The Death Knell

Chapter 4183 Negotiations failed

"As expected of Doom, I don't know how you father and son did it. I thought I would need to come in person."

Su Ming moved closer to the pink cube with emotion, and the minions inside also saw him and started staring at him.

The constructor was very confident. Even though he was trapped in the fetal membrane of the universe, he did not panic at all, nor did he mess around or anything like that. He just stood quietly in the center of the square, waiting for his fate. Advent.

Very rational, extreme materialists are like this, constructors are even more like this.

Su Ming has never fought against the Constructor clan, but in the comics he read in his previous life, this clan is the type that can remain calm even when death is imminent.

The reason is very simple. Like the Transcendent Protoss, they are incomplete. What they lack is called emotion.

They also have parents, brothers and sisters, but for them, this is just a name that exists because of their own origins. It has no other meaning. In their highly technological society, it doesn't matter whether they call a certain creature mother or Zhang San. the difference.

"Not everything requires the Supreme Mage to do it, and not all mages are useless, at least not Doom." Doctor Doom laughed, he hugged his arms, but did not explain how he captured the prisoner , like the whole thing isn't worth mentioning.

If he just showed off his merits, that would not be Doom's style. His B-level has always been very stable, and the method is not to explain.

"Ah, well said, haha."

With the strange sound, Wanda rolled her eyes. She looked towards the corner of the alley. There was a pile of garbage there, but it seemed that someone had turned over it not long ago. The food inside had been picked away, leaving only a bit of soup. Traces of soup and water.

"Doom is just stating the facts. According to Doom's statistics, more than 99.998% of spellcasters are unable to participate in battles above the multi-level level because the way they use energy is too single and controlled by gods."

Doctor Doom lifted up his cloak, clenched his fists in front of him and began to speak. He first condemned those wastes, but soon changed his subject:

"Except for you, Scarlet Witch, you are the most powerful female spellcaster Doom has ever seen. Even your teacher is not as good as you."

After hearing this, Wanda didn't have a good expression. Although she was recognized, there was no need to compare her with Kiss Teacher Agatha. Can't she compare with Storm?

It's embarrassing to say that your teacher is not as good as you.

However, let's just expose it, because Deathstroke's expression has become playful, and he seems a little impatient.

In fact, Su Ming was not impatient, because his attention was not on the two casters at all, but on communicating with the constructor.

It sounds a bit strange, but the two parties are communicating through brain waves. Although Su Ming has an X metal skull, which completely blocks the brain waves, it is not a problem to communicate through strangulation. It can simulate brain waves and is nothing more than a living thing. It's just electrical radiation.

"Are you humans?"

The constructors are quite knowledgeable. Generally speaking, advanced races don't know humans, and they may name earth creatures like Two-legged Ape or Hairless Ape.

"Yes, we are human beings, and I am the Supreme Mage Deathstroke. Moreover, we do not mean any harm."

Although he said this, he had no intention of releasing the prisoners, he was just expressing his kindness through words.

"But it can't be said to be kind." The minion had horns on his head, and there was a swirling pattern drawn with black lines on his body. When he spoke, he lowered his head and looked around, as if to show that he was trapped in the prison. .

"Human beings are different from you, and they are different from the species you created in the past." Deathstroke lit a cigarette and spit out at the creature in the small square: "We humans have feelings, and our kindness is only used for our friends. "

"What do you mean by friends?" The minion tilted his head.

"Creatures or groups with the same interests." Deathstroke gave such a twisted answer.

The Minion understood the meaning of human beings' friends, and he nodded in approval: "Then what are your current interests? Is it related to the stimulant substances you are using now? You have a backward internal circulation and nervous system, which is very interesting."

"You mean cigarettes? I can give you a taste later. It is indeed a stimulant, but for me it is just an ineffective habit that should be given up long ago. However, I need some habits to remind myself that I am still an ordinary human being and cannot do this. Things that are separate from the masses.”

Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, Su Ming simply took off the floating cube from Doom's face, held it up in front of him with the Force, and said:

"As for you asking what our current interests are? It's very simple, to destroy the Transcendent Gods and protect our universe."

"But you are carrying a single-level Cosmic Cube." The minion raised his arm and pointed at the little guy. He was not angry, but was simply stating the facts calmly: "Although she is not a transcendent, she is an inflow of energy from a transcendent realm. An inferior product formed from a single universe, but ultimately a disgusting inorganic body.”

"Dad, will you kill him?" The little guy hugged Deathstroke's neck and looked at him with aggrieved eyes. Tears flowed from his big eyes: "He is so annoying. I am not an inferior product. Kill him and let's go find him." Another Constructor.”

"Xiao Fu?" Su Ming asked the boy standing by.

"It's a trivial matter." Franklin clapped his hands, and he crushed the cube made of Substance Zero into a pancake, and the Constructor inside instantly exploded into a ball of golden mist. The boy said again: "Give me a few seconds. , let me calculate the position of another constructor."

He had already guessed that the little girl was the Tesseract, because there would be no normal human girl exuding alien energy and calling Deathstroke daddy.

But no matter what she is, Deathstroke obviously relies on her now. You can tell by the way she sits on Deathstroke's shoulder. Is that a position where anything can sit?

So every smart boy knows what to do when Deathstroke looks unhappy.

That is to be obedient.

"Okay, I'll trouble you." Su Ming stood up, returned the thin sheet held by the force to Doom, and then pinched the little guy's face: "You are not an inferior product, no one can say anything about my universe Cube isn’t good enough, don’t cry, I’ve already killed him.”

It's not that Su Ming likes killing aliens, although that may be a factor, but this foul-mouthed constructor is not the only choice.

Just kill one and go find another.

This alien can be emotionless, but it cannot be without emotional intelligence, otherwise it will be seeking death. Deathstroke is a human supremacist, and any alien is killable to him.

If the next constructor still doesn't cooperate, he can still kill him. Without them, Zhang Butcher, would he still have to eat pigs with hair on them?

Deathstroke doesn't believe in this evil, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

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