The Death Knell

Chapter 4198 Dark God

What does Su Ming want to do? Of course, we have to call Deadpool to start work.

The reason why we have always emphasized that he should be beaten to a pulp by the gods is to make arrangements in advance.

The Celestials especially like to use sledgehammers to destroy planets. This is known. Regardless of comics, movies or animations, if the Celestials use weapons, they must choose sledgehammers. And the interior of Xiente is full of corpses of the Dark God. This is also known information.

So Deathstroke arranged Deadpool as a backup just in case.

But what I thought at the time was that if the creator called the parents, but the people who came were unwilling to cooperate, then they would build a Dark God to act in order to gain trust.

But now, the first step of the original plan has not been carried out, so Su Ming can only switch to plan B and try to change the transaction partner.

The planet suspended behind everyone, after the ice shell and earth crust were broken into broken glass, revealed a black ball composed of the corpses of the black Celestials. This black ball was not a completely compact structure. After all, the Celestials were not square. There must be gaps between the square metal shells.

So, think of this black ball as a hollow dishwashing ball structure full of gaps. If you want to penetrate into its core, of course the liquid will flow in faster.

That's what Deadpool's meatballs are for.

Deathstroke has always had a guess about the shape of this tomb, thinking that it resembles the way ants protect themselves when crossing a river or facing a fire, so he guessed that there might be relatively precious individuals in the center of the sphere.

I can’t say exactly what it is, but I’ll know it soon.

As for whether Deadpool can do this? There's no need to worry, just tell him whether it's reasonable or not.

With a high-level prop like the Plot Continuity Gem in hand, whatever he does is reasonable.

"More money!"

Although the black ball is almost the size of the moon, and the Deadpool who is deep inside may be thousands of kilometers away from everyone, Su Ming did not even use the strangle as a trumpet, let alone a spider totem, he just shouted these three words like singing a folk song. .

Yes, when a cat is sleeping, shake a small dried fish in front of its nose and it will wake up immediately.

For Deadpool, money is the best medicine to accelerate self-healing.

Don't worry about whether he can hear, Deadpool can be considered a super soldier, although not exactly, but he also has special selective super hearing.

He could hear the sound of someone dropping a wallet several kilometers away on the noisy streets of Manhattan on a Monday morning, and immediately identify which pavement drain the steel tumbler that rolled out of the wallet fell into.

As long as he wants to play Superman, he can have super hearing.

Of course, when it comes to money, he is basically willing.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the huge black ball began to shake, giving people the feeling of being like a popcorn stove, full of suppressed energy, and even glowing with white light.


Doom cast a spell immediately. His magic had been recorded by the suit. Casting a spell only requires the activation words, and the suit will recite the entire spell at a speed that humans cannot achieve, thus achieving the effect of completing a huge magic in an instant.

It takes ordinary mages several hours to set up a magic circle to complete the advanced magic, but Doom uses special magical technology to cast it in less than a second.

However, a green shield rose up in front of a few people, like a turtle shell, which didn't look very good.

After all, Su Ming was from China. To be honest, it was a little difficult for him to understand Doom's choice. After all, he had learned magic in the Himalayas. Why did he like green so much? I usually wear a cuckold...

If you want to see for yourself, Doom would be most suitable to wear white.

The next second, the black ball exploded, and the strong black light illuminated everything in front of him. The shield magic made a sound like being hit by waves, followed by the earthquake of the earth shaking.

When the bright light dissipated, you could see that Deadpool was blown out, his whole body charred and black. His limbs were twisted unnaturally in the air, his head was flattened, and he was even more miserable when he landed.

But he healed himself immediately and ran to his cousin and stretched out his hand. His face was exposed under the broken mask. He smiled and stretched out his tongue:

"How much more?"

"Did you get the goods I asked for?"

Su Ming looked at the dark gods who were blown to pieces and was a little worried. In a way, Deadpool is the mercenary who is the most difficult to predict his future behavior.

"Here it is."

Wade took off his trousers on the spot and opened his trouser pockets. He was instantly hit by what was poured out. It was a one-size-fits-all Dark God corpse.

The principle is very simple. It is the space bag given to him by his cousin. Because he often needs to unfasten his belt, he is afraid of losing the waist bag. He asked an old black woman for help a long time ago and used the space bag as a trouser pocket and sewed it into his pants. inside.

Since he doesn't change his pants for several years, this is safe enough.

He was smashed into a pulp before, and the muddy pond flowed down due to gravity. Naturally, he entered the core of the black ball and discovered this special dark god.

The other party is dead and inorganic, so it can be put in your pocket.

Regardless of the size, the body and the emblem traditionally occupy the same space.

It's just that he can't pick up such a big machine, so it's a bit troublesome, but he has another way, which is to take off his pants, open the pockets, and then put it on the corpse's head. This is the process by which he can bring out the goods his cousin wants. .

As for him, he had no discussion with Deathstroke before, so how did he know what his cousin planned to do?

It's also very simple. It's just the understanding between the brother and the mercenary. He knows that his cousin will not make useless arrangements, and he also understands that Slade likes to take advantage of everything. When he turned into meat and flowed into the black ball, Wade immediately understood the intention.

This Dark God is one size larger than the other corpses. Although I don’t know what this means, special means valuable, and valuable means valuable.

If you don't have this kind of battlefield intuition, why are you a mercenary? Go find a class at Wilson's Instant Noodle Factory, and the noodles you handle may have a meatier flavor.

"Well, add five hundred."

Su Ming looked at the dark god in front of him. This was obviously a single-level god group. Although it was slightly larger and had an extra horn on its head, it was not yet at a higher level.

It can be seen from the size that the high-level gods group is large and easy to identify.

But it’s just him, and now there’s no room for picking and choosing.

Taking out five bills, he rolled a ball and threw it towards his cousin. Deathstroke turned to his teammates and said:

"Let's get started. No matter what method you use to restart him, our life-saving grace should make him willing to cooperate. But be careful. The Dark Gods are said to be crazy. You have to be careful about his sudden outburst."

"Leave it to Doom, you can rest."

Doctor Doom did his part. It was the first time for him to see the Dark God, and of course he didn't understand what was going on with these things.

However, with Substance Zero in hand, it is possible to create another firmament, because it is the placenta.

So he accepted Deathstroke's mission assignment immediately. With Franklin and Wanda providing help, and a Cosmic Cube used as a calculator, restarting a robot should be just a matter of time.

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