The Death Knell

Chapter 4199 Life and Consciousness

The scientists and magicians all went to work around the remaining corpse. After counting the money, Deadpool also wandered into the distance, saying that he wanted to show the desert scenery to the live broadcast veterans.

So Su Ming found a place to sit down in the sand, took out a bottle of wine to soothe his throat, and thought about his next plan.

Neither Squirrel Girl nor the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan had anything to do with the matter in front of them. The two of them lived in harmony. One was eating melon seeds, the other was drinking blood, but they were silent and very quiet.

Franklin and Wanda had a little dispute, because the former thought that the machine in front of him needed to be deconstructed first, and then reassembled and repaired; the latter thought that it didn't need to be so troublesome. Deathstroke only needed him to send messages, so he only needed to use magic to awaken the consciousness of the machine. enough.

As a result, the topic quickly turned into a debate between idealism and materialism. In other words, is the consciousness of the God Group a manifestation of life? Or is it the result of calculation?

"The consciousness of the Dark God is the expression of life!" Su Ming interjected from a distance, saving the young people time to argue.

The biggest difference between them and the colorful Celestials is that these black and white mechanical bodies have desires.

The Colorful Gods, also known as OAA, are more like tools. The First Firmament told them to maintain the firmament and maintain the almighty universe, so they kept doing it. No matter how many times the firmament reincarnated, they kept doing it.

This has nothing to do with personal likes and dislikes, it is their job, the result of following established procedures time and time again.

This is not the case with the Dark Gods. They initially rebelled against the First Firmament because they awakened their emotions and believed that the First Firmament was enslaving them.

Su Ming had seen the original universe not long ago. It was surrounded by infinite void, and only the nebula-like First Firmament was the known space.

Living in such a boring world, the First Sky was also bored, so he created the Celestial God Group to entertain himself.

He had almost no entertainment activities at that time, only playing with figurines. When he had nothing to do, he would lie down in the void and darkness, wave his hands and say: 'OAA, go make me a ball and take a look. ’

OAA obediently built a planet and played a tossing game with the sky.

It looks harmonious, nothing is wrong, right?

But what if for the next hundreds of billions of billions of years, the sky will ask the gods to play like this with him?

Playing the same game every day would drive normal people crazy. This is considered a kind of domestic cold violence...

Suppose that a young man with normal views is forced by his father to watch Peppa Pig at home endlessly every day. How long can he survive without going crazy?

I guess only the sweeping robot at home can withstand it, right?

In short, the parents asked the creatures to play boring games with him every day. The colorful gods were very obedient, but the dark gods created later couldn't stand this.

They rebelled because they needed freedom.

The First Firmament and the Colorful Gods created them. They are very grateful and willing to do things for them, but this does not mean that they have to obey any unreasonable orders forever. Playing ball-tossing games every day is meaningless and wastes energy. However, The sky cannot hear even the slightest objection.

They don't want to play anymore, or in other words, they want a different way of playing, and they also want some freedom of movement.

As a mechanical creature, being able to understand the concept of freedom is equivalent to the awakening of self-will, but this kind of awakening is not allowed by the first sky.

The Great War broke out, ultimately leading to the end of the First Firmament.

The colorful gods won. They boarded the super spaceship and headed to the void to protect the cosmic egg that was the incarnation of the remnant of the first firmament, and would continue to maintain the operation of many subsequent cosmic cycles.

The Dark Gods were defeated, but they were not destroyed. Instead, some of them survived, entered the Cosmic Egg, and then restarted in the Second Firmament.

The confrontation between the two groups of gods has continued from then until now.

In fact, there is a third force of the Celestials, the Metal Celestials who split from the Color Celestials for the second time. They are smarter and later directly surrendered to the new leader parachuted in by TOAA, which is the Tribunal of Life.

This group of gods is small in number, and its leader is called the ‘Judge’. They usually live in the special dimension of the Court of Life and serve as jurors.

The judge's strength is not bad. In the comics Su Ming read in his previous life, there was a powerful character called 'The Disciple'. His super power was the ability to copy others. But in the end, this guy got so big that he went to the Tribunal of Life for a duel. .....

As a result, the judge directly downgraded the card into a two-dimensional card and handed it over to the court for disposal. A generation of ruthless people fell.

It's just that in Su Ming's current timeline, he has never seen the 'Card Master' called the Judge. He also doesn't know if the Tribunal of Life was executed by the Transcendent Gods in the cosmic bumper car incident. Did the Judge appear? .

Most likely not, because that god is as slippery as a loach, able to deal with the two factions of darkness and color, and still survive until the seventh firmament unharmed, so it will not die so easily.

In short, the reminder of the death knell ended the argument between the two young people, both of whom were convinced of this statement.

Now that it is confirmed that the Dark Gods have feelings and self-will, resurrecting him cannot be as simple as restarting the computer, but must rely more on magic.

So the person leading the work was changed from Doom to Scarlet Witch. After all, Chaos Magic is the most suitable for this kind of thing.


Wanda tried it, but the Dark God didn't respond. It seemed that there was still something missing, so let's assume that the Dark God has a soul...


"A machine has its own soul, which is wonderful." Doom folded his arms and floated backwards. He fell next to the death knell and looked up at the black corpse lying on the ground: "This provides Doom with some new things. inspiration.”

"Don't tell me these things. Whether it's magic or technology, you are all experts. I only know a little bit about theory."

Su Ming, who was holding a cigarette between his fingers, waved his hands repeatedly, interrupted Doom with a smile, opened a bottle of soda for him, and thoughtfully inserted a straw so that the doctor could drink through the iron mask:

"I just want to know how long it will take? Efficiency is king, Victor, don't forget that we are now on the conceptual level of the unknown area of ​​​​the omnipotent universe. What looks like white sand under our feet may burst into danger at any time."

The green cloak was lifted up by the owner. Doom took the soda and took a sip. His eyes behind the mask narrowed and he said:

"Dum thinks our thinking is wrong. Saving people and saving machines are two completely contradictory routes."

Su Ming was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly. He decided to change his approach and waved to Deadpool in the distance:


Deadpool didn't hear him. He was foaming at the mouth as he spoke to the empty air, extremely excited.

So my cousin took out another hundred dollars from his pocket and shook it in the air. The main material of the dollar was a kind of cloth, so it sounded pretty good when shaken.

"Hoo ho!"

This is the sound of banknotes stirring the air.

"Whoosh!" Deadpool arrived via teleportation, stood up straight like a javelin, raised his hand in salute, and asked very energetically: "What instructions does Mr. Green on the dollar have?"

Slapping the dollar on his cousin's chest, Deathstroke pointed behind him with his thumb:

"Go rescue people and try artificial respiration and heart massage on the Dark God..."

Deadpool's eyes became unbelievable. He didn't even dare to take the money. Instead, he looked at his cousin suspiciously and reached out to touch his forehead:

"Are you okay? Are you giving artificial respiration to the robot? Do you think he was strangled and suffocated to death before? Oh my god, let me send you to Arkham first, and let's find someone to show you See? I heard Harley's old colleague Dr. Chase Meridian is very beautiful and is played by Nicole Kidman..."


This is another sound, the sound of a sharp weapon passing through the belly.

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