The Death Knell

Chapter 4191 The Boundless Sea of ​​Sand

After defeating a virus, Su Ming did not need to rest. The recent vacation trip had accumulated enough physical strength and energy for him, and his mentality was still stable.

As a warrior with the title of Supreme Mage, what is more important is the idea.

The Transcendent Gods control many multiverses, but they do not directly control them. Instead, they use them as experimental subjects that can be observed, or some kind of entertainment project.

They look down on things in the low-dimensional world, and have never thought about learning anything from those worlds. They lean on the realm of transcendence, like giants sleeping in the mountains, and never worry that they will be surpassed by others.

Even when facing the Constructors who are only slightly worse than themselves in all aspects of strength, or the absolute gods who are evenly matched with themselves, their attitude has always been condescending.

That's right. If he wasn't extremely arrogant, how could he attack the Life Tribunal under normal circumstances?

The Five Creation Gods deliberately tricked the Tribunal of Life. TOAA may not say anything. After all, those five are local snakes. The entire Marvel Universe was transformed from the sky. As long as the reincarnation of the sky is still there, the five creation gods will always be there. exist.

And the Transcendent Protoss who unknowingly became a murderer must be hated by TOAA. Even Su Ming had some doubts. If he didn't do anything, someone would come to deal with the Transcendent Protoss?

Of course, no matter what, I must come this time.

The name is to protect the universe where everyone lives, but in fact, it is still the same old mercenary trick, which is to find ways to gain profits from chaos.

A time traveler who cannot take advantage of a chaotic situation is not a good Supreme Mage.

Sun Tzu said in The Art of War that the prerequisite for victory is nothing more than the right time, right place, and right people. When entering the realm of transcendence, we may lose the right place, but as long as we analyze the intelligence carefully, we will understand that the right time is with us.

Therefore, Su Ming is sure that as long as everyone keeps walking in the white desert, they will surely find the frozen planet that was thrown in, as well as the group of gods who are also looking for that planet, because this is likely to be a joint arrangement between Cangqiong and TOAA. .

"It doesn't feel good to be observed all the time..." Su Ming raised his head and looked at the sky. Directly above the desert, there were strangely white clouds. He couldn't see it at all. Not to the sky.

There won't be any clouds above ordinary deserts, because there is no moisture in the air. Where do the clouds come from?

Of course, this desert is the embodiment of the 'unknown', it is not real sand.

"I have heard of a theory before that says that human beings have self-awareness, which is actually the result of being observed."

Franklin walked beside Squirrel Girl with his arms folded, because Doreen has a big tail that can be used as a parasol:

"Only when a person is 'seen' can he realize that he is a human being, just like the story of the wolf child. A child is raised by wolves. Before being observed, he will always think that he is a human being. Wolves, you can even communicate with wolves.”

"This statement is too idealistic. It shouldn't come from the mouth of a child who is pursuing a technological path. Come on, let me eat this for you." Squirrel couldn't understand again. In order to prevent the boy from continuing to speak, he would show off his stupidity. , she handed Franklin a handful of macadamia nuts.

"I have seen the ultimate manifestation of idealism, which is unknowable chaos and nothingness." Xiao Fu took the nuts, but did not put them into his mouth immediately. Instead, he looked blankly and recalled his years in the cancerous universe.

Even though he has left that universe now, Franklin still dares not sleep because he is afraid of hearing their calls in his dreams.

That is to say, his situation is special. If it were any other child, he would have died if he had not slept for such a long time.

"Well...yes, yes!"

Squirrel Girl seemed to have found a way to answer the question, that is, no matter what the boy said, she would answer yes, yes, yes, and that was definitely true.

But she is also a good sister. She is eating melon seeds in one hand and using a wet wipe in the other hand to wipe the face of Xiao Fu who looks like an African chicken.

The person who also didn't understand the topic was the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan, but he didn't speak at all. Whenever he looked at him, he always smiled like a nobleman, raised his glass elegantly, and took a sip of bright red blood, as if to It's the same as traveling on vacation.

Instead, Wanda was discussing something with Doom. The fragment of the Beyonder in their hands was passed back and forth, as if they had discovered something.

Su Ming naturally didn't want to ask them to say anything. He was communicating with Strangler and the adjutant, trying to use a virus to calculate the combat power level of the Ivory King and even the CCU.

This is difficult. Strangler relies on intuition, while the adjutant relies on data, and the opinions are not unified at all.

At present, we only know that the energy in the transcendent realm must have weakened compared to before, but to what extent it has declined, it is hard to say. The CCU should still have almighty universe-level combat effectiveness.

Of course, it's definitely not as good as the Celestial Destroyer.

The smoking death knell listened to their analysis without saying a word. He just continued to trek in the white desert with a cigarette in his mouth. He climbed over a sand dune. There were more sand dunes in the distance. Occasionally, he saw a few strange patches in the desert. A small stone. If placed in a lower dimension, it might be a special energy point.

Looking at the problem from another angle, the world seems to have become simpler. It is no wonder that the Transcendence God Clan will expand.

Human beings have seen the endless mysterious universe, but all they have seen since childhood were small towns and deserts.

After climbing over the twentieth sand dune, Su Ming saw a depression and his allies. A Nuvali hedgehog warship crashed in the desert, and the upright pug-like aliens were busy repairing it. .


Seeing Deathstroke and others, a Nuvali man wearing gold and red armor issued an affectionate call, opened his short hands and flew over, wanting to give Deathstroke a hug.

Of course, Su Ming immediately slid down the sand dune with a shovel, hugged the dog-headed toad man, and patted the opponent's suit:


The Nuvali's uniforms are also gold and red, and their short stature looks a lot like Tony, which Su Ming has always liked.

It's just that the paint on their bodies is different from each other. The red represents their blood feud with the Transcendent Gods, while the gold represents their favorite gold. The more parts painted in gold, the richer the person is in the company. The internal status is also higher, up to half.

This made Su Ming couldn't help but think of Ultraman. Sure enough, the red and silver color scheme was the most classic, but the later ones with more bells and whistles were weird.

"Are you okay?" Nuvali's comrade held Deathstroke's hand and stretched out his head to observe his body: "We saw the desert here explode before, so we made an emergency jump, but the spacecraft was affected and crashed. But we are fine, are you injured?"

They are quite kind-hearted, just like the Nuwari people. They always care about business partners, let alone like-minded comrades.

"I'm fine, thank you, and you?"

Deathstroke responded with a joke on the spot, retelling a line from a classic textbook. Unfortunately, Deadpool was not around. How many people could understand this joke? Can we really find out anything...

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