The Death Knell

Chapter 4197 Unable to understand

Logically speaking, Su Ming persuaded people with good words and persuaded others with his reasoning. The God Team should be deeply moved and cooperate.

But the only remaining founder in front of him was like a stone in a pit, smelly and hard. After he got the explanation of the classic ancient words of the death knell, he knelt there without saying a word.

Although the grilled eyes on his face showed no emotion, Su Ming inexplicably felt a familiar feeling, that is, the tough guy spirit of shouting 'kill or behead as you please' even though death is imminent.

Although his reason told him that the Celestials robots all make decisions based on calculations. Their so-called thinking is a string of numbers. This can be seen from the growth of the Celestials. The Celestials started from the simple binary system of 0 and 1, and each time they learned one For every new number, they grow by one point.

But no matter how they grow up, they can't get rid of mathematics.

If eternity and infinity are representatives of the concept of the universe, then the Celestials are the formulas that use the concept. They are living calculators and the maintainers of the entropy value of the universe.

But those have nothing to do with Death Knell. What he likes most is tough guys. He doesn't like this kind of perseverance and bravery, but he likes to see tough guys die in front of him with a lot of regrets.

Uncooperative prisoners are useless assets, and the special operations team needs to be light and simple, so of course the burdens must be cleared away. This is also the simplest calculation.


It bit off the survivor's head in one bite, and the huge head was swallowed like a ball. Without even chewing, it disappeared into its big mouth like a black cloth bag.

Seeing the headless body falling on the white sand, the Gods had no blood or tears, but the sound of his falling was real, including the rustling sound of gravel as he sank into the sea of ​​sand.

Maybe this is how it comes from the universe and finally returns to the universe.

Taking off his mask, Deathstroke lit a cigarette. He looked at his teammates behind him and spread his hands:

"It's bad luck to meet a brainless person."

Strictly speaking, except for the Celestial Destroyer, the other individuals in the Celestial Group have no brains. They are inorganic bodies, so this is a cold joke.

"Haha, it is inevitable that this will happen." Doctor Doom remained calm. Anyway, he had Element Zero in hand, and he knew that Deathstroke must have a backup plan, so he chatted with confidence: "Dum has long discovered that the Celestials are very similar to humans. , most of which are people who are not smart enough.”

"In fact, intelligence is also a very subjective relative concept." Franklin had a different view. The boy's suit flowed and turned back into a small silver metal square in his hand. He raised his head and said, "You take yourself as the standard, then Naturally, everyone is a fool; but if a black man in Africa who has never received education is used as a standard, then most people are smart people."

"Ah, I understand this, it's because of comparison."

Squirrel Girl, who was flying up with Wanda in her arms, answered, but her eyes were still on the black ball suspended in the air behind her.

Xiao Fu nodded. He looked at the little guy flying beside him, and then also looked at the graveyard of the dark gods:

"Human beings are like this. They live in various comparisons all the time, but the Celestial God group does not. So I suspect that the Celestial God group who died before did not understand what 'can take care of things' at all. Judging from the logic of the Celestial God group, , each of them is in charge and cannot appreciate the meaning of comparison in the context of the death knell.”

"I see, then this is a communication barrier." Su Ming didn't care, he would kill them all anyway, and this kind of god group is not valuable.

Except for those primitive gods who are relatively rare, the other gods active in the single universe are all assembly line products manufactured later and have very limited authority.

Why do we say this? We have to start with the birth process of these individual universe-level gods.

The leader of the original group of gods, or the great steward. As the first creation of the first sky, it has the almighty universe level. Later, many primitive groups of gods also have the super universe level. The final work of the celestial body destroyer is in In terms of combat effectiveness, it is stronger than OAA.

But such a level causes their energy level to be too high. Just entering the single universe may cause space to collapse with a slight movement, because the space concept of the single universe is too thin to withstand their battle. After all, it was originally Even the First Firmament Age was destroyed due to the war between the Gods of Color and the Gods of Darkness.

However, many things need to be laid out from the basic cells that constitute the omnipotent universe, such as the single universe. What should we do?

OAA, which exists as the brain among many figures, thought of a way to create a secondary body with a lower energy level that can move in a single universe, just like everyone else.

Just like humans invented microscopes and tweezers in order to perform some micro-operations, these 'little gods' groups later created are tools used by OAA to micro-manage individual worlds.

The manufacturing process of inferior Celestials is very simple, that is, OAA first selects a planet in a single universe, and then throws a 'seed' towards that planet from outside the universe, just like throwing a meteorite. In other words, it is a mechanical structure that can convert energy into matter.

This object will penetrate deep into the core of the planet and draw energy from there over a long period of time. When the planet is eaten up, it will break out of its shell, and a new group of gods will be born.

It can be seen that this kind of god contains at most the energy of a planet when it is born.

The upper limit of development, which is the peak of the single universe, cannot be transcended.

Tweezers or needles are certainly useful when doing work, but no one would use them on a battlefield, right?

Anyway, killing these single Celestials is equivalent to breaking off some toothpicks or needles from OAA. It’s not a big deal. People have plenty of them at home.

Kill him if you want, it doesn't matter, as long as you are cautious when facing the primitive gods and don't make enemies casually.

Nal is still on the blacklist just because he killed the original gods. He doesn't have the ability to kill all the gods, so he shouldn't cause such trouble, but who made him get up so angry?

"It seems we have Plan B. Everyone, get ready. Let's resurrect a Dark God Group and let it summon the final host."

Su Ming issued a new order, no matter which group of gods he cooperated with, it was just to deal with the CCU that surpassed the gods.

If this backup plan fails, the worst possible scenario is to summon the Ancient One to come.

The strength of the Dark God Group is not bad. In the end, the host can tie with the Celestial Destroyer. They just lack a commander and think tank like OAA, but as long as they are willing to cooperate, Su Ming can completely provide his tactical command ability to make up for them. This shortcoming.

"Resurrection of a Celestial God... What to do?"

Franklin was a little stunned. He could indeed kill the gods easily, but his understanding of the gods was not enough to resurrect them.

Destruction is always easier than creation. The former requires only enough violence, while the latter requires more knowledge.

Deathstroke just smiled slightly and asked the boy to watch. He circled his hand in the shape of a small trumpet around his mouth, took another deep breath of cigarette, and adjusted himself...

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