The Death Knell

Chapter 1461 Dog Clan

The Nuvali's method of teleportation was different from what Su Ming had guessed before.

He originally thought it would be the most common quantum teleportation, which is the easiest way to implement on the technological side. It converts people into quantum and then reorganizes them at the destination. This is the communication logic of quantum entanglement.

But the Nuvali's teleportation is a space displacement technology, which is very strange. After the three people stood on the teleportation platform, the cylindrical space around them was regarded as a whole, a 'cargo box' that did not exist in the material world, and then A space of the same size as on Nuvali's home planet has been replaced.

There is no step of breaking it down into quantum steps. It is more like digging out a piece of the space that was originally there and taking a piece of the same size from the earth to fill it in.

The most important thing is that everything happened very quietly, there was no space vibration, and there was no obvious energy dissipation. The three people's journey was very comfortable.

"That's great. Although this teleportation is not as versatile as the sonic blast channel, and it will most likely require the construction of a teleportation platform, such technology is needed for cargo transportation."

Su Ming stood in a strange room, which seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. There were dust and empty boxes everywhere. According to the strangulation analysis, the dust should have been flower petals a long time ago.

"Ouch! It's so dark, I can't see anything."

Squirrel Girl bumped into Deathstroke's back. She bounced back suddenly and sat down on the ground.

"The zoo has not been in operation for too long, and this special transfer station for earth's flowers seems to have been put on hold." Su Ming asked Strangler to help her up, and he looked at the surrounding environment.

Apart from being a bit dirty, this place is not too shabby. At least the containers are quite complete. The oxygen content in the air is a bit high, but humans can breathe. The gravity is also a bit strong, but this is not a problem for the three of them. Franklin You can change these at any time.

At this time, Xiao Fu was trying to open the door. While operating on an interactive panel next to the door, he said:

"It seems that the Nuvali people really want to resume this business. They have retained this site, perhaps in order to continue to cooperate in operating the Savage Continent after the Transcendence God Clan apologizes and pays off the debt. These equipment can restart the supply as soon as possible. chain."


Squirrel Girl patted the dust on her butt and rubbed her tail. Although she said she was moved, she took out a handful of melon seeds and ate them violently, spitting out the skin of the melon seeds everywhere, as if she had turned into a human thresher.

"Even if we want to cooperate, it will be with the actual controller of the wilderness, which is me." There is nothing interesting in the room, it is just an abandoned warehouse with some high-tech equipment, so Su Ming waited for Xiao Fu to pry Suo: "I recently built a space zoo. What do you think of me hiring Nuvalis as professional managers?"

"I don't know them, so I won't comment." Xiao Fu stopped, and the warehouse door rumbled open. Although the Nuvalis are short in stature, their buildings are very big, and the doors are the same. The furniture and various equipment are very important to them. They are also one size larger in terms of body shape.

Just because the house is big, it seems rich. In the social model of giant companies, being rich equals having status.

By the way, in the comics Su Ming read in his previous life, the Nuvali battleship design clearly adheres to the classic aesthetic idea of ​​big is good and more is beautiful. Their battleships are very large, with a lot of useless space inside, and on the ship Outside the body, the positions visible to the naked eye are filled with various turrets and weapons, just like hedgehogs flying in space.

"I think these aliens are quite honest." Squirrel Girl tilted her head, but then laughed at herself: "Although I haven't seen many aliens, the monsters that invaded New York last time don't count, right?"

The warehouse door opened, and a bright light lit up outside the door. Behind the strong light projected in the form of a beam of light was the densely packed Nuvali army.

They all wore gold and red metal armor, and held firearms that were exaggeratedly large compared to their bodies.

The main guns of the aircraft and the atmospheric civil war ship began to charge, and their domesticated war beasts also appeared in sight. Obviously, these dwarfs guessed that the place would be invaded after they discovered that someone had restarted the harvest center in the barren continent. .

"Who are you?!"

An alien flying in the sky asked a question. He spoke in Nuvali, but Su Ming had already let Strangler eat the cosmic translator, so it sounded no different from Chinese.

Suddenly faced with thousands of energy weapons and an army that looked like Iron Man, the seeds in Doreen's hands were frightened. She assumed a fighting stance and the hair on her tail stood up.

But Deathstroke solved the current problem with just one sentence. The yellow part of his armor turned into shining gold at some point. He lifted his cloak with his arm, took a step forward, and said loudly:

"Me! Humanity! Free Trade!"

The weapons in the Nuvali people's hands disappeared in the light, and they should have been taken back into their portable spaces. The warships and war beasts also began to evacuate. The remaining chariots began to play music, and a large number of flowers were sent over. They began to arrange A walk of flowers comes to welcome distinguished guests.

The Nuvali man who was flying in the sky before fell down. He was one meter three tall. The red gold armor on his body removed his helmet, revealing a face like a pug. He also had two funny mustaches. At this time He rubbed his hands excitedly with a smile on his face:

"Are you selling things? Or buying things? Money comes first. I have forgotten how many years no one has come to trade with us. I am so touched! Woo woo woo."

As he said this, the funny-looking little man actually started crying.

How should I put it? Su Ming had expected that the Nuvali people would give up their hostility by proposing trade.

Because since the birth of this race, their ancestors have been doing business for generations. The national culture and social structure have destined them to like trade very much.

Even if the hawks come to power, implement the military development policy, and seek revenge against the Transcendent Gods everywhere, the desire for trade suppressed in people's hearts will not be extinguished. It is something engraved in their DNA.

However, he did not expect that the Nuvali people would do such a great job. In order to collect debts, they had not done business for tens of thousands of years, so that when he arrived as a customer today, he actually moved them to tears.

But then again, it’s quite funny how the pug looks teary.

Fortunately, Su Ming had received professional training and would never laugh when he shouldn't. He squatted down and hugged the dwarf in front of him, patted his suit, and asked Strangler to secretly scrape off some powder for material analysis, but his mouth It's very well said.

"I have a big deal here. I want to talk to your big boss about gold. I'll pay in gold."

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