The Death Knell

Chapter 4188 Summary of Weaknesses

When it first entered the Transcendence Realm, its ability to strangle was limited, but now, after a short period of time, it has relied on its super adaptability to evolve methods that can counter the special rules here.

To put it simply, it is to transform one's own tissue cells into the life form of Perpetua, so as to get rid of the possible influence of the transcendent gods on it. The level of the Mother of Diversity is not low, and it is also DC, and it will not return. Marvel tube.

Not long after it completed its evolution, this second transcendent appeared, which proved Deathstroke's conjecture.

That means that my group may have been observed from the beginning.

It was so coincidental that it seemed abnormal.

But the silver robot in front of him had already rushed toward him with a bright light. He only had a thousandth of a millisecond to react, not the time to think about those things.

Su Ming positions himself as a damage dealer and tactical commander in the team, not a human shield. Therefore, in most team situations, he will not bear the damage, but will use his mind and intelligence to solve problems as much as possible.

Since he dares to enter the transcendent realm to look for trouble, he naturally knows the weaknesses of the Transcendent Gods.

In addition to being afraid of human adrenaline, there are many ways to eliminate the 'virus' level terminals that transcend the gods.

First, they use the power of transcendence, which is an energy different from the energy of the Marvel universe. Generally, it is more advanced and can be regarded as almost a universal energy source in the three-dimensional space. It can be used to change the world and do whatever they want.

But just like the Transcendent Dimension itself, the Transcendent Protoss itself also has a critical point. They cannot withstand energy bombardment that exceeds their own endurance limit.

For example, in "Secret Wars II", the self-destruction of the 'Star Mark' wiped out a group of transcendent protoss. The cross star flashed, and a virus and a group of mapmakers were instantly wiped out.

Starmark is the spokesperson chosen by the consciousness of the universe. His self-destruction is almost equivalent to an impact in a single universe.

Maybe the critical point that the Ivory King can withstand is higher, but there must be an upper limit. As long as the energy burst out in an instant exceeds that upper limit, the Ivory King will burst.

The most typical infinite energy source is the ancient ones. Magicians can borrow their power to fight against the transcendent gods. This is what Strange in Earth 616 did. He used the Necronomicon.

Of course, the result is likely to be a lose-lose situation, but it is still a solution after all.

It is also possible to use Molecule Man to blow up the Transcendence Protoss. Molecule Man is a human flesh singularity bomb created by the Transcendence Protoss. It was originally intended to destroy the single universe as an experiment, but the god Lord Doom in the comics once used them to blow up the Transcendence. Protoss, works great.

The first method, to sum up, is to use massive amounts of energy to flood.

Secondly, the Transcendent Protoss are generally not good at fighting because their abilities in other aspects are too strong. In the past, they could destroy enemies without physical contact. This resulted in them being restrained by powerful warriors once they got close.

For example, Thor and Hyperion both have the ability to replace viruses in close combat. In other words, if the tactics are properly arranged, Hulk can restrain the Transcendent as long as he continues to evolve.

There are many equally powerful warriors, among whom the self-healing ability is strong enough, or the ability to withstand strikes is particularly good, they can be exchanged for coins. It is not a big problem to exchange one for another, it is just a question of whether it is worth it.

If you replace Superman with an Ivory King, it will definitely be a loss. Good people should not die like this. But replacing a cartographer with a cousin would be considered a profit. He can't die anyway, and he might emerge from the garden of death after a while, like a dog peeing on moss.

Therefore, the second method, in summary, is to use powerful melee units to exchange pieces for lives.

The third weakness is time.

According to the intelligence description in the "Avengers V5" comic, their time is linear beyond the gods.

After all, if they want to travel to different multiverses and different single universes, they must have a common time reference point.

To put it simply, the transcendent dimension is the anchor point for their travels. No matter which world they go to, how much time it takes to return to the transcendent realm is the same.

For example, there is a Transcendent Protoss who went to a certain single universe to investigate and lived a caveman life on the earth there for ten thousand years. Then when he returns to the Transcendent Realm, this period of time has passed, and his relatives and friends It’s just that I haven’t seen him in ten thousand years, so there’s no way to say how fast it was.

Otherwise, if he went to world A, some transcended the gods and went to world B, and some went to world C, then whose time should the transcendent realm be synchronized with to ensure that there is no time paradox or flash point?

It doesn't follow anyone. It has its own pace. It is the transcendent gods who must obey the transcendent realm that they rely on to survive, rather than the general environment cooperating with them.

This resulted in the Transcendent Protoss having no time ability.

Therefore, if you use the time ability to deal with them, you can find a way to kill them, or at least trap them, such as negotiating unlimited terms.

The last weakness is that the Transcendent Protoss cannot fight against some cosmic wonders or high-dimensional magical props.

For example, the 'ultimate eraser' known as the editor's lighter, the 'six-sided wishing mirror' on Earth-429001, Deadpool's plot continuity gem, and Squirrel Girl's unreasonable and funny lights-out kill.

What's more, surpassing the Protoss is just strong, they are not invincible. The Nuvali's weapons can hurt them, and a special incubation ritual of the Constructors can also hurt them. All that is needed is to create people who can use these things. opportunity.

If he knew so much information and made so many preparations, but still couldn't defeat the Transcendent Gods, then Su Ming's life would have been in vain.

He had seen the transcendent in front of him before, but looking at the death knell from the perspective of that time was the biggest mistake.

He may have thought he understood this human being, but today, the Deathstroke he faced was faster, stronger, and had more means, as well as numerical and intelligence advantages.

The surrounding white gravel was blown into the air by the shock wave of the collision between the two sides. From a distance, it looked like a Leaning Tower of Pisa, representing countless unknown substances and concepts in the lower dimensions that were swept into it. The violent turmoil did not know how much had been destroyed. Creature's dream.

However, Deathstroke steadily caught the Beyonder's attack. The opponent turned one of his arms into spikes like a knight's gun and stabbed him, but Deathstroke caught him with his bare hands. The black sun with a white corona rose above the two of them. .

Deathstroke's mask originally had only one eye, but in the empty eye position of the other half of the black face, a golden Σ symbol appeared. His power surged again, including emotional spectrum, cosmic energy, force, omega, and darkness. Concepts, and other different lights and shadows flashed across his body quickly.

The ensuing stalemate in the air lasted less than a millisecond. The Transcendent who transformed into a virus was blasted from the air into the white sand. He pinched his neck and pinned him to the ground. The demon-like hoarse voice sounded:

"Surprise? Old friend, we shouldn't have come to this."


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