The Death Knell

Chapter 4192 Battleships Convergence

The Nuvalis did not give the classic answer, that is, "I'm fine too", but gave a very realistic casualty report.

The crash of the spaceship resulted in the death of a few unlucky people, most of whom were crew members in the bottom cabin. The other crew members were not seriously injured in the crash due to the presence of their suits.

Regarding the company's losses, the supervisor Nuvali was very sad, but he still firmly stated that it is Nuvali's basic national policy to settle accounts with the Beyond Gods. Any sacrifice on the way to collect debts is worth it, and this account will continue to be recorded in the Beyond the heads of the gods.

"Wanda, help them repair the spacecraft. We just need to find a cool place to enjoy the air conditioning."

The witch now has room to play. If he wants Xiaofu to repair the ship, he must study all of Nuvali's technology and understand it before he can completely restore the ship.

But magic doesn’t need to be that complicated. Wanda only needs to gather chaotic energy, and then say:

"The ship is restored."

With a flash of red light, the repair work was completed instantly. Not only that, she also helped the spacecraft lift off from the desert, and also changed the color of the propeller tail flame.

The Nuvali's spaceship is also gold and red, except for the tail flame. Because it uses some special technology that humans cannot understand, the tail flame of their spacecraft is white, which does not match the color of the battleship. There are many of them now. .

"Oh, my gold! Thank you!"

The Nuvali in front of him jumped up happily, slapping Deathstroke's knees, and pleasant words spewed out of his mouth:

"Humanity is really a great race. It deserves to be fought against the Transcendent Gods for seven hundred generations for ten thousand years. The spirit is worthy of learning by every Nuvali. Moreover, this method of using energy called magic is so wonderful and beautiful. It’s red, it’s red, oh, praise you, human lady, you must be rich, right?”

Praising others for being rich, rich, and heroic are the highest praises Nuvali can give.

In their society, being rich means being strong, because of the rules of fair trade within the race, and being rich is seen as a reflection of ability, because wealth does not lie.

Of course, it is limited to their own internal situation, but in the general environment of the universe, most of them are liars.

"Uh, okay, haha." Being looked up at by the pug and toad man with big watery eyes, Wanda scratched her head a little embarrassed and laughed twice: "I'm not a rich person. There are plenty of people on earth who are richer than me.”

Wanda is telling the truth. Her family's conditions are not very good. Magneto has always been poor and does not bother to use his superpowers to mine. All his past wealth has been invested in the great cause of fighting for the liberation of mutants. The Brotherhood They are even more like guerrillas, wreaking havoc everywhere and having no fixed place to live.

Now that Utopia has been established, mutants have a home, but Magneto still has no personal property. He and his family live in the school, which is Charles's home.

The reason is simple, because he regards all mutants as brothers and sisters. He only needs a room in the big family and a place to eat. He has no material desires.

With such a father, and Wanda being a mage, she has never held any money in her hands and is not interested in money.

But this is different when it comes to the ears of the Nuvali people. Repairing a warship more than 30 kilometers long in an instant is not considered powerful on earth? Humans are such a powerful race!

Sure enough, only by being in crisis all the time can we cultivate more strong people. As expected, our family still lives too comfortably.

Nuvali still has a lot to learn.

The two sides exchanged a few more polite words. Deathstroke was well aware of the misunderstanding caused by customs and the local language environment, but had no intention of clarifying it. The Nuvali believed that the human collective was strong, which was also a good thing.

Anyway, now that the spaceship is repaired, everyone can take a ride.

As for why the cloak is not used as a means of transportation, it is because according to his guess, this journey of finding objects may last several days. The concept of the omnipotent universe is too vast, and the unknown area has almost no boundaries.

Asking Xiao Fu to give the 'Marshmallow Compass' to the Nuvali people, Su Ming and his party were guided to the exclusive lounge by the staff. Nuvali's spaceship was originally big enough, and it also used space technology inside. As for the death knell, The small team was assigned a cabin of more than 3,000 square meters.

Inside, whether it is food, drink, entertainment, or clothing, food, housing, and transportation, everything that living things need has been prepared, and they are all very beautiful.

"This is the first time Doom has seen a garden in a battleship." Doctor Doom came to the garden in the courtyard. There are hundreds of beautiful alien plants here, and they are blooming with gorgeous flowers: "Slade, It’s much better than the Flying Ancient Tomb we sat in last time.”

He was talking about that trip to negative space.

"The Nuvali people are an advanced civilization. Humanity still has a long way to go." Su Ming stood beside the doctor with his hands behind his back, feeling the slight tremor of the spacecraft as it moved forward: "When I surpass the gods, I plan to embark on a big voyage. You know the times, right? Are your Latvian people ready?"

"Doom said they are ready, they must be ready." Doctor Doom said the dictator's speech and expressed his attitude. He must be in step with Deathstroke, because in the drastic changes of the times, falling behind is inevitable. Be eliminated.

Latvinia is Doom's homeland, a place he loves deeply. When he thinks that some people may live a backward and bleak life in the future because of their stubbornness, he is heartbroken and cannot bear to see that scene.

Therefore, instead of letting those people be slowly eliminated by the times in the pain of the future, it is better to do it yourself and let them leave this world painlessly.

This is what a king should do and it is also a manifestation of responsibility.

"Okay, then you just wait for the news. I have already agreed with Lao Zheng that your Latvinia will receive my first batch of guidance at the same time as China, and Wakanda and Utopia will be a little later. .”

Deathstroke sat down cross-legged by the garden, holding his chin and smoking slowly:

"Of course, the premise is that our operation goes smoothly this time and we can capture all the tens of millions of multiverses beyond the gods. After all, just preparing a ship is not enough. We have to prepare a sea for humans."

Doom crossed his arms, sat down cross-legged in mid-air, floating there, like a green cloak holding him up in the air, he said:

"Yes, Doom is sure we won't die here. We have the True Ancestor of the Blood Tribe and Deadpool."

He didn't go into too much detail, but Deathstroke understood what he meant. These two teammates with super immortality were used to back him up at critical moments.

"I probably have some plans. Which one to use depends on the specific situation, but it's too early to say now." Su Ming took out the wine bottle, poured a glass for himself and the doctor, and the two of them clinked the glasses gently: "You have a rest. Well, I have a feeling that this journey won’t be too short, we may have to fly in the desert for several days.”

"Is there any basis for this?" An interested voice came from behind Doom's mask.

But a certain Supreme Mage began to act erratically again. He pulled up his cloak to cover his face, exposing only one eye, and said in a hoarse voice in a pretentious manner:

"Because...I'm better man!"

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