The Death Knell

Chapter 4189 Outside the atmosphere

Many people think that they are super powerful beyond the gods. Even in Su Ming's previous life, there were many violent rumors on the Internet that the Ivory King was stronger than TOAA. The reason why this happened is because some people only saw "Secret" when reading comics. "War" series, Guang saw a glorious moment that surpassed the gods.

What kind of beautiful moment? The earliest is the powerful performance of the primitive transcendent, whose ruthless play methods like a child are terrifying.

Then came the 'multiverse bumper car' experiment. The Transcendence Gods wanted to use the multiverse as an experiment, destroying the single worlds one by one. Many groups of gods were harvested like wheat, and the five creation gods were killed one by one by the Ivory King. Three, even the Life Tribunal couldn't survive three moves and died suddenly.

The performance was indeed very strong. Su Ming thought it was strong after watching it at the time, especially when he knew clearly what level the Five Creation Gods were, and he yearned for the strength to surpass the gods.

Until he read Fantastic Four Annual


"The Mystery of Heaven and Man" (fantastic








Celestials), Su Ming's mind changed. The Celestial Group and the Creation Gods were still more ruthless.

This comic probably has not been translated into Chinese. Many people in China may not have read it. It is divided into two parts. The first is "Dreadface".

Lives!), tells the story of how a special symbiote controls Susan and the Stone Man, forcing Franklin to obey.

The symbiote called Terrorface is very special. Like a certain starfish in DC next door, it can turn into a mask and lie on the faces of different people, thereby controlling their thinking. Once it is forcibly removed, it will lead to death.

He is also the only symbiote Su Ming has ever seen who does not reproduce but uses his own spores to engage in pyramid schemes. He is indeed quite powerful.

The second story is the mystery of heaven and man. It tells about the cosmic cube Kubik (Kubik) of Earth 616, and the cosmic cube Moss (Kubik) formed by the combination of the original transcendent and the molecular man.

Kosmos) is a story about two people going on a journey to investigate an unknown world.

One day, they came to an unactivated but extremely powerful Celestial Group, but Piccolo told Cosmos about how after the Secret War, the God Lord Doom established the Doujie, and after the Doujie, it transformed into a new and different world. The universe, that is, the matter of the eighth firmament.

There is no more transcendent domain. The Transcendent Protoss killed themselves in the end. Except for the two of them who survived, it seems that the other cubes died from energy exhaustion and the hands of the gods.

During this period, they talked about how the Celestials changed the code of genes and who they were serving, but they did not explain it clearly. Instead, they talked about the "infinite infinite levels", which is the gap in power levels. Using a simple mathematical equation, Copico convinced Cosmos.

The existence beyond the gods approaches the limit of infinity, and the sky has no limit. Of course, there is no word "sky" in the original words, but Piccolo does not know the existence of the sky. She only said that there is a higher-level creature secretly affecting the gods and gods. The creation gods.

During the Secret War, when the Transcendent Gods thought that the Five Creation Gods were in the basement and massacred them wantonly, they never imagined that they were actually outside the atmosphere.

The gods only viewed the various behaviors of surpassing the gods in the Secret War as a social experiment. It turned out that the clown surpassed the gods themselves.

After the war, the Transcendent Gods were completely destroyed, and the Transcendent Realm was destroyed. What about the Eternity and Infinity who were killed before? He was resurrected with the birth of the Eighth Firmament. In addition to changing his appearance, he was still alive and kicking.

Only the Life Tribunal is really dead, but this is also part of the calculation of the Five Creation Gods, because the Life Tribunal is the parachuted leader of TOAA, and the Five Creation Gods are the native lineage of the birth of the sky. Usually the Five Gods are to Obey the management of the Life Tribunal, but if there is a chance, there is no need to discuss cheating the Tribunal of Life.

Anyway, after the war, the five creation gods were all alive and well. The golden giant in the court even had no body. The new life court was replaced by the warlock Adam. He was still a little behind in arm wrestling with the five gods.

Therefore, the Five Creation Gods and the Celestial Gods instead used the Transcendent Gods and the Secret War to achieve their goals, which was to gain more freedom and more autonomy.

Cosmos didn't believe what Kobik said. He tried to read the memory of the Celestial in front of him and saw a blurry fragment. This was the scene where the black and red Celestial was born in the black galaxy. The next second It is it that enters the realm of transcendence, and a single thought destroys the entire transcendent dimension.

Cosmos was frightened. He had never thought that there would be such a powerful individual among the Celestials, and this new black and red Celestial was not an OAA, but an unknown machine.

But Piccolo sadly told Cosmos that the sky is the sum of all creations and thoughts, and that the transcendent gods who can only destroy and exploit the universe can never fight against the true infinite creator.

To the Creator God, the Transcendence of the Gods is just a piece of experimental data and a story, and it has become history.

The two chatted with the dormant Celestial Group for a while, and then lamented that fortunately they stood on the side of humans as the Cosmic Cube, and thus were considered useful by the Celestial Group and survived.

If the data is judged to be useless one day, I'm afraid it will also be cleaned up by the gods, right?

At the end of the story, they sighed for a while, and then continued on their journey, continuing to explore the unknown vast universe, that is, more secrets inside Cangqiong's body.

After Su Ming read this story, he realized that the Celestial Group was indeed not as profitable as usual, and also confirmed their attitude towards humans, that is, as long as they appeared to be 'useful', ordinary Celestial Group robots would be killed at will. It doesn't matter if the universe does whatever it wants.

Because the sky is forever.

Later there was "Iron Man: Heavy Metal" (Iron


Metal) tells the story of Zemo on a completely new earth who picked up a fragment of a transcendent realm. He also picked up a piece of reality rock from the 'Warrior Universe' and built a cosmic cube by himself. As a result, the thing went out of control. It almost caused the new multidimensionality to be destroyed again.

It was Iron Man and Zero who worked together to completely restore the Tesseract, and even allowed Marvel to annex Valve's Warriors universe.

It can be seen from this that the power of transcendence may be a bridge rather than a weapon.

If someone lifts this bridge, of course they can smash it to death, but essentially, its purpose is not to kill.

Because he knew this information, Su Ming could not be afraid of a bridge from the beginning. Even though the CCU was very strong, it had no subjective initiative. As long as it did not fall into the hands of a madman like Reed, the threat was not great. Almost like a bread machine.

He doesn't want to destroy the bridge now, but wants to occupy the bridge for his own benefit.

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