The Death Knell

Chapter 4165 The team gathers

"Are you coming?"

While eating the sweet ice cream, Su Ming suddenly raised his head, because the cloak sensed space fluctuations. Someone was coming here through the spider totem's web channel, and it used its pointed collar to rub the owner's earlobe as a warning in advance.

The next second, a figure wearing a red leather jacket appeared aside. She first confirmed that the book she was holding was still there, and then greeted everyone with a smile:

"Master, I'm here, and children, hello."

Wanda is such a girl. When she smiles, she makes people feel very sweet and cute, but when fighting, she performs various facial arts, which makes people feel that she is mentally unstable.

"Sit down, you're quite fast. I thought you had to make some more arrangements in the Chaos Dimension." Su Ming patted the sofa next to him and asked her to sit down and talk, facing the big book handed by the girl. , he didn’t answer it and just asked Wanda to keep it.

"Over there in the Chaos Dimension, I'll ask God Eater to help take care of it. There shouldn't be any problems, because there is nothing in my dimension, only shapeless Chaos."

Wanda sat down and carefully put the book into the pocket bag that Deathstroke had given her before. Then she took the huge ice cream and used chaos magic to turn it into a red plastic spoon to dig out and eat:

"The symbionts that fell to the earth have basically been captured, but we don't know yet whether they threw out spores before being captured, but the adjutant said she will monitor them, and my teacher will also help."

"It doesn't matter, I always feel at ease when you do things, but the witch Agatha... Speaking of which, the last time I saw her was more than ten years ago, when she took you to Huaxi Village to play .”

Su Ming laughed and recalled the woman who looked like a governess from the Victorian era:

"How is she doing recently? Is she still traveling around as before, working as a nanny for little girls with mage potential?"

After hearing this question, Wanda sighed and spread her hands cutely:

"No, she is in Dubai recently, busy studying the djinn, and she seems to be interested in the study of curses, but I can't help much. You know, she learned her magic from Master Monaco. The cost is emotional torture, and she is not willing to use Tutu, so she has to bear it all by herself, alas."

"Rabbits are so cute, what did you do with rabbits?" Probably because they are both rodents, Squirrel Girl has an inexplicable concern for rabbits.

"You, a computer student, shouldn't ask about the mage's affairs. Well, the food synthesis machine here can also make almond ice cream. Why don't you try it?"

Su Ming pushed away Doreen's approaching head and threw out another thing as bait.

Sure enough, the big-hearted little chubby girl went to study the food synthesis machine, and she couldn't hold back when she heard the nuts.

Even though she has her own storage space and she has more nuts than she can eat, squirrels are like that and always collect more nuts and hide them without restraint.

After dismissing the little fat girl, Su Mingcai continued to talk to Wanda, first confirming Agatha's research direction. Although he was not a spell caster but a warrior, he had not been a supreme mage for so many years, and he still had theoretical knowledge.

"It's a good idea to study djinn gods, because they can barely be regarded as demon gods. Although they only occupy a pocket space, they are not weak at all..." Su Ming leaned on the sofa and lit a cigarette. Then, the remaining uneaten ice cream in the big bowl was left to be cleaned up by Strangler: "But being weak also has its advantages. Even if there are any mistakes in the research, they can be destroyed with just one hand."

"I think so too."

Wanda smiled, and she began to look at the surrounding environment. Then she realized from the scenery outside the window that this was not a place she had been to before, and she showed a somewhat confused expression.

Spider web transmission is point-to-point, from one totem to another, and if the totem is a living person, it's hard to say where the person is.

It is possible to teleport through the spider web and send it to the coffin.

"Remember to remind her that some djinns are disguised as demons, because the lower body of the djinn is a cloud of smoke, and some demons will use this to hide their tails."

The smoking death knell mentioned this and blew out another puff of smoke:

"Although demons are not difficult to deal with, if they are the henchmen of any hell lord, they still have to give some face. Also, this is Nuvali, and we are now located in the center of the constellation Boötes. The aliens and I here After talking about some business, they will provide us with some help in dealing with the Transcendent Protoss."

The witch nodded slowly, and her eyes fell on Franklin again, or to be more precise, on the melon hijab:

"But Master Ancient One said that only the Absolute God Clan and the Transcendent God Clan are evenly matched. Do the Nuvalis have that strength?"

"Originally, it didn't exist, but when combined with humans, it does."

With that said, Deathstroke took out a strange spoon from his pocket. It looked shiny silver and had an electronic display panel:

"This is a super weapon invented by the Nuvali people for the Transcendent Protoss. It's called the 'Adrenaline Ray Launcher'. It can use space technology to directly drive human adrenaline into the target's body. They have a lot of this kind of weapon."

Wanda took the spoon-like object and found that it was indeed a firearm, although it was a little flat, a little light, and looked a little strange.

So she scratched her long red hair with a spoon and asked again: "So the weakness of the Transcendent Protoss is adrenaline? But aren't they mechanical creatures?"

"The Ivory King is not, he is a cyborg. In addition, this weakness is specifically human adrenaline, not other races."

Su Ming didn't know why this happened, but the comics he read in his previous life had this setting. Anyway, you will know when you try it, as long as the information can be used:

"The Transcendent Gods are an absolutely materialistic race. They have long evolved to the point of abandoning emotions. As creatures that exist on the narrative level, they regard everything that happens in our universe as movies or comics, and they don't care at all."

"But precisely because of this, if they are infected with emotions from 'lower dimensions' and regard our stories as 'real', it can bring them to the same level as us and pull them into our stories. , and then beat them with a wealth of experience.”

Franklin came back, also sat on the sofa, and finished the next words for Deathstroke.

The boy was only half right, but Su Ming was not going to correct him. Anyway, they only needed to execute the plan, and only knowing half of it was enough.

Besides, Su Ming organized a small team this time, and the purpose was also to engage in special operations. On the frontal battlefield, the Constructors, the God Group, and the Nuvali were still the main force.

"I understand, but there is another question. Can my chaos magic be used in the transcendent realm?" Wanda asked the key. If there is absolute order on that level and there is no chaos, then if he doesn't have magic, he can only Just a psychic mutant.

"It's not just the Transcendent Protoss who have the final say in the Transcendent Dimension. We humans also have high-level existence cards that we can use. Aren't you holding that book? It's easy to find the source of chaos."

Su Ming pointed to the other person's arms and said that he had already planned it. Perhaps only the person behind the door knew the power of "Love Craft Manuscript".

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