The Death Knell

Chapter 4166 The gathering is complete

The big house given to Deathstroke by the Nuvali people was used as a temporary base. Not to mention, it was an environment decorated with flowers everywhere, and it was refreshing to live in it.

The fragrant air relaxes people and allows them to think about business matters more comfortably.

Wanda has arrived, but Su Ming still has to wait for someone, so he first makes a phone call to ask where they are.

Just when he was about to ask the adjutant to dial the number, Su Ming said no, because the fragrance in the room disappeared instantly and was replaced by a pungent stench.

It's like the smell of bubbling sewer pipes, old dry toilets exploding, or the smell of dung beetles that ate insoles and then died suddenly of disease and then rotted away.

Along with the smell, there was also a mean voice, and a figure flashed outside the window:

"Friends in the audience! I miss you so much! Hehe! Yes, it's me, handsome and unrestrained, with extraordinary strength. The top handsome guy who beauties can't close their legs to see. The passionate red rose among the super mercenaries, the deadpool. ! I’m back! I love you! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah yeah!!!”

While blowing kisses with both hands, Deadpool was twirling around and twerking. He appeared outside the window of the house and seemed to be talking in a direction where no one was. But even so, the smell of his body still came in through the cracks in the window.

"Hey, it's not that I want to take advantage of my cousin, but you can't deal with the Transcendent Protoss without me, right? Even though I know some people may not understand, everyone who understands understands. If you don't understand, you can ask If you ask someone who understands, you should be able to understand."

"If you still don't understand, then go out and turn left and watch Harley Quinn's live broadcast room next door, okay? That's one of my sisters-in-law, and she's knocking the heads of the hostile doomsday survivors over there, pfft A close-up shot of the ground can splatter blood all over your face, but it is strongly recommended that people with weak cardiopulmonary function do not watch it. It is better to go to my green live broadcast room. Even if it is made into a movie, it will probably be PG13, probably."

Su Ming narrowed his eyes, did Ha Li start too?

But Deadpool was still chattering. He pushed open the window, lifted his crotch and legs to go inside the house, and continued to say:

"No, I just said it casually, are you really going? My popularity has dropped, my data! Let's do this, I will perform a unique skill for the veterans, stew myself in an iron pot! How about it? Give away some gifts, okay? Who said shit is stewed in an iron pot? Just wait. After I kill the Transcendent Gods, I will climb over the wall to find you, eat, live, and sleep with you, so that you can deeply feel the charm of my personality. Yes, I His personality is ‘competent’, quack!”

Su Ming covered his face. He had already started to have a headache.

Indeed, Deadpool is also very useful against the Transcendent Protoss. After all, he is a typical wall-climbing user. However, he can injure the enemy a thousand times and damage himself eight hundred times. As soon as he appears, his palms seem to become slippery.


Sure enough, my hand slipped again, but at least it was quiet.

Deadpool fell to the ground for a while and twitched twice from time to time. Originally, his cousin planned to ask him if he remembered to bring the plot continuity gem this time, but at this time there was a knock on the door, and Su Ming decided to go first. Let Franklin open the door.

The human shield that we had made an appointment with a long time ago has arrived. Today, the Grand Duke is wearing a gorgeous black dress and a black cloak with a red inside. His long white hair is spread around his shoulders, and he has a smile on his handsome face:

"Gui'an, Supreme Mage, I dropped by with your cousin. Can I come in now?"

This is the rule for vampires. Before entering other people's homes, you must obtain the owner's approval.

Although he can run around under the sun and underground, and is an anomaly among vampires, as a noble he cannot climb through windows, it doesn't look like that.

"Come in quickly, Your Excellency the Duke, I originally wanted to send someone to pick you up." Su Ming stood up, flashed to the door in an instant, and shook hands with the vampire warmly: "It's really hard for you to go with Deadpool."

"Actually, it's okay. I like the excitement, and as undead, our sense of smell mode is different from humans." Dracula showed four fangs when he smiled, but still walked into the room very elegantly: "Great The house, although I don’t know much about the so-called science, but there are many flowers here, red and beautiful.”

"Okay, everyone, some of you may not know this person, let me introduce you." Su Ming clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, mainly talking to Squirrel Girl and Franklin: "This is the true ancestor of the blood clan, Grand Duke Dracula. They are here to help me fight against the Transcendent God Clan. Grand Duke, these two juniors are my favorite children and have some special abilities."

Dracula's attack power is negligible, but his immortality comes from a higher level. Even God cannot completely kill Dracula, so even the transcendent gods cannot kill him.

An action team must have human shield characters, and Deadpool and Dracula are the human shields chosen by Su Ming.

Deathstroke himself should be able to do it. After all, he is from DC. Beyond the Gods cannot change his attributes, but after all, it hurts to be beaten.

After hearing the introduction, the vampire was quite friendly and nodded to the children gracefully.

But Squirrel Girl nervously covered her chubby neck and pulled her head back so hard that her chin disappeared, as if she was afraid of being sucked.

Seeing her reaction, Su Ming was a little speechless, because Dracula had long passed the stage of being hungry and unselective. Even if he wanted to drink blood, he would only drink blood from a willing beautiful girl, a chubby girl like Doreen.

Is that blood suction or liposuction? Who will make money then?

"Ahem, okay, now we'll have to wait for Doctor Doom. When he brings Matter Zero and the Tesseract to join us, we'll start taking action." Su Ming poured a glass of dragon's blood for Dracula to give him a taste. , talking about his plan: "I will lie to the gods first, and Doom will take you to a place to wait for me."

"Dum has arrived." A green portal opened, and the iron-masked man in a green cloak walked out. Facing Deathstroke's questioning eyes, there was only a calm metallic sound coming from behind the mask, making it unclear who he was. He was not a human being, so I just heard him say: "Fortunately, everything is ready."

After saying this, Doom habitually observed the environment, but when he saw Franklin, he was slightly stunned.

But he was Doctor Doom after all, and he understood almost immediately and recognized that the boy was the son of the parallel world, not his child.

His son was still in the United States, staying in the Baxter Building with Susan. He was not dead yet, so it would not be his son's turn to follow the death knell.

However, although he was calm, Xiao Fu's situation was different.

In the cancerous universe, his father died early in the battle, and only the armor was left to accompany the boy and his mother. Seeing the green cloak and the familiar iron face, Xiao Fu shed tears.

After all, he is a child. No matter how powerful he is, he can recognize rationally that he is not the same person, but he cannot control his emotions.

"The Tesseract." Fortunately, Su Ming was not a completely bloodless and tearless person. He reached out and asked Doom for his own things. After getting them, he turned around and left: "Tell them your plan, and I'll go look for it first." The gods have formed a group, let’s meet at the designated location, remember, hide and don’t act rashly.”

"Doom knows." Doctor Doom sat on the seat vacated by Deathstroke and glanced at everyone present: "This team has comprehensive capabilities, and Doom will make good use of it."

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