The Death Knell

Chapter 4184 Brainstorming

"Dad, you are so kind, okay!"

The little guy wiped away her tears. Seeing that the constructor who scolded her was dead without a body, she felt much better and quickly kissed Deathstroke on the face.

Why is she so excited? Because everything that guy said was true.

After the little guy entered the realm of transcendence, he discovered that his abilities were nothing compared to other cubes, and he didn't have much authority to mobilize energy. He was just a second-rate product born on earth.

She was afraid that Deathstroke wouldn't want her after this was exposed, so she was eager to silence the Constructor.

"Don't think too pessimistically, little one. In my eyes, you are stronger than other cubes, even stronger than all transcendents." Su Ming smiled and touched her head, and handed her a chocolate frog to eat: " Because you have feelings and they don’t, they are the defective ones.”

"Yeah! I didn't have emotions before, but during the decades I stayed with my father, I learned about emotions, and I also learned from the adjutant aunt how to deal with the contradiction between logic and emotion."

The little guy ate the chocolate and smiled sweetly. She felt a lot more at ease and was not worried about being abandoned.

"Auntie? Isn't she sister?" The adjutant's projection suddenly appeared aside, and she looked very dissatisfied.

Now that she has become a human, she has begun to care about age.

"Oh, Adjutant, you are a bit slow this time. Why did you come online?" Su Ming interrupted the exchange between the two parties.

In a way, the little guy can do everything the adjutant can do, and there is a certain amount of competition between them.

"There was a glitch in my analysis of the application of Substance Zero. It's not easy to get the spider web to accept this substance, so it was a little late to restore communication. And if you need troops now, I can't do it yet."

The adjutant always answered all questions about Deathstroke. She put away her fierce expression and became soft-spoken again.

"It's okay, we don't need more troops for the time being. There are Nuvalis and our bionic vanguard." Su Ming saw that the topic was changed, so he took the opportunity to give the little guy to Squirrel Girl and let her leave. The adjutant's gaze: "Besides, with Wanda and Xiao Fu here, we actually have no shortage of cannon fodder and can produce them at any time."

"Yes, Sheriff, but if the drone cannot be launched, my intelligence support may be greatly reduced." The adjutant was still a little unwilling. Lines of data were flowing in her eyes. It was obvious that while the call was going on, she Still trying.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry, there's still strangulation, and I have other ways to get information." Su Ming touched the black bean sprouts sprouting from his shoulders and answered the adjutant with a smile. The so-called way is to let the symbiote Bite someone's head off.

"Understood, I will try my best to repair the material transmission channel. The adjutant is offline." The white-haired girl nodded, and the projection flickered and turned into light and disappeared.

When Deathstroke was talking to the adjutant, the little girl shared the chocolate with Squirrel. At the same time, she was curiously watching Xiao Fu do what he was doing, and asked the boy:

"How did you do that? I mean, kill a Constructor easily."

"As long as it's higher than the level of their species." Xiao Fu has already calculated the location of the second constructor and is now waiting for Deathstroke's inquiry, so he has time to chat with the little girl: "It's like five-dimensional creatures can Just like easily modifying the three-dimensional reality, the reason is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is to manipulate the spatial variables and the shape of the material arrangement."

"But aren't you a three-dimensional creature? You are a human being." The little guy was a little confused. She used to exist next to Deathstroke in the form of a cube, and she was in her pocket most of the time. Although she could sense what was going on in the outside world through some means. thing, but after all, I am not very familiar with Xiao Fu.

"It's true that I am a human being, but I don't have to be a three-dimensional creature. In other words, I can be any kind of multi-dimensional life as long as I want."

As the boy said this, he casually pinched a small single universe, handed it to the girl for her to play with, and explained:

"It is known that there are XYZ three-axis coordinates in four-dimensional space. If the W axis is added, it becomes a four-dimensional space. Then, I only need to assume W=n and then bring it into the coordinate system, then I can do it without knowing the specific value of n. Let the coordinate system be established, and at the same time, I think that I am a multi-dimensional space geometry, thus raising me to the fourth dimension. By analogy, and adding more parameters to the coordinates, I can continue to increase the dimension without limit. "

"But you still don't know what n is?" This time, the little girl couldn't understand. Xiao Fu's whims made her unable to understand, and she didn't even know how this hypothesis could become a reality.

"I really don't know, but in the realm of transcendence, I know, because all the assumed parameters can be positive infinity approaching infinity." Franklin smiled, the first thing he did after entering the realm of transcendence, Instead of looking for lost teammates, he immediately began experiments and calculations, trying to understand the existence pattern beyond the realm.

Being able to create things out of thin air, he soon discovered the structure of the 'ring', and thus gained an epiphany and realized his own dimensionality.

He does not need to understand what the assumed value of n is, because that is meaningless. He only needs the result, even if the result is a set of countless n's.

But the transcendent realm itself is a collection of functions, and his deduction is completely in line with the rules, so it is established.

"It's amazing...I don't understand it, but I think it's amazing."

The little guy's eyes and mouth were wide open. She really didn't think a human could be so strong before.

Seeing her cute appearance, Franklin also smiled. He had always wanted a sister, so he added: "Actually, your father and your uncle are both better than me. They are just very secretive. You will understand later. "

The little girl nodded in understanding. She knew that her father was very strong. After all, he had been to so many worlds and always took her with him. She knew what level of enemies Deathstroke had faced.

But it can be said that Deadpool is strong... I really can't tell.

"Okay, kids, it seems you are getting along very well." After Su Ming and Doom exchanged a few more words, they returned to the two children. He squatted down and hugged Xiao Fu's shoulders: "How is it? Don't think so. Where is the other Constructor?"

"I have seen it. Just now, he was caught by a transcendent and may be killed. What should we do?" Xiao Fu said his discovery. The constructor is not in the current multidimensional world, or even Not in the current 'house', but across the 'street'.

If you want to save people, you have to move faster. Although the Transcendent looks very irregular, like a black poodle walking upright, it is also a Transcendant and the Constructor's mortal enemy.

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