The Death Knell

Chapter 4196 Persuasion

Chapter 4196 Persuasion

Dracula escaped before being hammered. The bats he transformed into seemed to have no entity, but were silhouettes of black and red energy, like origami or something else.

Most of the bats were burned to ashes by the hammer, but the Archduke appeared beside Deathstroke unscathed, because as long as one bat escaped, he could restore his existence intact.

Su Ming knew that it was almost time to step forward. He asked others to prepare for battle while he flew towards the huge ball of corpses.

No one knows how many dark gods are buried here, but there must be many, because the creators have removed more than a dozen corpses from the earth, but the size of the sphere does not seem to have shrunk in any way.

"Everyone! Congratulations! You killed someone!"

Deathstroke flew to their construction site, used the energy of the yellow light to transform into a giant electric horn, and shouted to the gods.

The gods were still busy with their work. They seemed not surprised by his arrival, but they didn't pay much attention to it. The leading robot said in English with an electronic tone:

"Deathstroke, leave and don't get in our way."

Yes, Su Ming is somewhat famous now. After all, he is the spokesperson of Weishan Emperor. It is not surprising that he is recognized by the Gods.

It seemed that it was useful to fight them while pretending to be Gnar. The other party didn't recognize that he was the person they fought against a few days ago.

"You just beat up my cousin. I won't leave until I explain this clearly." Deathstroke floated in front of the huge face, looking at the other person's glowing eyes like a heating bag: "I know you are just a single universe. Level execution team, in this case, you can contact the manager now, and we will discuss the compensation issue."

The huge god stopped moving, as if he was calculating something, but obviously he came to a very irrational conclusion, that is, he stretched out his hand to drive away the death knell like a mosquito.

Without Su Ming saying a word, several people hiding in the sand on the ground took action. Doom modified his armor with Substance Zero. He raised his hand and shot a pink light, which accurately hit the big hand that was hitting Deathstroke.

Compared to the Celestial God's arm, that ray of light was so thin that it seemed like it didn't exist. However, just such a ray easily penetrated the Celestial God's arm, causing quite a penetrating injury.

The explosion occurred from the wound, and the mechanical structure inside the god exploded with sparks. His attack movements stopped. It seemed that he could not understand why Substance Zero was in human hands in a short period of time.

Of course they are aware of Matter Zero, because it is the afterbirth of the firmament of all ages.

Su Ming did not move. He was still floating lightly in the air. He just stared at the god opposite and said:

"You made a wrong decision again. If you want to attack me, you will be charged. Now call your leader over. Can OAA come?"

The answer is no. After Doom attacked the Creator, the other gods seemed to enter hostile mode. They swarmed up and began to fight the Deathstroke team.

These guys don't seem to have any advanced programming, they are just tools to protect the team leader.

There are a lot of them, but it's not a big problem, because this kind of single universe-level god robot is no match for Franklin.

In addition, the boy now has the cooperation of Scarlet Witch and Cube, what will happen, even Deathstroke can't imagine.

During the few days that Xiao Fu was on the alien spacecraft, because the children were not allowed to go to the mahjong table, he had been studying the piece of Transcendent Gods body that Doom had harvested. His previous attempts to shape a new Cosmic Cube failed, but Nuwa Li Ren gave him another inspiration.

That is to use materials that surpass the gods to give yourself a high-level suit.

The piece of metal he picked up was not big, but that was not a problem. He just needed to use chaos magic to make it bigger. In addition, the little guy could also provide some ideas and information. Franklin controlled the metal and made himself a silver-white armor.

Although he is only 1.2 meters tall and weighs 40 kilograms, and looks like a skinny monkey in a suit, human combat power is not only provided by the body, but the mind is the most important weapon.

At this time, Xiao Fu was equivalent to a high-dimensional creature wearing the skin of the Transcendent Gods, and he had already understood the attack methods of the Transcendent Gods.

To put it bluntly, it is just to mobilize the energy contained in the transcendent realm and use it to change the properties of low-dimensional creatures.

For example, if a metal that was stable in the past becomes unstable and will explode or shatter at the slightest touch, such an attack would be fatal enough.

The boy's soles breathed fire and came into the air. Facing the numerous attacking gods, he imitated Iron Man's attack method and spun a small top in the air with his arms stretched out.

Two blue-white lights swept across the battlefield like knives. The other groups of gods exploded one after another, and then the wreckage fell into the white desert and gradually sank.

Now, only the leading Creator is left. He also wanted to take action, but as he was speaking, Strangler had already entangled his limbs. With just a little force, the symbiote that had eaten the Black Sword squeezed in the tentacles. into the opponent's metal body.

It feels as simple as grabbing tofu with your hands.

"I really don't know how the OAA designed the program for you." The tentacles behind Su Ming danced wildly, and the black cloak fluttered with it. He covered his forehead in distress: "Why do you still attack me when you know you are not my opponent?" Are you looking for death? Is it because the Dark God Group involves some secrets that cannot be known to humans?"


The Creator didn't speak, he just shot out light from the complex compound eyes, which was another means of attack.

But in front of a Jedi, there is no future in playing with light skills. The lightsaber in Deathstroke's hand is not even a toothpick to the Celestials, but with just a flick of this short weapon, it is as thick as a football field. The beam of light flew into the sky.

"You still want to play? You are so naughty."

Su Ming motioned to strangle the god's legs and let him kneel on the ground, while he looked down at him:

"I just want to negotiate a condition with you. Is it so difficult for you to call a steward? Isn't it because you want to reclaim the Dark Gods because they were traitors back then? Is it to find the location of the final host? I have all these things Now that you know it, do you still need to sacrifice yourself to protect the secret?"

Finally, it seemed that he was right, or maybe his legs were strangled and eaten, which frightened the god a little.

The God Team raised his head and made a thunderous voice:

"Human, why do you know this?"

Su Ming suddenly smiled. He spread his hands and looked at his teammates behind him:

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. Do you understand the meaning of this sentence? This is a common saying on earth. It means that unless you don't do something, otherwise, as long as you do it, humans will know it sooner or later."


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