter of life and death.

Of course, the truth is that the fist is big, and the result will only be that humans will survive and the pterosaurs will be wiped out.

Despite this, they were quite powerful when they rushed towards the three of them like crazy because their nest was invaded.

They will dive quickly, trying to pounce with their long beaks and sharp claws, and they will also use simple weapons to launch some simple tactics, such as volleys.

But compared with the death knell, the level was a bit far behind, and as a creature with a head, their necks were too long, like duck necks, and Su Ming couldn't help but want to twist them a few times.

"Force choke!"

When the force was activated, there was a sound like firecrackers in the command center. The necks of these pterosaurs were broken, their heads were torn off, and they were stuffed into the open mouth of the strangulation.

Whether it's the pterodactyl warrior launching an attack, the female dragon protecting her eggs with her wings, or the little dragon man peeking out from the nest to watch.

They were all killed by Deathstroke in an instant, without exception.


While chewing, Strangler made a commenting sound. It felt that the taste of the pterosaur brain was a bit bland and the size was too small. Although the body shape was similar to that of a human, the brain was only the size of a walnut, so it was not satisfying to eat.

"Just eat them as jelly beans. You can eat them later to transcend the gods. You can keep them in your stomach first." Su Ming touched the black bean sprouts and pressed them back into the shoulder armor. Then he nodded to Xiao Fu: "Clean up." Take a look at the instruments and equipment here and see which ones you need to use."

Franklin raised his hand, and the room suddenly became as clean as new. All the broken machines were repaired. The boy explained a little embarrassedly:

"I slightly reversed the time of the inanimate objects in the room. Now they are in the state they were in when they were last used. It shouldn't cause any problems, right?"

"It's okay. As long as life is not involved, time ability is actually quite safe."

Su Ming laughed, approached the largest console that was starting the self-test, and put his hand on it.

Tentacles that looked like strangled black threads flowed out and automatically connected to the inside of the machine, and the adjutant began to take over the system.

Lights everywhere in the harvesting center began to light up one after another, the access control also had energy again, equipment such as ventilation fans and air conditioners began to work, and music began to play in the hall.

The Vanuri people loved to enjoy it back then. The Wilderness Land was considered a cooperative project with the Transcendent Protoss. The Vanuri people who could be stationed here should also be considered company executives?

People have suffered so much, but they still can’t enjoy themselves while working?

The wall on the side opened, and a robot that looked like a small car ran out. It was here to deliver drinks, but the dark green and bubbling liquid in the cup could only be drunk by Strangler.

"The material transfer transmission system is online, but the communication system requires a password." The adjutant's projection appeared, and she was telling the sergeant what she had discovered: "Part of the drone was damaged, but most of it was intact, and the energy system was also intact. Now They can continue to complete tasks such as flower picking and transportation, as well as artificial pollination."

"The communication is locked, but the freight channel is not locked?"

Su Ming glanced at the adjutant's projected map and continued to dissect the body of the pterosaur. As a mercenary, understanding the structure of different creatures was also a compulsory course.

"Yes, Sheriff, I guess that the last Vanuli left the earth through material teleportation, but there was no way to close the teleportation terminal here at the other end, and they didn't design a self-destruction device."

It was a bit hard for the adjutant to understand what this was doing, but it was what it was.

"Of course there will be no self-destruction device. The Vanuli are very strict about the execution of the contract."

Su Ming, who had already thought of the reason, laughed, tore open the stomach in his hand to examine, and investigated the pterosaur man's recipe, and found that he had eaten a baby gorilla not long ago:

"They signed a manager's contract with the Beyond Protoss. This continent, including the buildings here, are regarded as the property of the Beyond Protoss. The Vanuli will not destroy it when they leave, because these belong to the owners. .”

To put it simply, the Transcendent Protoss built a zoo on Earth and hired Vanuli as the director, mainly to take care of the animals and act as security guards.

During this period, the director built some garbage cans, shopping stores, water pump rooms and other buildings in the park.

So, when the director of the park resigns, will he destroy everything he has built in the park? I'm afraid there won't be such a clause in any contract, right? Even if you rent someone else's space to open a store outside, the decoration fee before opening the store will not be refunded.

"It's really... honest." The adjutant sighed, and the white-haired beauty's expression became strange: "I have never seen the Nuvalis doing business in the universe before. They are really... A trading race?”

"Their social system is a giant enterprise. The entire race cooperates in doing business, and everyone is a small shareholder."

Deathstroke, who began to remove the flesh from the body of the pterosaur and examine the bones, smiled and said this:

"They only have one home planet and limited resources. They have lost money doing business with the Transcendent Gods in this barbaric continent. After all, such a large zoo is engaged in folding space and genetic engineering, and it has to go all over the universe to select suitable ones. Animals are selected to enter the park. After the fallout, the hawks came to power and have not done business for a long time. They are looking for the Transcendence God Clan all over the world to collect debts, haha."

"That's it. Why haven't I seen the Vanuli in Xandar and Contracia?" The adjutant nodded, and she activated the transmission device on the side: "The space coordinates have been locked, and the system self-test is normal. Sheriff , you can leave."

Su Ming threw aside the materials in his hand, and asked Franklin to select some with good-looking skin from the many corpses and make more than a dozen handbags of different styles.

The skin texture of the Pteranodon is like crocodile skin, but it’s light green, and the made bags are a bit cute.

I didn’t expect that Xiao Fu also has talent in luxury goods design. It’s great. Wilson Enterprises’ new autumn products this year will copy the appearance of his bags.

"Okay, let's set off now. I don't know where Nuvali's home planet is. The journey into the unknown is quite interesting."

After putting away these bags, Su Ming moved his neck and walked towards the cargo hold, preparing to go there for a teleportation ride.

"Based on the coordinates, it's in the cosmic void of Boötes, hehe." The adjutant started to act mischievously, deliberately destroying the sense of mystery, then cut off the projection communication, and disappeared in a whoosh.

Su Ming was speechless. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling hundreds of meters high and sighed.

The adjutant is indeed becoming more and more human-like, but why is she imitating Harley? Did she seek psychological counseling from Little Tangdou without her knowledge? That will turn you into a madman...

But, Su Ming likes crazy people, so that's okay.

"Let's go, Franklin, Doreen, are you ready to meet our future allies? Well, let me remind you that you can call them short or ugly, but you can't call them poor. Do you understand? They are the least likely to listen. The word poor.”


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